
Actor Nikita Mikhalkov: biography, personal life, children and creativity

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Actor Nikita Mikhalkov: biography, personal life, children and creativity
Actor Nikita Mikhalkov: biography, personal life, children and creativity

Video: Михалков - власть, гимн, BadComedian (English subs) 2024, June

Video: Михалков - власть, гимн, BadComedian (English subs) 2024, June

The Mikhalkov family is rich in talented and extraordinary personalities. Art and wisdom have always been appreciated in their home. I took myself these main characteristics of the family Nikita Mikhalkov. You can learn about the personal life and work of the actor from the material.

Blood nobleman

His life began in 1945, on a cool autumn day on October 21. The famous person was the baby's dad. The whole country sang a song composed by Sergey Vladimirovich - the father of Nikita Mikhalkov. The biography of this man is very exciting. He was a writer and author of the anthem of the Soviet Union. Mom Natalya is a children's writer and translator. No less popular was the elder brother, eight years old, Andrei, who is now making films in Russia and abroad. So, Nikita was lucky to be born in an unusual, talented family.


The man himself remembers well that in their house there were always interesting and intelligent guests. There were intellectual conversations at the table, and parents and their friends more than once discussed the cultural situation in the country. But then the boy did not see anything supernatural in these events and even believed that it could not be otherwise.

Humanities in the shower

Perhaps the biography of Mikhalkov Nikita Sergeyevich has developed just like that thanks to his intelligent and cultured family. Today in a prominent place in the director’s house hangs the pride of the family - the family tree. Among his ancestors were: the writer Pyotr Konchalovsky, the artist Vasily Surikov, the artist Pyotr Konchalovsky and other famous people. There is a relationship with Gogol and Pushkin.

The boy spent the first four classes in a specialized school, where the emphasis was on mathematics. At first, the study was successful. But later the child realized that such a science was too difficult for him. According to the director himself, he was once called to the board. It was necessary to solve a simple equation. But all the knowledge flew out of my head.

Therefore, he began to study in a simple school Nikita Mikhalkov. The biography would have been very different if the boy continued to study mathematics.

Curious childhood

In a regular class, he attended various circles and subsequently entered a music school.

Year-olds knew about the noble origin of the child, so they often laughed at him and insulted him. The boy endured mockery for a long time, until one day he restrained himself and lied to schoolchildren. He said that he was taken from the orphanage. After that, the ridicule partially stopped.

But the truth was revealed later, when his mother came to the parent's meeting. One of the teachers noted that raising a strange child is very difficult. When Natalya Konchalovskaya found out that her own son was an “orphan”, she was very angry. Then the educational hour was waiting for the boy at home, which Nikita Mikhalkov still remembers. The biography of the actor would not be so interesting without such facts.


From school to film

The boy was constantly drawn to art. Contributed to the development of his creative nature and family. Father paid very little attention to children, but he was always fair. An example to follow for little Nikita was his older brother. It was because of the influence of Andrei that the guy decided to enter the acting department.

Consequently, at the age of 14 he played his first role as a schoolboy. The picture was called "The sun shines for everyone." Then the boy played in the episode. A year later, in 1960, he again appeared on the screen in a feature film on the anti-religious theme "Clouds over Borsky."

But a real breakthrough awaited the boy after the picture "The Adventures of Krosh", where he got the role of one of the main characters. After this film, the biography of Nikita Mikhalkov changed. A brief story tells that three Moscow high school students practice at the motor depot. But suddenly an expensive shock absorber disappears in the warehouse. One of the students decides to conduct his own investigation.

Most famous character

After this film, Nikita became infected with star fever. His room was hung with his own photographs. The fact that the guy lifted his nose, his older brother found out. Once Andrei hung among the cards of his younger brother a portrait of his great-grandfather, the artist Vasily Surikov. Nearby was the inscription: "Take an example from the ancestors." The guy immediately felt ashamed of his behavior. After that, he never considered himself superior to others.

