
Actress Maria Sternikova: biography, personal life

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Actress Maria Sternikova: biography, personal life
Actress Maria Sternikova: biography, personal life

Actress Maria Sternikova is known to modern viewers, first of all, as the mother of Alexander Nosik. She devoted the best years of her life to service at the Maly Theater. “Do not part with your loved ones”, “Tenderness”, “A guest from the future”, “Trains go past the windows”, “Boy with a sword” - films and series in which you can see Sternikova. What is the story of this talented woman?

Maria Sternikova: the beginning of the journey

Mother Alexander Nosik was born in May 1944. From the biography of actress Maria Sternikova it follows that she was born in a family far from the art world. There is practically no information about her childhood. In 1965, Maria graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio (course of V.P. Markov).


Sternikova performed her first roles on the stage of the Maly Theater. “Dream of the White Mountains”, “Jealous of herself”, “Golden Bonfires”, “Humiliated and Insulted”, “Game”, “Wickedness of Skapen” are just some of the sensational productions with her participation.

Movie. 60s

Actress Maria Sternikova first got on the set in 1965. She made her debut in the drama Early Morning, which tells the moving story of two orphans. In this picture, the girl got a cameo role. But in the family comedy "Trains Go Beyond the Windows", released in the same year, the actress embodied the image of the central heroine. The film tells the story of young boarding school students. Sternikova played teacher Lidia Sergeevna. Her heroine is a lively, bright person who sincerely tries to find emotional contact with her students.


The key role was given to actress Maria Sternikova in the melodrama Tenderness, which saw the light in 1966. The picture consists of three short stories, which are united by common heroes. The film touches on the problems faced by yesterday's children, who begin an adult life. Maria embodied the image of young Lena, who survived the horrors of the siege of Leningrad. The girl falls in love and the chosen one reciprocates her. However, memories of the past continue to poison her life.

Personal life

What is known about the personal life of actress Maria Sternikova? In the mid-60s she got married, her chosen one was the international translator Alexei Stychkin. For several years, the actress lived with her husband in Iran. A daughter was born in the family, who was named Catherine. The girl went in her father's footsteps, became a simultaneous interpreter. The marriage of Mary and Alexei lasted only a few years. Stychkin was sent on a business trip to the United States for a period of five years. The wife refused to go with him, because she was afraid that she would be forgotten in her native country. Soon after, they filed for a divorce.


Roman Sternikova and Valery Nosik began while working on the picture "Hurry to build a house." Relations lovers developed rapidly. Valery suddenly proposed to Mary, and she could not resist. Actors played a wedding. In 1971, Sternikova and Nosik became parents, their son was named Alexander. In 1980, the couple broke up, the reason for which was Valery's excessive passion for alcohol. Alexander Nosik followed in parental footsteps. Now he is an actor of the Maly Theater, is actively acting in films and TV shows. Many spectators remembered him due to the role of ensign Kobrin in the television project "Special Forces".

A few years later, actress Sternikova Maria Alexandrovna married again. Her chosen one again was a colleague. Alexei Kudinovich, like his wife, played in the Maly Theater.

Cinema and theater

For several years, Sternikova was mainly engaged in her personal life, as a result of which she fell out of the cage. The actress continued to shine on the stage of the Maly Theater, but her romance with the cinema did not work out.


This does not mean that Maria Alexandrovna no longer had vivid movie roles. In the fantastic film “A Guest from the Future, ” she brilliantly played the nurse Shurochka. It is impossible not to note the image of the director of the orphanage Alexandra Kameneva, which the actress created in the serial film "Docks".