
Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva: biography

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Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva: biography
Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva: biography

Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva played in the movie more than forty roles. Each of them, even the most insignificant, was remembered by the viewer. Zaitseva Lyudmila - a diverse actress. In her filmography, there are roles of an extremely wide range: from Sergeant Kiryanova in the film adaptation of Vasiliev’s novel, to the image of a simple and uneducated woman in the once scandalous film Little Faith. What roles did the actress Lyudmila Zaitseva remember for the audience?



Lyudmila was born a year after the end of the war. Her childhood and youth were not easy. However, like the life of all those who were born in the forties. The future star of Soviet cinema grew up without a father. The early years she spent in the farm of the East Krasnodar Territory. But Lyudmila from childhood dreamed of becoming an actress. As soon as the “last bell” rang in her life, she gathered her modest belongings and went to conquer the capital.

Moscow took the girl from the Kuban farm, as well as other dreamy provincials, very cold. The girl entered the theater university for the fourth time. After each failed attempt to become a student at the Moscow Art Theater School, she did not despair, but drew up a plan for preparing for the entrance exams for the next year. However, it was necessary to live on something. Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva at one time managed to work as a cleaner, and a plasterer, and a laboratory assistant. She managed to enter the university in 1966.

Personal life

In the life of the artist there were many adversities. But nevertheless, her career began very successfully. In the late seventies, she became one of the most sought-after Soviet actresses. Despite a brilliant career in cinema, Lyudmila Zaitseva always put family first. The actress, whose personal life has developed happily, recently experienced grief. In 2011, Gennady Voronin, a man with whom Zaitseva had not parted for almost half a century, passed away.

The actress met her future husband on the set of the film "Holidays of Childhood." From Gennady Voronin, Lyudmila Zaitseva has a daughter, Vasilisa.


First roles

Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva the first years after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, she acted in films actively. However, the roles she got exclusively episodic. But the images that the young artist created on the screen were surprisingly vivid. Films in the filming of which the actress Lyudmila Zaitseva took part in the early seventies are “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Stoves and Shops”.

In 1972, Lyudmila played the main character in the film "Hello and Goodbye." The plot of the film is a touching story of a single woman, a mother of two children and a young policeman. The actress's partners on the set were Mikhail Kononov and Oleg Efremov.

Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva played many roles in the movie, but she was remembered, first of all, for the following films:

  1. "Hello and goodbye".

  2. Sunday night.

  3. "On the day of the holiday."

  4. "For family reasons".

  5. "Little Faith."
