
Actor Evgeny Ganelin: biography, filmography

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Actor Evgeny Ganelin: biography, filmography
Actor Evgeny Ganelin: biography, filmography

Eugene Ganelin is an actor who was remembered by the audience thanks to the rated television project “Deadly Force”. He brilliantly played in this series the gloomy policeman Lyubimov, a tireless fighter against crime. What is known about this man?

Evgeny Ganelin: the beginning of the road

The star of the series "Deadly Force" was born in St. Petersburg, it happened in January 1959. Eugene Ganelin was born in the family of a correspondent and a teacher of history, among his relatives there are no movie stars. Mother and father dreamed that the heir would follow in their footsteps. However, the idea of ​​engaging in scientific activity never seemed attractive to him.


By the time he finished school, Eugene already knew exactly what profession he wanted to connect life with. On the first attempt, a talented guy entered LGITMiK. He was accepted to the course, which was taught by Vladimir Petrov. Parents made their last attempt to convince their son, but they did not succeed.


Evgeny Ganelin graduated from LGITMiK in 1980. The young artist was sheltered by the Youth Theater on the Fontanka, but he did not work there for long. Already in 1982, the young man joined the creative team of the Baltic House Theater, which he left in 1986 for the Komissarzhevskaya Theater.


“Soap Angels”, “Pit”, “Nameless Star”, “Suicide”, “Chichikov”, “Thief in Paradise” are just some of the sensational productions with the participation of Ganelin. Also, Eugene repeatedly occupied the director's chair, for example, worked on the performances of “Night Rehearsal”, “Dialogues”, “Katarina”, “The Seagull”.

First roles

In the movie, Eugene Ganelin has been acting since 1985. The drama “Feat of Odessa” became the debut for the actor. The film tells about the brave, ready at the cost of their own lives to defend their hometown in the midst of World War II. The character of Ganelin in this tape was a brave senior sergeant who agrees to risk himself in the name of saving other people.


This film did not give Eugene fame, as it did not have much success with the audience. A similar fate awaited the tape "Criminal Talent" and "Defendant." However, Ganelin was confident that his star role would not be long in coming.

"Destructive force"

"Deadly Force" - a television project that brought popularity to Eugene Ganelin. The filmography of the actor got a series that tells about the everyday life of operatives. Interestingly, the role of Lyubimov he got almost by accident. Fate ordered that Ganelin visit the casting, before that he had never heard of "Deadly Force."

Initially, Eugene expected to get the role of Maxim Verigin. As a result, the image of this character was embodied by Sergey Koshonin, while Ganelin played Zhora Lyubimov. His hero is an operative who takes his business seriously. Lyubimov is able to repulse any brave man, for a word he does not climb into his pocket. In 2005, the television project was closed, which Ganelin was very pleased. Over the years, the actor managed to get tired of his character, he wanted to conquer new horizons.

The filmography of the actor

Eugene Ganelin, whose photo can be seen in the article, most often plays the military. For example, the actor reincarnated as Lieutenant Colonel Chibis in the action movie “Situation 202”. In the film "Antisniper 2: Double Motivation" he played the role of Boris Romanov. In the film "Military Intelligence: Western Front", Captain Vladimir Samartsev became his hero.

Of course, not only in the brave military is reincarnated Eugene. For example, in "Sea Devils", the mysterious colonel of the FSB became his character. In The Secrets of the Investigation, the actor brilliantly played the head of the security service.