
Actor Gurzo Sergey Safonovich: biography, filmography and interesting facts

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Actor Gurzo Sergey Safonovich: biography, filmography and interesting facts
Actor Gurzo Sergey Safonovich: biography, filmography and interesting facts

Despite the fact that not a single Leningrad publishing house reported his death, this news instantly spread throughout the Northern capital, and even in Moscow they learned that Sergey Safonovich Gurzo (Safronovich) had died. Thousands of admirers of his acting talent gathered at the burial place in the Southern cemetery. The heart of the idol of Soviet moviegoers stopped on September 19, 1974, Sergei Gurzo did not live to see his 48th birthday in just four days.


Biography of Gurzo Sergey Safonovich: childhood and youth

The future idol of the Soviet adventure cinema of the 50-60s was born on September 23, 1926 in the family of the famous Moscow neuropathologist S. I. Gurzo and the teacher of exact sciences of the music school named after Gnesina N.M. Gurzo. As a child, Sergei Gurzo was a typical Moscow schoolboy from an intelligent family. School, yard games and first love - everything is like the rest of the pre-war teenagers. The family of the future film actor lived in a communal apartment of an old Moscow house, which is located on the Kuznetsk bridge in the very center of the capital. In addition to Sergey, the family had two more children. Sergei Gurzo met the war with a fifteen-year-old guy, and two years later, in 1943, the young man volunteered to go to the front. The young man was seriously wounded in one of the battles in Poland in 1944.

Choice of profession

After the recovery, Sergey Safonovich Gurzo is demobilized by the decision of the medical commission and returns to Moscow, where the young man has to make a choice of his future profession. Without thinking twice, the young man decides to follow in the footsteps of his uncle, the brother of his mother Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudryavtsev, the leading Moscow actor of the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky. After the first attempt, in 1946, the young man becomes a student at the prestigious Moscow Theater University - the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography. Boris Bibikov and Olga Pyzhova became his curators of theatrical skills.


Acting Student Debut

A talented young man is immediately paid attention to, and after the dizzying success in Sergei Gerasimov’s film “The Young Guard”, where one of the young guards of Krasnodon, Sergei Tyulenin, is VGIK student Sergei Gurzo, the biography of the young man as a film actor becomes the property of Soviet cinema. A young student cheerfully celebrates his every cinematic victory with friends. In twenty-eight years, Gurzo Sergey Safonovich will die in the Leningrad clinic, his health will be shaken by excessive addiction to alcohol. In the meantime, the future of the idol of Soviet cinema seems cloudless.

Sergey Gurzo: biography, movie roles

After the premiere of the film “The Young Guard”, where young students of theatrical universities played the heroes of Krasnodar, and later the most beloved and recognizable artists of Soviet cinema - Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Nonna Mordyukova, Georgy Yumatov, Inna Makarova and Sergey Gurzo - the actor receives several other offers from leading directors of the country. So, in 1950, three films with the participation of a talented actor were released on the screens of Soviet cinemas:

  • "Far from Moscow".

  • "In peaceful days."

  • "Brave people."


The last film was an extraordinary success not only among ordinary citizens of the Country of Soviets, but also among the party government tops of the Soviet Union. From now on, Gurzo Sergey Safonovich is part of the elite of Soviet cinema, his talent admires I.V. Stalin himself, which makes the path of the actor to the cinema completely unhindered.

Interesting Facts

Fate favored Sergei Gurzo, he was helped by luck, talent and … Comrade Stalin himself. In 1947, Joseph Vissarionovich was shown one of the Hollywood Westerns. After the lights were turned on in the hall, the leader said: “I did not see the plot in the film, but it is famously twisted. Can’t our filmmakers be able to create the same film? ” The cinema committee perceived the words of the head of government as a guide to action. Soon, preparations began for the shooting of the film “Brave People”, directed by Konstantin Yudin. The picture was a tremendous success, but the most important thing is that it was highly appreciated by the main viewer of the country. JV Stalin after watching the feature film “Brave People” said: “People will like such a film.” More than 41 million viewers gathered this film in 1950, which was an absolute indicator in the post-war Soviet film distribution.

Soviet movie star of the 50-60s

The film was shot in Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk. The main role of Vasily Govorukhin was played by Gurzo Sergey Safonovich. The filmography of the actor after the release of the film "Brave People" is gaining momentum. Almost every year film premieres with his participation appear on the screens of the country:

  • 1952 - based on the story by I. Vasilenko “Asterisk”, the feature film “Towards Life” is released on the screens of the country.

  • 1953 - “Anxious Youth” according to the V. Belyaev trilogy “The Old Fortress”.

  • 1954 - “Outpost in the Mountains”, a film by K. Yudin about Soviet border guards.

  • 1956 - Sergey Gurzo plays the main role in the film "Restless Spring."

  • 1957 - based on the novel of the same name by N. Ostrovsky, the film “Born of the Storm” was shot.

  • 1959 - together with S. Gurzo in the production drama “Everything Starts on the Road”, film debutants play A. Demyanenko and N. Krachkovskaya.

  • 1961 - the actor appeared before the viewer in the image of a charming truck driver in the I. Horizon film by I. Kheifits.

  • 1961 - a short film "Diplomat" and the film-drama "Two Lives."

  • 1962 - Sergei Gurzo starred in the film 713 asks for a landing.

  • 1965 - Alyoshkina Ohot, Oath of Hippocrates and the Conspiracy of Ambassadors.

  • 1969 - the film "Lovers".


The personal life of an idol

Sergey Gurzo was an outwardly incredibly beautiful and charming young man, which the fair sex could not help but pay attention to. When he entered the Institute of Cinematography, many girls looked at him, and one of his classmates, Nadezhda Samsonova, liked him too. Soon the young people got married, and Sergey Gurzo brings his chosen one to the house on the Kuznetsk bridge. Life seemed to be long and happy, young people adored and idolized each other. In a happy marriage, two children appear. Twins Sergey and Natalya Gurzo were born on November 2, 1947. Subsequently, both will become famous theater and film actors.

Divorce and leaving the family

Who would have thought that in front of the actor, a divorce, illness and failure in the movie awaits. A terrible ailment - alcoholism - will destroy not only his life, but also the life of his loved ones. The attachment of Sergei Gurzo to the drunken fun after the release of each picture brought a lot of trouble and grief to the family. He could no longer do without alcohol.

Relations with his wife became worse and worse, but this did not stop the audience’s favorite, he continued to drink, spending his time in numerous companies of more and more “friends”. Soon their marriage with Nadezhda Samsonova breaks up, and Sergey Safonovich leaves for Leningrad, where he marries Irina Gubanova, an equally popular movie star of the 50-60s. However, because of his addiction, this marriage is doomed to failure.


The artist further has several unregistered marriages that fail. However, in one of the civil unions, the actor gives birth to two daughters with whom he does not support paternal relations. He is still carried away by friends with whom you can have a great time. Among the many lovers of Sergei Gurzo were actresses of the circus, cinema and theater. One of them was the famous circus dancer on a horse Gitan Leontenko, a beautiful gypsy who managed to charm another celebrity of Soviet cinema - Alexei Batalov, becoming his second and last wife.