
Alu Alkhanov: photo, biography, family of Alkhanov Alu Dadashevich

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Alu Alkhanov: photo, biography, family of Alkhanov Alu Dadashevich
Alu Alkhanov: photo, biography, family of Alkhanov Alu Dadashevich

A policeman by vocation and profession, a Chechen by nationality and spirit, a great patriot of his republic, who has always advocated its unity with Russia, is who Alukhanov Alu Dadashevich is. The biography of this figure is closely linked with both Moscow and Grozny. Both there and there, he held important government posts. The highest was the post of president of the Chechen Republic.


Alu Alkhanov was born on January 20, 1957 in a family of deported Chechens. Place of birth - Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, Taldy-Kurgan region, Kirovsky village. Just a few days before the birth of Alu, the deportation order was canceled. And soon his parents moved to their homeland, settling in the city of Urus-Martan.


According to reviews of former classmates, Alkhanov studied well at school, but he loved history most of all. In this lesson, he did not even have to write anything. The textbook was rarely seen in his hands. But the boy knew the subject perfectly, literally absorbing everything spoken by teachers as a sponge. And he loved to read.

Alu grew up quite a serious, sensitive and caring guy. But sometimes he was not averse to joking with teachers. He played the trumpet in a school orchestra, went in for sports. Among his hobbies are freestyle wrestling, judo, sambo. In general, the young Alu Alkhanov was an excellent example of a comprehensively developed and promising child.

Education and career start

After school, Alkhanov was taken into the army. He served in the Southern Group of Forces, deployed on the territory of Hungary. Demobilized, the young man enters the Mogilev school of transport police, at the end of which he begins a law enforcement career. The first step on the career ladder was the post of a regular guard at the Grozny airport. Then Alu Alkhanov fought against organized crime in Nalchik. In the service showed great zeal and diligence, which did not go unnoticed by the authorities. Therefore, the young specialist was sent to study at the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Rostov. He graduated in 1994 with honors, and after that he worked as the head of the Grozny LUVD of the North Caucasus Department of Internal Affairs in transport.



When the war began, a difficult choice faced a policeman named Alu Alkhanov. His biography was closely connected with Chechnya and its inhabitants, many of whom advocated separation from Russia. But Alu Dadashevich himself held other views, which he stated openly. He showed his position not in word but in deed, joining the federal troops. In one of the most serious battles, on August sixth, ninety-sixth year, protecting Alkhanov’s building besieged by separatists, Alkhanov was seriously wounded in the stomach. Only by miracle then none of the personnel was killed. And the wounded chief of the police department reached Rostov. He was saved by the local doctors.

Since the power in Chechnya went to the supporter of independence, Dzhokhar Dudaev, the hero of this article was forced to stay there - on the territory of the Rostov region. But he did not sit idly by, in the ninety-ninth year, taking an active part in the Chechen counter-terrorist operation.


Work in the city of Mines

In the ninety-seventh year, Alkhanov Alu Dadashevich became the new head of the Shakhty linear police department. The subordinates were at first very wary of him - after all, he was a Chechen … You never mind! But Alkhanov very quickly managed to gain the trust of personnel. He managed to establish work that had not previously shone with the performance of the department. In addition, the man rallied the team, constantly organizing joint leisure activities, became a respected and beloved chef.

Today, three years of work under the leadership of Alu Dadashevich, many department employees remember with warmth. Alkhanov could not stay in the Mines forever. He madly missed his native Chechnya. And as soon as he had the opportunity, he returned to the city of Grozny dear to his heart, continuing to work on his native land.


After return

After returning to his homeland in 2000, Alu Alkhanov again became the head of the transport police of Grozny. Three years later, he was appointed head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya. Then he receives the shoulder straps of the Major General from the hands of the President of the Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadyrov. By the way, in 2004, Kadyrov died during an explosion at the Dynamo stadium in Grozny. Alu Dadashevich was also in this unfortunate place and was wounded. In general, during that period the attempts on him were committed repeatedly.

President of the Chechen Republic

After the death of Kadyrov Sr., the post of president of Chechnya was vacated. And the son of the deceased, Ramzan, said that he sees Alkhanov as a worthy successor to his father. The Chechen diaspora also supported this candidacy.


The election campaign began, during which Alkhanov Alu Dadashevich promised to keep Chechnya within Russia, restore peace, develop the economy of the republic, attracting private capital and giving green light to small and medium-sized businesses, as well as closely engage in housing construction and job creation. As for the separatist formation of Chechnya-Ichkeria, headed by Aslan Maskhadov, the candidate admitted the possibility of negotiation processes. But later he took those words back.

On August 29, 2004, Alu Alkhanov became the new president of Chechnya. A photo of him flashed in the media. The Russians watched with interest the processes in the region, on the territory of which until recently the war was blazing. You had to be a very strong leader in order to restore everything. According to official figures, 73.67 percent of voters cast their votes for Alkhanov. But international observers recorded a large number of falsifications and other violations.

The work of Alu Dadashevich as president did not live up to the expectations of many. Moreover, political scientists stated that de facto in the republic is dual power. That is, the son of the deceased Akhmat Kadyrov, Ramzan, plays a huge role in Chechnya. In 2007, Alkhanov resigned. And Putin signed it. I. about the president became Kadyrov. To this day, he is the leader of the Chechen Republic and is successfully doing his job.

Deputy Minister of Justice

But without work Alu Dadashevich did not remain. In February 2007, Vladimir Vladimirovich appointed him Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation. At this post, Alkhanov dealt with the rights of juvenile delinquents, the issues of foreign trade security and the tariff and customs policy. He also evaluated the work of executive bodies at the federal and regional levels, being a member of the relevant commissions. The range of issues falling within its competence is extremely wide: from economics to science.
