
Actress Sofia Grebenshchikova: photos, biography details and a history of relations with singer Irakli

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Actress Sofia Grebenshchikova: photos, biography details and a history of relations with singer Irakli
Actress Sofia Grebenshchikova: photos, biography details and a history of relations with singer Irakli

The Russian actress and model Sofia Grebenshchikova is known to the general public not only for her work in cinema and television, but for her personal life. For five years, the pretty brown-haired woman was the wife and muse of the famous singer and radio host, a graduate of the Star Factory Irakli Pirtskhalava. In this marriage, two offspring appeared. But joint children did not deter spouses from breaking off relations with each other. The story of the love and separation of the aspiring actress and singer is told in this article.

Passionate nature

Sofia Grebenshchikova (photo above) was the first and so far the only wife of the singer, known as Irakli. By education, the girl is a PR specialist, which, however, did not stop her from trying her hand at various creative directions.

The singer’s former lover was born on August 30, 1989 (Virgo by the zodiac sign). It is worth noting that Sofia has absolutely nothing to do with the famous musician Boris Grebenshchikov, the creator of the Aquarium band. They are just namesakes.


By the time of the meeting with Pirtskhalava, 21-year-old Sofia Grebenshchikova managed to prove herself as a talented and versatile person. She already had experience working as a model. Sofia had a written and published book. In addition, she already had the status of a budding, budding actress. Its main goal at that time was career advancement.

Sofia wanted to play a movie. In her professional piggy bank at that time there were only three series. She played:

  • Danielle at the Club;
  • Dasha in "Detectives";
  • Alevtina in "Trace".

In addition to the set, Sofia dreamed of performing on the stage. In this direction, she also managed to get, albeit small, but experience. She collaborated:

  • with the Vakhtangov Theater;
  • with the legendary Taganka.

Perfect couple

The meeting of Heraclius and Sofia took place in a cafe. Immediately prior to this event, young people often crossed paths at parties hosted by their mutual friends. They even talked to each other more than once. But they did not manage to get to know each other properly and really communicate at these parties.

The novel developed quite rapidly. In the spring of 2010, the singer officially offered his beloved a hand and a heart. And already in August of that year, the couple had their first joint child - the son of Ilya. In autumn 2012, Sofia Grebenshchikova gave her husband another boy, he was named Alexander.

The union of the actress and singer was called ideal by many. Beautiful couple with great relationship. While some fans burned with envy, while others rejoiced in the happiness of idols, the ideal couple divorced.