
Actress Lyubov Zaitseva: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series

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Actress Lyubov Zaitseva: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series
Actress Lyubov Zaitseva: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series

Video: A Destiny for Hire. Russian Movie. StarMediaEN. Lyrical Comedy. English Subtitles 2024, June

Video: A Destiny for Hire. Russian Movie. StarMediaEN. Lyrical Comedy. English Subtitles 2024, June

The young actress Lyubov Zaitseva became a star thanks to the series. “Mother-Daughters”, “City of Temptations”, “Volkov Hour”. These are the most famous television projects with her participation. Directors are more likely to trust Luba negative roles than positive ones. Most often, a girl can be seen in melodramas and comedies. What else is known about her life and work?

Actress Lyubov Zaitseva: childhood and youth

The future star of the series was born in the Yaroslavl region, there was a joyful event in May 1982. Soon after the birth of her daughter, the family moved to Moscow, where Lyuba’s childhood passed. Back in school years, actress Lyubov Zaitseva starred in the newsreel "Jumble". In total, several episodes with her participation were released, the most popular was the Sorinka series, dedicated to first love.


The girl was barely 11 years old when she was offered a small role in a feature film. The drama "Vitka Shushera and the car", in which actress Lyubov Zaitseva made her debut, was presented to the audience in 1993. In this picture, aimed at a youth audience, Lyuba embodied the image of a student of a boarding school.

By the time she graduated, Zaitseva no longer doubted that she should connect her life with the acting profession. On the first attempt, a talented girl managed to become a student of the Shchepkinsky school. She got on the course, which was conducted by Seleznev and Afonin.

Films and TV shows

In 2004, actress Lyubov Zaitseva again appeared on the set. The girl starred in the comedy by Fedor Popov “Four taxi drivers and a dog”, she got one of the key roles. The heroine of Lyuba was the brave and independent Tatyana Zhichkina, a former race car driver.


In the same year, the painting "Personal Number" with the participation of Zaitseva saw the light. The actress played a secondary role as a hostage girl. She also appeared in several episodes of the television project Sins of the Fathers, in which she reincarnated as Irina Androsova. Luba got small roles in the series “Man of War”, “Club”, “Officers”, as well as in the film “Alive”.

Negative roles

Love is an actress that directors prefer to film in negative roles. It all started with the series "Mother Daughters" in which she played Jeanne. The character of Zaitseva in this television project is a girl with a very complex character, selfish and narcissistic. Zhanna is a rival of the main character of the series, constantly pulls her into trouble, makes nasty things.


In the continuation of the rating series "Two Fates", actress Lyubov Zaitseva played another negative role. The biography of the girl indicates that this happened in 2008. Lyuba played the role of Lucy - a young lady who sweeps everything on the way to her goal. Her heroine is not engaged in petty dirty tricks, she literally destroys her enemies. Zaitseva was very difficult to play this role, as she was constantly annoyed by Lucy's immorality, her habit of using people.

What else to see

Of course, the actress plays not only negative roles. Evidence of this can serve as the series "Volkov Hour", which tells of police everyday life. In this television project, Luba embodied the image of Lieutenant Zhanna Ogurtsova.


In the “City of Temptations”, the star embodied the image of the young singer Maria Svetlova, who falls in love with a criminal, because of which a real danger begins to threaten her life. Noteworthy is the mini-series “Fate for Rent, ” in which Zaitseva played Olga. Her character is a witty, energetic and confident girl.