
Alia Nazarbayeva: biography, family, photo

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Alia Nazarbayeva: biography, family, photo
Alia Nazarbayeva: biography, family, photo

Video: P Block | Oxo-Acids (H3PO3/H3PO2/H4P2O7/HPO3) | L-11 | 12th (CBSE) NEET JEE | Arvind Arora) 2024, July

Video: P Block | Oxo-Acids (H3PO3/H3PO2/H4P2O7/HPO3) | L-11 | 12th (CBSE) NEET JEE | Arvind Arora) 2024, July

All girls dream about the fate of the princess. But the busy, beautiful and interesting life in the palace has another side. This is a great responsibility for words, actions, gestures, because all the events of the life of famous people are under the constant close attention of others.

Aliya Nazarbayeva is the youngest of three daughters of one of the most famous politicians of our day. This is the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.


Aliya was born on February 3, 1980 in Alma-Ata. Parents dreamed that the youngest daughter would devote herself to creativity and become a pianist. For several years, the girl attended a music school in piano. After her graduation, Aliya had to either build a musical career, or go on a different, independently chosen life path. She chose the second.

She was 11 years old when her father took the post of president of Kazakhstan. As a child, she really wanted to be no different from her peers. It was even such that Alia asked the driver, who drove her to school every day, to stop around the corner in order, like the other children, to enter alone at the school gate. Later it came to the realization that parents are one of the main people in her life, and her father’s status must be reckoned with. But still the girl was upset that her famous surname provoked the appearance of a huge number of fables. At first she tried to prove that this or that gossip was the result of someone’s wild fantasy, but then a certain immunity developed, and Alia stopped paying attention to it.


Aliya Nazarbayeva left her parental home early. Moreover, the initiators of the departure were just mom and dad. They decided that the daughter should receive further education abroad. So, a thirteen-year-old girl ended up in Germany. The school occupied the building of a former monastery near Cologne. Accustomed to parental care, Aliya was very homesick and wanted to return to her native Kazakhstan. Mother and father, seeing the daughter’s longing, took her home. In Germany, Alia studied for only a few months.


At 15, she again went to study abroad. Now to Switzerland. Aliya Nazarbayeva, who had matured, was no longer so hard at breaking up with her parents, and she even liked living in Switzerland. It was there that she fell in love with skiing, because in this snowy country, learning to ski is the same compulsory subject at school as we do physical education. Strict rules and severe penalties for violation of discipline tempered the character of the girl, who helped her achieve great success in the cruel world of business in the future.

The youngest of the Nazarbayev daughters received higher education first at the University of Richmond (England), after studying at the faculty of International Law. Then she graduated from the faculty of art in one of the higher educational institutions of Washington. Together with foreign diplomas during her stay in other countries, Aliya received invaluable life experience. She studied the culture and mentality of foreigners, which helped her learn to understand people.


Having received education, Nazarbayeva Aliya Nursultanovna tried herself in various fields of activity. She held the position of assistant director at Europa Plus radio station, worked in the legal department of TuranAlemBank, and worked for some time in the secretariat with her father in Astana.


After some time, she realized that she wanted to do her own business. At the moment, Alia is the owner of a fitness club and runs one of the well-known construction companies Elitstroy. She also does charity work and pays a lot of attention to solving environmental problems. In 2011, Alia created a collection of luxury jewelry under the brand name Alsara, which went to a limited number of jewelry stores in the world. Photos of Aliya Nazarbayeva flash in many glossy magazines.


Relationship with sisters

As Alia herself admits, the sisters are an important part of her life. The elders Dariga and Dinara have always been support and support. They have a fairly large age difference. When Aliya was born, the eldest Dariga already studied at one of the institutes in Moscow. Dinara, who was 13 years old at the time of Alia’s birth, babied with her younger sister.

Now, in adulthood, sisters are not seen as often as we would like. But, according to Aliya herself, if necessary, they will rush to help each other at the first call.

Alia Nazarbayeva: personal life

There were many problems in the family life of the youngest daughter of N. Nazarbayev. She entered her first marriage quite early (at the age of 18). Aidar Akayev (the son of the then President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev) became her husband.


It is difficult to say whether this was an independent decision of young people, or simply powerful parents introduced and arranged the marriage of their children in order to become related by families. Be that as it may, family life was not unhappy, and after some time the marriage broke up. There were many speculations about the reasons for the separation, but none of the members of both families gave official comments. The marriage was officially dissolved in August 2001.

Almost immediately, Aliya Nursultanovna Nazarbayeva (photo below) gets married again. Her second husband was a Kazakh businessman and football player Daniyar Khasenov. In 2007, the couple had an older daughter, who was called Tiara, and in 2011, the youngest daughter, Alsara, was born. But something did not work out in relations with Daniyar. Alia divorced a second time.

Now the youngest of the Nazarbayev’s daughters is married to businessman and politician Dimash Dosanov. Alia and Dimash met visiting one of her friends. We talked for a long time as friends. Friendship gradually grew into something more. According to Alia herself, the future husband attracted her with his sincerity and naturalness, kindness and openness. The main motto of this couple is democracy, equality and openness.


In a big way …

Aliya Nazarbayeva, whose biography has never been overshadowed by material problems, certainly lives on a grand scale. One of the noisiest holidays of Kazakhstan in recent years was the celebration of its thirtieth anniversary. At the feast were invited such stars of world show business as Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez. Legends have been circulating about this holiday for a long time. One has only to mention the gifts, and you immediately understand how wealthy the birthday girl herself and her guests are. Among the gifts they call a villa in one of the resorts in Turkey, and a yacht, and expensive cars, and luxury jewelry. And the festive fireworks lasted more than half an hour.
