
Actress Tatyana Cherdyntseva: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

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Actress Tatyana Cherdyntseva: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows
Actress Tatyana Cherdyntseva: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

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“Death to Spies: Shockwave”, “Red Queen”, “I Blinded It”, “Cookies with Prediction”, “Love That Wasn’t” - films and TV series, thanks to which the audience remembered Tatyana Cherdyntseva. By the age of 28, the talented actress managed to light up in about 70 film and television projects. What is her story?

Tatyana Cherdyntseva: the beginning of the path

The actress was born in Minsk. It happened in June 1989. Tatyana Cherdyntseva was born and raised in an ordinary family. She has no famous relatives. The actress has a sister Anastasia, with whom she is very friendly.


In childhood, Cherdyntseva was an active and agile girl, had many hobbies. Tatiana had time to practice piano at a music school, take vocal lessons, practice horseback riding and fencing. Also, the girl attended a dance studio and art school.

Choosing a Life Path

The theater entered the life of Tatyana Cherdyntseva, as soon as she was 7 years old. She began to study in a drama studio, which worked at the Bolshoi Theater. It is not surprising that Tanya had a desire to become an actress early. The performances with her participation were successful with the audience, which helped the girl to believe in her talent.

After graduating from the ninth grade, Cherdyntseva continued her education at the Minsk State College of Arts. Then she graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of Arts.



The first steps to fame Tatyana Cherdyntseva made in her student years. The girl was repeatedly involved in professional theatrical productions. In 2008, she even won the Berezinsky Ramp Theater Festival.

In 2009, the Belarusian Youth Theater opened its doors to the aspiring actress. She worked there for no more than one year, since she did not see any prospects for herself. This was followed by cooperation Cherdyntseva with the "Theater Ark." In 2013, the girl played a key role in the production of "More Than Rain", which allowed her to receive the prestigious award of the Ertil International Theater Festival.

First roles

On the set, actress Tatyana Cherdyntseva first appeared in 2011. She got a cameo role in the television project "The Return of Mukhtar." In the same 2011, the series “Navigator” was presented to the audience court, which tells about the misadventures of the hero who lost his memory. Tatyana in "Navigator" was assigned a small role of Lena Fedorova.


In which films and TV shows did Cherdyntseva appear at the dawn of her career? A list of film and television projects is given below:

  • "Waiting for love."

  • "Happinnes exists".

  • "Path along the river."

  • "Team eight."

  • "The best friend of the family."

  • "The heart is not a stone."

  • "The Hunt for Gauleiter."

  • "Save or destroy."

  • "Golden scissors."

  • "Another side of the moon".

  • "Family detective."

  • "Once upon a time there was love."

  • "Coltsfoot".

  • "Striped happiness."

  • "Healer".

  • "Dolls".

  • "White Wolfs".


Films and TV shows

Thanks to the first roles, Tatyana Cherdyntseva attracted the attention of directors. Films and series with her participation were released more often. The actress brilliantly played the heroic radio operator Lisa Kotova in the mini-series Death to Spies: Shock Wave. This was followed by the role of the eccentric daughter of a wealthy businessman Lera in the melodrama "I Blinded Him." The heroine of the actress is going to marry ordinary programmer Grisha. However, parents do not even want to listen about unequal marriage.

The actress played one of the key roles in the adventure series Traces of the Apostles. Her heroine was a student Alevtina, who during the summer holidays attacks the trail of an ancient treasury. In the "Red Queen" Cherdyntseva brilliantly embodied the image of circus artist Eli. In the TV series “My Alien Child” Tatyana is assigned the role of a prudent and enterprising real estate agent. She played the theater administrator in Unsolved Talent.

Personal life

What happens in the personal life of Tatyana Cherdyntseva? It is known that the actress is not married, and also she has no children. The girl does not think about creating a family, as she focuses on her successfully developing career. Of course, in the future she plans to acquire a husband and children.

Unfortunately, there is also no information about Cherdyntseva’s romantic hobbies. The actress does not like to discuss this topic with strangers. From time to time, rumors arise about her relationship, which Tatyana always refutes.