
Alexey Morozov, actor: biography, family and filmography

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Alexey Morozov, actor: biography, family and filmography
Alexey Morozov, actor: biography, family and filmography

Video: MATA HARI. Episode 1. Russian TV Series. StarMedia. Drama. English dubbing 2024, July

Video: MATA HARI. Episode 1. Russian TV Series. StarMedia. Drama. English dubbing 2024, July

Alexey Morozov is an actor with indefatigable energy and great creative potential. On his account dozens of bright characters played in series and feature films. Do you want to see the biography of the artist? Are you interested in his marital status? All the necessary information is available in the article.


Biography: family and childhood

He was born on November 16, 1979 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In what family was our hero brought up? His mother has nothing to do with stage and art. She received a higher economic education. But Alexei’s father, Valentin Nikolaevich Morozov, is an honored artist of the Russian Federation. The man has been working in a puppet theater for many years.

From an early age, Lesha showed creative abilities. He liked to sing, dance and parody the stars of the Soviet (Russian) pop. Father often took him to work. The boy liked to watch what was happening on the stage. He also dreamed of becoming an artist, but not the one who controls the dolls, but the present.

The beginning of the creative path

In 1987, his father brought Lesha to audition for the film play “The Travel of the Blue Arrow”. As a result, a second-grader was approved for the role of poor boy Francesco. Our hero coped with all the tasks that the director set for him. The young actor really liked working in the frame. And even then he decided to follow in his father's footsteps.

At the age of 14, Morozov Jr. began attending the Imagine theater studio. Together with other guys, he participated in productions that were shown on local television.


At the end of high school, the young man took the documents to St. Petersburg State Technical University. He succeeded from the first attempt to become a student of this university. Morozov was enrolled in the course to V. Filshtinsky. In 2001, Alexei was awarded a diploma of graduation from SPbGATI.



Morozov was invited to the troupe of the Academic Maly Drama Theater. He answered with agreement. Director L. Dodin has involved the young actor in various productions (Gaudeamus, Claustrophobia and others).

Our hero managed to try himself on TV. From 2002 to 2004, he led the television magazine “Safe Reserve” (REN-TV). But that is not all. In 2003, he, along with Botvin Igor, conducted a series of historical programs on the channel "Culture".

Filming in movies and TV shows

When did Alexey Morozov first appear on the screens? The actor began to conquer the cinema, being a 4th year student of SPbGATI. In 2000, he was approved for the role of Veniamin Mikhailovich (director of the school theater) in the TV series “OBZh”. Then he starred in the drama "Black Raven" and the tape "Checkmate". For some time, the actor continued a creative break. More precisely, Lesha devoted himself only to work in the theater.

In 2008, he returned to the cinema, starring in two films - “Haute couture dress” and “Angel chapel”. Morozov managed to create images that were remembered and loved by the audience.

Below are listed his most striking film works from 2010 to 2015:

  • Dostoevsky (2010) - student-terrorist;

  • “Arms” (2011) - assistant to the State Duma deputy;

  • “Report of Fate” (2011) - the main character named Stanislav;

  • “Two with Pistols” (2013) - Senior Lieutenant Alekseev;

  • "Gregory R." (2014) - Lieutenant Sukhotin;

  • "Order" (2015) - the main male role.

Continuation of film career

Today, many people know who Alexei Morozov is. The actor does not slow down the pace. For 2016-2017 scheduled release of several tapes with his participation ("Forgotten woman, " You can’t forgive stay, "and others). Directors are happy to collaborate with a talented actor.


In the fall of 2016, the series “Mysterious Passion”, based on the novel by V. Aksenov, was presented to the audience. Alex played a famous writer in his youth. And this character was voiced by the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Leonid Kulagin.

In November 2016, the premiere of the military film "28 Panfilov" should take place. The character of Morozov is political instructor Vasily Klochkov. His colleagues on the set were Oleg Fedorov, Yakov Kucherevsky and Ustyugov Alexander.

Alexey Morozov (actor): personal life

Our hero never had problems with a lack of female attention. Both at school and at the university, girls were running after him.

The famous actor twice formalized his relationship with the registry office. The first time Lesha married when he was just over 20 years old. He met the beautiful Marina in one of the social networks. Soon, their virtual romance grew into deep feelings. The couple played a wedding. In this marriage, the common son of Alexei and Marina was born. The boy was called Matthew. Over time, the couple realized that they became strangers to each other. They decided to disperse quietly and peacefully.


Is Alexei Morozov free today? The actor has been legally married (second in a row) for several years. His chosen one is Dana Abyzova. She is from Latvia. The wife of Alexei is also a representative of the acting profession. The girl works in the Maly Drama Theater (Moscow).

Some people are sure that Alexei Morozov (actor) and Dana Borisova are in a love relationship. But this is not so. They are not even familiar. The actor’s and film producer Alexander Morozov became the new boyfriend of the TV presenter. In a short time, the man managed to find a common language with her daughter Polina.