As planned, in 1963, Nikita Mikhalkov began to study at a university. His biography closely connected him with the Shchukin Theater School. The talent of the guy noticed immediately. But not only the teachers in pairs, but also the directors on the stage wished to see the young man. At that time, they were not allowed to combine studies with work on the set. However, Nikita violated the ban.

In the fourth year, the guy, on the recommendation of his older brother, was invited to star in the film "I Walk in Moscow." Here his character is an active, cheerful and young guy. This project immediately became successful, and millions of people still sing a movie song.


First love

Because of the filming in the project, the guy often missed couples. Consequently, in 1966 he was expelled from the theater. But this does not upset the young man. He goes to the Institute of Cinematography at the directing department. And right away, Nikita Mikhalkov enters the second year. Biography (personal life also changed during this period) is developing perfectly.

While still a student, the young man met with Anastasiy Vertinsky. The viewer knows the actress in films such as Amphibian Man - her character Guttiere and Master and Margarita - played a major role. Young people immediately fell in love with each other and in 1966 they played a wedding. The couple did not think about money and housing. Then the first-born Stepan was born. However, after three years, the family broke up. Both actors sought professional growth. Nikita wanted to see his wife at home with the children. And Anastasia dreamed of a career.

In the new educational institution (it should be noted that brother Andrei also graduated from this institute), the man conquered new horizons. His talent was enough for cinema. Consequently, while still studying, he staged his plays and tried to make films. The graduation work, “Quiet day at the end of the war, ” even became the best among student works.


Perfect wife

At this time, he met a girl named Tatyana. This was the future wife of Nikita Mikhalkov. The biography of this person is closely related to the scene. No wonder he met his next love on the set. The young lady then worked as a model and tried on outfits from the best designers of the country.

Immediately after receiving a diploma in 1971, a man was taken into the army. There he continued to do what he loved and often participated in concerts. As soon as he was free, he immediately went to Tatyana. Subsequently, the couple played a wedding. It should be noted that they celebrated without breaking away from the creative process. After all, then they shot the film "Amongst strangers, a stranger amongst friends, " which helped the actor gain a reputation as a successful director.

In 1974, daughter Anna appears. After a while - son Artem. The children of Nikita Mikhalkov followed in the footsteps of their father. The biography of all the offspring of the director is associated with cinema. In 1986, a girl was born again in the family, who was named Hope.


Fatal work

All the sons and daughters of the artist, as he himself once, in childhood suffered from a lack of attention of his father, who was constantly busy at work. He had not seen children for weeks, but managed to raise them with good and self-sufficient people. Of all four children, only the youngest, Nadezhda, now states that she had enough of her father's love. They spent a lot of time together.

Instead of a family circle, a person chose a job. So, in 1982, he starred in Ryazanov’s film “Station for Two.” Next year, he himself is working on the painting “Without Witnesses”. In 1987, his film "Black Eyes" was released.

Nikita Mikhalkov is also well known abroad. The biography of a talented person includes such a fact as receiving a prestigious award - an Oscar. He received it for "Burnt by the Sun."

Then the man was very worried. During the ceremony, they took many breaks and in order to relax, he drank at the bar. Therefore, when he was awarded the award, it was already "warm". Meanwhile, the little daughter Nadezhda, who accompanied him during the holiday, reassured dad with the words: “Do not worry, this is only the Oscar.

Even today, his family recalls that several weeks after the ceremony, Nikita walked in a good mood.


In the footsteps of father

Sometimes the lives of their own children became material for future films. For example, in the film directed by "Hitchhiking" participated Stepan's son. He played the role of a Russian officer there. In 2005, he became the producer of the picture "9 companies". Now he practically does not act in film, but is engaged in restaurant business.

It is not surprising that the public is interested in Nikita Mikhalkov. Biography, personal life, the director’s children are associated with public events. Daughter Anna also became an actress. In fact, her first work is the film Anna: 6 to 18. My father shot this picture for a long 12 years. The main character is a daughter who answers the same question every year. The whole family took part in this work. However, Anna herself declares that she does not like the project, since she considers it very personal.