
Actress Ekaterina Yurievna Volkova

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Actress Ekaterina Yurievna Volkova
Actress Ekaterina Yurievna Volkova

Ekaterina Yurievna Volkova is a talented theater actress, also known for significant roles in the cinema. Since childhood, fond of music, is the author of many songs. She was married to the odious writer and politician Eduard Limonov.



Ekaterina Yurievna Volkova was born on 04.16.1974 in Tomsk, but was forced to move with her parents to Togliatti, where her childhood passed. From a conscious age, the girl dreamed of a public profession, wanting to repeat the success of Alla Pugacheva. At the same time, Katya never wanted to be an actress. She graduated from a music school in piano and choral conducting, believing that she could do this all her life.

Musical achievements did not prevent Volkova from studying at the Wheel Theater Studio in her native city. But the girl had to leave the studio after persistent attention from the director, who was not tactful. Further, she ended up at the theater institute in Yaroslavl, where she mastered the basics of acting.

In 1997, Ekaterina Yurievna went to the capital to enroll in the RATI on the course of Mark Zakharov. If the applicant herself doubted the success of her ideas, then the master immediately accepted her to the third year. Later, the future actress graduated from GITIS and began to actively participate in entreprise productions of the best theaters in the country.



Getting true pleasure from serving Melpomene, Katya never aspired to work in the cinema. But the intervention of fate decided everything for her. A chance meeting with Alexander Abdulov within the walls of LENKOM became not only the key to strong friendship, but also the beginning of a new path for Ekaterina Yurievna Volkova.

As a result, the actress starred in the series Next, then in the filmography there was a film story "About Love", and later - the film "KGB in a Tuxedo". Realizing that working on the set is not only a pleasure from the profession, but also the possibility of high earnings, a sensible woman increasingly began to appear on screens. However, Catherine did not interrupt her romance with the theater, looking for an outlet in it during the most difficult periods of her life.

First marriage

In parallel with career growth, a sexy woman manages to build her personal life. Although Katya never considered herself beautiful and was complex about her appearance, she had no shortage of fans. Her first husband was an ordinary man named Alexey from his native Togliatti.

The actress was truly in love with the chosen one, the couple had a daughter Valeria. Even when Alex became a defendant in a high-profile criminal case, Volkova was there. However, over time, the relationship deteriorated. The husband categorically opposed the public profession of Ekaterina Yuryevna, whose photo more and more often flashed on the pages of secular chronicles. Freedom-loving and ambitious beauty could not accept his rules of life. She left her husband, forever interrupting communication with him.


Second marriage

The next chosen actress was the director and producer Eduard Boyakov. But since he had a strong family that an influential person did not plan to destroy, a gap was inevitable. And although Volkova Ekaterina Yuryevna repeatedly called him the most important man in her life, she could not claim to be something more serious. Soon, the road-roads brought Katya with producer Sergei Chliyants, who became her second husband. But this romantic story did not last long because of the "differences in life values."


Ekaterina Yurievna Volkova - wife of Limonov

The most loud and controversial was the actress’s romance with the writer and politician Eduard Limonov. Despite the difference in age over 30 years and different life rhythms, extraordinary personalities decided to tie the knot. Frenzied passion and public declarations of love rather quickly began to fade, faced with everyday problems.

After the birth of the son of Bogdan in 2006, relations in the family began to deteriorate. The final reason for breaking the odious pair was the birth of a second joint child. The girl Alexander was born in 2008. Parents at the time of her birth were already divorced. Since then, Catherine began to rely only on herself, believing that raising children lies only with her. The woman’s only assistant was her wise and beloved mother. It was she who was with her grandchildren, while Volkova rushed around the country in search of work.
