
Actress Lyudmila Krylova: biography, personal life, photo

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Actress Lyudmila Krylova: biography, personal life, photo
Actress Lyudmila Krylova: biography, personal life, photo

Video: Laurence Rupp (Actor) Lifestyle, Biography, age, Girlfriend, Net worth, movies, Wife, Height, Wiki ! 2024, July

Video: Laurence Rupp (Actor) Lifestyle, Biography, age, Girlfriend, Net worth, movies, Wife, Height, Wiki ! 2024, July

Now actress Lyudmila Krylova does not often appear on television. By her own admission, no worthy proposals for filming are received in good projects, and she categorically does not want to act in obviously bad films, preferring to share her acting talent with the audience of the Sovremennik Theater.

She devotes all free time from work to children and grandchildren. She does not like talk shows that have become so popular recently, on which many famous people flaunt their personal lives. The natural modesty of character does not allow L. Krylova to bring out the subtleties of her personal life for all to see, only to amuse the public.

Childhood and youth

Lyudmila Krylova was born in 1938 in one of the small towns near Moscow. Her childhood could be considered happy if at the age of nine she had not lost her mother. When she was gone, Lyudmila closed herself, preferring loneliness to the company of friends. The girl was saved by books, the reading of which she filled her whole life.

It took Lyudmila several years to recover from the death of her mother. She began to think about what she wanted to do in life. The first serious thoughts about her acting career came to her when one of the graduates of the school was able to enter a theater university. And then Lyudmila also decided to try her hand at the acting path. Moreover, for several years she was engaged in a school theater group. L. Krylova after graduation, successfully passes exams at the theater school named after M. S. Schepkin.


Fateful meeting

The first meeting with Oleg Tabakov occurred when she was sitting in the audience, and he played on the stage of the Sovremennik Theater. His play so impressed the girl that Tabakov instantly became an idol for her, in which young Lyudmila fell in love without looking back. It was then that there was a desire to prove to the whole world that she was a good actress.

Lyudmila Krylova, whose biography could have turned out differently if this meeting had not happened, for some reason she was sure that their lives would certainly be united. She had a dream to meet on the set with the same Tabakov, who, without even knowing it, in the first meeting determined the life of Lyudmila. She combined studies, work in the Maly Theater, began to act in films.

And in the film "Tales of Lenin" none other than Oleg Tabakov became her partner. The cherished dream came true. Lyudmila Krylova did not take his eyes off him. Probably, it was her sincerity and openness that impressed Tabakov. Their relationship began to develop from the first day. He lived in a small room in the center of the capital, and she, who immediately took their relationship very seriously, soon moved there. Ahead of them there were many difficulties, but then life was filled with love and happiness.


For a long time, the couple lived in a civil marriage in the same communal apartment where Tabakov rented a room before meeting his future wife.

“The bride in the box”

Some of the entourage of Tabakova and Krylova said that Lyudochka was not at all in her youth as naive a young lady as she wanted to seem. Their marriage could not have taken place, if not for her perseverance and straightforwardness, which were adjacent to naivety and inexperience. She almost immediately told all classmates that she and Oleg were now husband and wife. Lyudmila declared the same thing to her father right in the presence of Tabakov, when she first brought him to her parents' house. He was shocked by such a statement, but his devoted eyes looked at him with sincere love, and Tabakov did not contradict.

Then Lyudmila Krylova became pregnant. And she had to take final exams, suffering from late toxicosis, in the last months of pregnancy. Son Anton was born. And only after that Tabakov made an official proposal, but this happened very spontaneously. He suggested they caught a taxi, went to the registry office and signed. This long-awaited event was celebrated by the entire collective of the Sovremennik Theater. The wedding was fun, and even savvy and fervent friends gave the groom a grandiose surprise. They put the bride in a huge box, bandaged with a scarlet bow and presented Tabakov.


But not everything was simple in the life of a successful acting couple. They could not acquire housing so far. They continued to dwell in the cramped room of a communal apartment, where in addition to themselves there lived a nanny whom they hired for Anton. Such difficulties often annoyed Tabakov. Once Lyudmila Krylova, an actress at that time very popular, having left on tour, was forced to leave her son with her husband. Upon arrival, she saw Tabakov annoyed, who gave her a “hungry and cold” child. He added: “Never do this again!”


The second breath of love …

When Oleg Tabakov, at the age of 29, suffered a heart attack in 1964, he realized how much his wife cherished him. Lyudmila nursed him and supported her in every possible way. Although she herself was unbearably hard to tear between her bedridden husband, her young son and the theater. After the difficult period passed, their relationship seemed to be reborn. Love for each other flared up with renewed vigor. It was then (1966) that their second child was born - the daughter of Alexander. Lyudmila Krylova, a biography whose personal life proves how dear Oleg Tabakov was to her, again made a sacrifice. After the hardest first birth, the second pregnancy could have ended in her death. But she could not give up the desire to give her beloved husband a daughter.


Romance on the side

After that, Lyudmila Krylova, an actress who could play even more roles, began to devote almost all her time to caring for children and her husband. Work has faded into the background. And Oleg Pavlovich, on the contrary, had no time left for his family. He disappeared at work for days and nights. During the day, in Sovremennik, and at night, in the Snuffbox. Then, in the late 70s, his brainchild had not yet received the status of a theater, but the performances had already been shown. Even despite criticism of Tabakov by officials who wanted to work with him was plenty. He refused no one. Rehearsals took place mainly at night. It was then that the schoolgirl Marina Zudina, who later became the second wife of Oleg Pavlovich, began to come to “Snuffbox”.


Marina already was a purposeful girl: she planned to become a great artist and find a worthy husband. Starting to study at the Snuffbox, Zudina began to pay attention to the brutal Tabakov not only as a teacher, but also as a man. Based on avaricious statements on this topic, the novel by Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina began in 1986. But one of Marina’s former girlfriends said that a year after graduation, at a graduate meeting, Zudina boasted of her relationship with Tabakov. And indeed, at the entrance exams to GITIS, it was Oleg Pavlovich who put in the floor for her before other members of the selection committee.

Pride and dignity

Over time, Lyudmila Krylova also learned about their romance. The biography, personal life of this woman demonstrate her natural tact, because in no interview did she condemn her husband and his new life partner, which caused her and her children so much pain.


She was unbearable these rumors about the relationship of her beloved man with a girl thirty years younger than him. Tears choked her. However, for several more years they lived together. Lyudmila wanted the children to have a father. When the patience was full, she filed for divorce.

Lyudmila Krylova, whose personal life for herself has always been the most secret, does not insult the father of her children, as many other representatives of the acting profession do, she does not stigmatize Marina Zudin’s wrecker. She worthily avoids this topic, once again proving her nobility. And only she knows how much pain the betrayal of her beloved man brought.

Children remained on the side of the mother …

After the separation of the parents, the children - Anton and Alexandra - for a long time could not forgive their father for the betrayal and pain of the mother. After years, Anton stepped over grievances and resumed relations with his father. And the daughter remained in solidarity with Lyudmila, who now rightly calls the act of her ex-husband a betrayal.

Oleg Tabakov officially married Marina Zudina, two children were born in the marriage: son Pavel and daughter Maria.

Lyudmila Krylova (photo below) behaved very worthily after the divorce. But to this day, for her, the topic of separation is an unhealed wound, reminiscent of the suffering that had to endure.
