
American actor Brad Garrett: biography, career, personal life.

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American actor Brad Garrett: biography, career, personal life.
American actor Brad Garrett: biography, career, personal life.

Video: Brad Garrett Family Video With Girlfriend Isabella Quella 2024, June

Video: Brad Garrett Family Video With Girlfriend Isabella Quella 2024, June

This article will talk about the American comedian and actor Brad Garrett. We will analyze his filmography, biography and discuss personal life. Here is a list of awards and achievements of the actor.



Brad Garrett was born (at birth he received the name Brad H. Gerstenfeld) April 14, 1960 in the Los Angeles County Woodland Hills. The mother of the future actor Barbara was a housewife, and his father, Gerstenfeld Al, worked as a seller of hearing aids.

In addition to Garrett, his two older brothers were brought up in the family - Jeff (now working as a music promoter) and Paul (in his adult life, engaged in trade).

In 1978, Garrett Brad graduated from high school in Los Angeles. Next, the young man entered the University of California. But soon Garrett, dreaming of performing on stage, dropped out of school, having studied only about a month and a half.



When Brad turned 19, his photo appeared on the cover of the Discovery album by British rock band Electric Light Orchestra.

In the 1980s, Garrett began periodically appearing on the stages of California as a stand-up comedian, and in 1984 he won 100 thousand dollars at all, winning the Star Search TV show. After such a success, Brad Garrett was invited to the Johnny Carson Show. Among all the comedians previously involved in the project, he was the youngest.

In 1985, Brad tried his hand at dubbing, in the cartoon "Hulk Hogan's Rock'n'Wrestling", the character Hulk Hogan speaks in Garrett's voice.

The actor made his debut on the big screen in 1996. In the movie "The Indestructible Spy, " Brad Garrett played the role of a security guard. Until the 2000s, the following series and films appeared on the screen with the participation of the actor: “Kings of Suicide”, “Seinfeld”, “Don King: Only in America”, “Sweet and Ugly”.

In 1996, Brad Garrett, whose roles did not bring him popularity, played Robert Baron in the TV series "Everyone Loves Raymond", where he will continue to appear in the next nine years and will appear in 208 episodes.


The actor during his career played about two dozen roles in various films and series. Garrett Brad, films with the participation of which are located in chronological order below, was remembered by the viewer for a long time due to his bright appearance and professionalism.

List of actor films:

  • "Indestructible Spy" - in the role of a bodyguard (1996);

  • "Kings of Suicide" - guy Jackkill (1997);

  • Sweet and Ugly - a character by Joe Badlow (1998);

  • the series "Everyone Loves Raymond" - played by Robert Baron over the course of 208 episodes (1996-2005);

  • Stuart Little 2 - Plumber (2002);

  • "Tycoons" - played the role of Wally (2005);

  • "The Bald Nanny: The Task" - Deputy Director Dwayne Marnie (2005);

  • “Happily Ever After” - Eddie Stark, 81st episode (2006-2010);

  • "Out of sight - out of the chart - out!" - in the role of manager Chris Riley (2007);

  • Fargo "- the character of Joe Bulo (2015);

In addition to the roles played, Garrett voiced about three dozen cartoons, among which the following are worth mentioning: "Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World", "Hercules: How to Become a Hero", "Goofy: Extreme Sports", "Finding Nemo", "Tom and Jerry: Flight to Mars, Tarzan 2, Asterix and the Vikings, Ratatouille.


The actor also took part in the scoring of video games, and in the period from 2008 to 2010 he acted as a producer of the American sitcom "Long and Happily."