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Dragons red: description, legends

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Dragons red: description, legends
Dragons red: description, legends

Video: Видеообзор - Самый лучший Зомби сервер (Legends of Red Dragons Zombie) 2024, July

Video: Видеообзор - Самый лучший Зомби сервер (Legends of Red Dragons Zombie) 2024, July

Red dragons are symbols that are used in the east and in Europe. They are related to Welsh mythology. A creature named I-Dryg Goch appears on the canvas of the Welsh flag.

In the east

In addition, the legend of the red dragon has survived in China. Unlike European beliefs, here he personifies good and the whole nation. Draw parallels between him and the elements of water. The big red dragon is a symbol to which a celebration is dedicated every year, during which people ride boats. In the east there are many interesting stories about these fabulous animals.


In China, the dragon is a inhabitant of water bodies such as seas, rivers and lakes. In addition, he can fly. This deity commands moisture and rain, helps the earth to be fertile and fertile. When people caused rain, they often used images of this mythical creation from the sixth century BC. Wang Chun systematized knowledge of dragons in the 1st century BC, creating his treatise “Lun heng”. The Moon Dragon is a character who has been used in productions of the shadow theater for many centuries.

The Chinese character has quite interesting interpretations. He is credited with a camel's head, or deer horns, or the demonic color of his eyes, snake’s neck, fish scales, eagle claws, tiger legs, cow’s ears.

In a word, this is a fantastic creature, which even by description is not so easy to recreate in the imagination. At the same time, in the images we can see something completely different. Writers describe a lump on the head of dragons, which gives them the opportunity to soar in the air without wings. However, in the drawings this, again, is not. In terms of size, the Great Dragon Jian-Tang is described as making 300 m long. They reproduce with the help of eggs.


Also, the legend of the red dragon, folded in Wales, broadcasts that King Llid had previously lived with his brother, King of France Llewelys. The legend is placed in Mabinogion. The essence of the legend is that men are tired of the war of the red dragon and white. Their battles could continue indefinitely if the heroes did not fill the excavated pit with honey, into which these creatures landed.

The red dragon of chaos seduced on a sweet bait and fell into a dream. His body, like that of white, was wrapped in canvas. The very hole in the ground was covered with a thick layer of soil.


Disclosure of secrets

Red dragons are also mentioned in the history of the Britons. Vortigern, the famous king, conceived the construction of a castle called Dinas Emrys, which would then be renamed the fortress named after Ambrose. However, no one knew what kind of oddities happened to the walls. Some creature destroyed them every night, so that in the morning work had to start from scratch.

The ruler wanted at all costs to remove the evil spell. On the advice of local magicians, he was supposed to make a sacrifice, choosing for this a boy who did not have a father at birth. It was Ambrose that this heavy lot fell. He is also considered the prototype of the legendary Arthur, the English king.

The boy was not taken aback and told the head of state that the matter was in an underground lake, in the waters of which still lie the bodies of two mythical creatures - winged snakes, the very ones that were trapped when the war of the red dragon and white ended.


The Omen

They dug up the earth. The lizards were still alive and were extremely happy that they could finally be released. This time they again start a fight and its outcome is beneficial to people. Ambrose said to Vortigern that all these images are not so simple, a subtle allegory can be traced here: the lake is the personification of the image of everything that surrounds the kingdom, the winner is the people of the king, and the white dragon is the people who came to Britain to capture it territory and enslave the local inhabitants, that is, the Saxons.

Red dragons are symbols that also speak of the reign of Uther, whose last name (Pendragon) in itself means "the dominant winged serpent." This king was Arthur's father. Red dragons are directly related to magic, all magical and mysterious. So here they also include the image of Merlin, to whom such a creature revealed the future in his prophecies. In particular, it was about the great rule of the son of Uther.


Royal symbol

According to The History of the Britons, in 655-682, the Kingdom of Gwynedd ruled Cadwaladr Cadwallon, who had his own dragon. The ruler needed to join the battle at Bosworth. It went down in history as a large-scale battle between Lancaster (which was led by Henry Tudor) and York. Henry VII was then a contender for the rule of England.

His Welsh pedigree with distant roots disposed to it. A symbol with a fire-breathing creature was on his banner, and then migrated to the coat of arms of the family. Henry VII published his coins using this image. Neither the predecessors nor the followers of this king did such things in the mint, which makes the precedent unique.

In addition, in other symbols of the dragon Victorious George overthrew. Heinrich did not use it as a bad sign, but rather, a symbol of personal strength and the emblem on which the creature had beautiful and powerful wings, striking with its strength and power. He sat on a mountain covered with greenery. Such a beautiful image was fixed as a state sign.
