
Actress Alexandra Bulycheva: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series

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Actress Alexandra Bulycheva: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series
Actress Alexandra Bulycheva: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series

The series "Mummies" gave fame to many young actresses, and Alexander Bulychev is one of them. The biography of the girl indicates that she was going to become an engineer, but fate decreed otherwise. “Border of time”, “Full transformation”, “I see the goal”, “The abduction of Eve”, “Mockingbird smile” - popular films and series with her participation. What else can you tell about Alexander?

Bulycheva Alexandra: childhood

The future star of the series "Mom" was born in the industrial city of Glazov, which is located in the Udmurt Republic. A joyful event happened in January 1987. The singer is the career that Alexander Bulychev dreamed of as a child. Sasha’s biography testifies to the fact that she was a soloist in the Glazovchanka choir.


Sport also played an important role in the life of young Bulycheva. Alexandra was engaged in dance aerobics and athletics, achieved excellent results in middle-distance running.

Student years

By the time she graduated, she had not yet decided on the choice of the future profession of Alexander Bulychev. The biography of the girl suggests that her parents convinced her to graduate from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Sasha received a diploma in metallurgical engineering, but flatly refused to look for work in her specialty. Even then, the permanent star of school performances began to dream of a career as an actress.


On the first attempt, Alexandra managed to enter the Shchukin school, she was enrolled in the course, which was taught by Mikhail Malinovsky. In her student years, Bulycheva hosted the program “Das Ist Fantasy, ” which was broadcast on NTV. She also played her first roles in films and TV shows, including Detectives, Riddle for Vera, How I Met Your Mother, and Maroussia.


As a student, she managed to declare herself as a theatrical actress Alexander Bulychev. Sasha’s biography says that she performed her first roles on the stage of the Training Theater. “The Examiner”, “The Capercaillie’s Nest”, “Oranges from Morocco”, “Do not part with your loved ones” - performances with the participation of Bulycheva.


Alexander received the diploma of the Schukin School in 2012. Then, the aspiring actress signed a contract with the Theater Center Platform. 100% Furioso is a sensational production in which she embodied the image of Angelica. The plot was borrowed from the poem "Frantic Roland", the focus of the audience was a post-industrial society, focused only on consumption.

“I see the goal” (2013)

Bulycheva Alexandra first attracted the attention of viewers and critics, starring in the military drama "The Target I See." The painting by Evgeny Sokurov was released in 2013. The film tells about the difficult fate of girls snipers who sacrificed themselves to save their native lands during the Second World War.


Alexandra in this drama embodied the image of Lieutenant Mila Sizova, her heroine commands a platoon of snipers. The plot of the picture is borrowed from real life, and the famous sniper girl Lyubov Pavlichenko became the prototype of Mila. While working on the film “The Purpose I See, ” Bulycheva refused the help of stuntmen, all the tricks were performed by the actress personally.

Films and TV shows

Thanks to the military drama "The Purpose of Seeing" became the sought-after actress of Alexander Bulychev. Films and series with her participation now go out one after another. You can see the young star in many rated television projects, for example, “Real Boys”, “Clever Man”, “Priceless Love”, “Maryina Roscha-2”, “Mockingbird Smile”, “Second Chance”.


Alexandra is an actress who does not have a distinct role. Bulycheva equally succeeds in the roles of capricious beauties and purposeful careerists, good and bad heroines. The girl created an interesting image in the comedy “Full Transformation”, she played the role of narcissistic secretary Diana, who easily manipulates people. For the sake of this role, Alexandra abandoned the natural color of her hair, painted in a fiery red shade. She also had to lose a little weight, since Diana is the owner of an ideal figure.

The series "Mom"

“Mummies” is a rating television project in which Alexandra Bulycheva starred in 2015, a photo of which can be seen in the article. This is a story from three friends, each of whom has their own destiny. The actress played the role of Victoria Smirnova - one of the friends. Her heroine is a lonely and unhappy young lady who can not meet the man of her dreams in any way. Boredom encourages Vick to spin one novel after another, constantly deceiving others.

Alexandra admits that the role of Smirnova negatively affected the attitude of women towards her. She began to feel a wave of distrust emanating from them, jealousy. In the eyes of many spectators, Bulycheva turned into a windy Victoria, which easily seduces men. The actress does not hide that such an attitude upsets her, because she has nothing to do with her character.