
Actress Irina Malysheva: biography, filmography and personal life

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Actress Irina Malysheva: biography, filmography and personal life
Actress Irina Malysheva: biography, filmography and personal life

Her first work in cinema was the role of Sonya Zagremukhina, which Irina Malysheva still recalls with special warmth and sympathy. From that moment, a huge world of magical cinema opened before her. And the girl’s life has changed 180 degrees. But she does not regret anything, because everything that happened to her filled her mind with new thoughts, ideas. And even those troubles that, as it happens, happened to her, Irina perceives as experience, calling them necessary life lessons. Without them, she would not have become what she is now.

Children's years of the future actress

In mid-February 1961, a small Irina Malysheva was born into an intelligent family. Her dad was a professor at the Tupolev Bureau. He was engaged in the construction of new aircraft. Mom worked as a singer. She sang in the Sokolov choir. She had a very beautiful, clean, unique voice. It is thanks to her that the girl with deep respect and love still treats classical music.


When the baby was only six years old, she already knew how to sing arias serious enough for her age. Mother was very happy that Irinka dreams of becoming a singer, like her. Dad, on the contrary, was sure that this singing was not a serious occupation for a worthy girl. He thought it would be better if the girl received a good education. Therefore, Irina Malysheva, an actress in the future, began to study in an English special school.

Within the walls of an elite educational institution, the girl did not like it right away. She did not fit into the collective of peers. Other guys, “majors, ” wore imported items that their parents brought to them from abroad, wrote with foreign pens. Ira had no such luxury. Therefore, the rest of the children treated her condescendingly.

Debut steps

1974 was a turning point for Irina Malysheva. One fine day, she read an ad on Mosfilm that she was looking for a girl to play the main role. Ira was at such an age when the idea of ​​getting on the screen did not seem something unrealistic. She decided to try, not paying attention to the fact that she was always a modest girl and was constantly shy.


It was modesty that provided Irina with all possible assistance. After all, the eminent Sergey Solovyov, the director, was looking for just such a shy, a little timid baby. Irina has been approved. Irina Malysheva always recalls that part of her life with great pleasure. Solovyov knew how to work with children. He never yelled at them, did not swear. The director evaluated any, even trifling performance and said that it was brilliant. Involuntarily, teenagers felt like geniuses. On the set there was always an atmosphere of smiles and fun.

Strange outfit

It was on the set of “A Hundred Days After Childhood” that Irina fell in love for the first time in her life. He was the screenwriter of this film - Alexander Alexandrov, fourteen years older than the girl. Irina Malysheva, films with which are considered a significant contribution from Soviet cinema, at first was frightened and hated him. She so wanted to look beautiful on the screen, and, by the direct direction of Alexandrov, she was dressed in a ugly dress, and two ugly ponytails were twisted from her hair.

First love

And so the shooting of the dance scene was to take place. The girl thought that was her chance. She put on her favorite, best dress, put on makeup, beautifully laid her hair … But she simply did not have time to hit the eyes of all those present: when she saw her in the image of a fatal beauty, Alexandrov invited the costume designer and ordered him to do everything as it was before. Again there was a terrible dress and disgusting tails for the young actress … From the anger that enveloped her, Irina was not in herself. She looked at him menacingly and ran into the forest. Alexandrov later asked her for forgiveness. And smiling, he said: for a moment he believed that she would attack him with fists.


After what happened, they became friends. When the shooting was over, Irina and Alexander did not stop communicating. Gradually, a spark of love slipped between them.

School and cinema

At the school where Irina Malysheva studied, the news that she was invited to shoot was received with hostility. The girl was immediately hated. She was not accepted into the Komsomol, noting that she needed to engage in her political literacy, and not all sorts of “kin”.


Malysheva already felt like an outcast in this school. Now the situation has changed for the worse. She had to tell everything to her mother, who helped the girl change her place of study. Another elite school in the life of Irina was completely different. Within these walls were those who simply did not have time to study in ordinary institutions. These were the son of Lugin, the daughter of Ulyanov, the son of Aksenov … The children of the "filmmakers" did not need all these exact sciences. And the teachers were completely calm about their absenteeism. The guys were constantly on the set in some next movie.

Tales and melodramas

Even before Irina received the certificate, she was busy in several films: the musical comedy by George Yungvald-Khilkevich “Shoes with Golden Buckles” (the role of Princess Maryushka), the melodrama Gavriil Egiazarov “Portrait with the Rain” (the role of Lena), the tale of Boris Rytsarev "The Princess and the Pea" (the role of the Princess) …


Yes, yes, aspiring actress usually offered exclusively lyrical roles. But once, in the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, Elem Klimov decided to start work on a film about the many horrors of war - "Go and See." Malysheva Irina Valentinovna was invited by him to the role of Dasha. But in the film luggage of the actress, this character never appeared: by order of “from above”, the shooting was covered. Klimov managed to capture the picture only a decade later. But the actors in it were already different.

First union

It was the magic of action in front of the movie camera that gave Irina the impetus to understand that she wants to be an actress and act in films again and again. After receiving a school certificate, Malysheva enters the "Pike." It was a talented course. Eugene Dvorzhetsky, Andrei Zhitinkin, Elena Sotnikova studied with her … All of them were young, cheerful and cheerful.


With great pleasure studied Irina Malysheva, actress. Her personal life, perhaps, might have seemed to someone boring and uninteresting. But student novels and all sorts of parties were not for her. On the one hand, at that time the girl had already acted in films a lot. These were adventure films, dramas, and fairy tales … On the other hand, after Irina turned nineteen, she and Alexandrov began to live together.

The personal life of Irina Malysheva, as she believed, was established once and for all. For the girl, this novel was useful. Her husband rendered her every help in comprehending the wisdom of the profession of an actress. She came to any exam fully equipped. Ira always liked to learn. She tried her best, because to get the profession of an actress has now become the ultimate dream for her. Due to the constant sitting over textbooks in "Pike" classmates called her a blue stocking.