the culture

What does "mi mi mi" mean? Who invented this?

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What does "mi mi mi" mean? Who invented this?
What does "mi mi mi" mean? Who invented this?

"Mimimi" - such a signature can often be seen under photos on the Internet, which depict small children, puppies and cats. Where did this expression come from? What does "mi mi mi" mean? In the dictionaries of this word is definitely not. Most likely, it refers to youth slang. It can be interpreted as follows: it is something evoking a feeling of tenderness so strong that it cannot be expressed in words. This is usually "pink content."

Recall the cartoon "Madagascar"

Who invented mi mi mi? The story is silent about who exactly was the author of the babble of the cartoon hero. This person could clearly claim his rights. The popularity of the expression is growing every day and is not going to give up their positions. The popularity of this concept and haters.


Little lemur with bulging eyes named Mort says “mimimi”! Was he the first to introduce a fashion for this expression? Yes, it seems. He himself is the embodiment of prettiness. You can even remember what it means "mi mi mi" that he pronounced. It was the sobbing of a trembling and just stopped crying scared animal. The cartoon was released in 2005, however, its expression gained popularity only by 2010. There is another typical mimimi cartoon character - this is a cat in boots from the Shrek.

The popularity of this concept and haters who publish angry articles on the topic that Mort was not so cute animal. He was even christened the master of sickening flattery. As a conclusion: the smallest signatures and enthusiasm are called insincere and excessively cloying. The use of elegance and mimicry is not considered by these authors as a manifestation of a great mind. All this only proves that “mi mi mi” has become a language trend.

Laws mi mi mi

What does mi mi mi mean today? No tears, only boundless tenderness, positive emotions and an exceptionally positive approach.


There are even certain rules for recognizing facial expression:

  • The smaller the “mi mi mi”, the more tender it is;
  • the small "cutie" will be even prettier if he oversize in clothes;
  • a cute cat or puppy who is trying to do what he can’t do;
  • cute little "mi mi mi" playing with something or with someone big;
  • when obviously not a “cutie” does something that is typical of a “cutie”;
  • if a couple of lovers have too perfect relationships, they can also be seen under their photos;
  • only those who don’t look like cockroaches can be cute "mi mi mi".

An interesting fact is that the use of a word from network jargon is not only found on the Russian-language Internet. Apparently, Mort's babble caught not only the Russian audience.

More about pink content

Is there a connection between cute cats and kote? Even more than it seems at first glance! "Nya" in Japanese is "meow, " and kote is the name of a cat-like creature in the Japanese manner. "Nya" came to the Russian network slang from fans of Japanese anime cartoons.

Nyasha is a neologism, meaning a young attractive girl. Perhaps this is how the image of the anime catwoman was transformed. And then everything falls into place - they call cute girls, cats, and dogs. So the cute kote is our "mi mi mi". It’s already reached the pretty guys.


As they say, down with discrimination!

Seals are a separate issue.

If there is dirt and a chilly wind outside, then a warm cat is urgently needed to restore peace of mind. He must be a white and fluffy creature. As with the Smurfs, everything should be “smurf”, so with nannies, everything should be “pretty”. We send a request to the Internet and enjoy.


Such pictures can be viewed for hours, and they are unlikely to bother. That's what “mi mi mi” means!