
Actress Vasilisa Voronina: creativity and biography

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Actress Vasilisa Voronina: creativity and biography
Actress Vasilisa Voronina: creativity and biography

Vasilisa Voronina is a beginner Russian film actress. She received the specialty of a dubbing master, voiced many foreign films. Her voice is spoken by the heroes in the pictures Little Red Riding Hood, Mommy Mia, Fast and Furious 5, Black Swan, War. She herself played in the TV series “Return of Mukhtar, ” “Theft, ” “Capercaillie 2, ” “Personal Life of Dr. Selivanova, ” and others. The girl was born in the family of director Gennady Voronin and actress Lyudmila Zaitseva (she played a divisional in the film “A Dawns” here are quiet "). About the biography of the actress Vasilisa Voronina, personal life and filming in the cinema, is described in this article.

Early years: childhood

Vasilisa was born at the end of January 1982 in Moscow. At first, the girl was seriously interested in figure skating, then she liked acting too. However, parents for some time dissuaded her daughter from engaging in creative activities. But in the end they gave up.


In the early school years, actress Vasilisa Voronina (photo above) planned to connect her fate with journalism, she wanted to go work as an announcer on television. But after graduation, she still tried her luck and entered the acting department.

Education at VGIK and the first movie roles

Voronina failed to immediately enter the university. A year later, she again came to take entrance exams. And then luck smiled at her. Vasilisa was able to pass all the entrance exams and got on the course of Vitaly Solomin.

In 2004, she received a diploma in dubbing actor. The first role in the movie Voronin played back in 1985 at the age of three years in the movie "Moscow Says." And at the age of 5 she was invited to shoot the picture "Two Shores".

In the early nineties, she played the role of Anastasia in the melodramatic film "Boys". When I studied at the last year of VGIK, I played Veronica in the TV series "The Return of Mukhtar." In 2006 she was invited to the role in the comedy "Film Festival", where she appeared in the guise of secretary Catherine.


She played in Ulyana Barabash, appeared in some scenes of the personal life of Dr. Selivanova, in episodes of My Fair Nanny, in the romantic comedy Mymra, Glukhara and Tomorrow everything will be different.

At the same time, the actress Vasilisa Voronina continues her career and directly in her specialty - she voices the heroines of Hollywood films that are released at the box office in our country. For example, in her piggy bank work on such paintings as “War”, “Black Swan”, “Crazy Riding”, “Pretend to be my wife”, “The Price of Passion”, etc.