
Actor Bochkin Igor Ivanovich: filmography, biography, photo. Personal life of a star

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Actor Bochkin Igor Ivanovich: filmography, biography, photo. Personal life of a star
Actor Bochkin Igor Ivanovich: filmography, biography, photo. Personal life of a star

Bochkin Igor Ivanovich is a talented actor, who was first talked about after the release of the drama "An emergency of regional scale" with his participation. Directors love to entrust him with the roles of strong, powerful men, but he knows how to create directly opposite images. By his 59 years, this amazing man managed to star in more than 70 film projects and TV shows. What is known about his past and present, what are his roles considered the best?

Bochkin Igor Ivanovich: childhood

The actor is a native Muscovite, was born in February 1957. At the age of 10, Bochkin Igor Ivanovich experienced the first tragedy of his life - his father left this world. The boy’s mother was forced to give most of her time to making money, so Igor was actually left to his own devices. He did not dream of a career in the field of cinema, but his talent for reincarnation was noted by others. A lot of spectators had a child when he parodied other people's voices.


As a schoolboy, Bochkin Igor Ivanovich made his film debut. A lively boy having fun with friends in the Forum cinema was noticed by an assistant director who was looking for an actor for the drama The Lights. The guy liked the creators of the picture, he was entrusted with the role of Kuzka Zhuravlev. The first character of Igor was a clockwork, cunning pioneer, whom the district committee, together with classmates, sends to the village with an important mission - the fight against illiteracy.

The next role was not long in coming - the aspiring actor played Mikhail Basharin in the film project "Red Sun", aimed at young viewers.

First love

After serving in the army, Bochkin Igor Ivanovich did not decide on his future profession. The decision to enter GITIS was impulsive, the actor seriously did not expect to become a student of the famous university. However, the young man’s talent helped him to charm the selection committee, and the cinematic experience acquired earlier was also affected.


As a freshman, Bochkin survived his first love. His attention was attracted by the charming young lady Alice, who studied with him. Relations developed rapidly, lovers practically did not part, understood each other perfectly. However, life together cooled their ardor, in the last year of GITIS Bochkin Igor Ivanovich and his wife divorced. There were no scandals, the decision to break up was mutual.

Star role

Having received a GITIS diploma, the actor began to take the first steps in the world of cinema. Of course, the films in which he starred at school were already forgotten. The young man was initially entrusted with only episodic roles. For example, he played Izvekov in the film "Such a tough game - hockey." The popularity came to Igor thanks to the scandalous tape "PE of regional scale", shot by Sergei Snezhkin in 1988.


In those days, everything related to the Komsomol was still held in high esteem. The aspiring actor took a big risk, agreeing to the role of Nikolai Shumilin. His character is a Komsomol leader with many vices. The purpose of the film was to demonstrate the depravity inherent in the representatives of the Komsomol "elite". Drunkenness, dubious sexual relations - all this and much more was allowed to itself by the hero, the image of which was embodied by Igor Ivanovich Bochkin. Photos of the actor from this film can be seen below.

The situation was complicated by the presence in the film of frank episodes involving a rising star. The fame acquired by Igor after the release of the picture had a touch of scandalousness. Komsomol leaders even tried to impede the demonstration of the tape in movie theaters. However, Bochkin’s goal was achieved - he suddenly became a sought-after actor.

Top Movies and TV Series

Nikolai Shumilov is far from the only negative character played by Igor Ivanovich Bochkin. The filmography of the star in 1990 got a drama in which he again got the role of "bad guy." It was the "Furious Bus" in which the actor portrayed a terrorist capturing teenagers. Bochkin really managed to demonstrate the cynicism and cruelty of his character, the actor even appeared haters after the release of the picture.


The artist managed to consolidate his success thanks to the television project "Goryachev and Others", in 130 episodes of which he starred. After the first episodes, Igor got a lot of fans who kept watch over their idol everywhere. However, Bochkin took philosophical attitude to “people's love, ” since it is part of the profession.

In the image of a charming rogue, the lyceum appeared before the audience in the comedy "Barkhanov and his bodyguard." Igor’s character famously cranked up various scams, managing not to catch the eye of law enforcement agencies. The paratrooper Paul, whose image he created in the drama Reportage, also liked the audience.


The year 2004 turned out to be difficult for the star: Igor Ivanovich Bochkin survived the heart attack and the subsequent clinical death. The disease that triggered such a development of events was an intestinal infection that he had taken during his vacation in Thailand. For 12 days, the doctors did not vouch for the life of a man who at that time was only 47 years old, but a miracle nevertheless happened. Frightened, Igor radically changed his lifestyle, began to monitor nutrition.