
Monsoon is a phenomenon that affects the climate of entire continents.

Monsoon is a phenomenon that affects the climate of entire continents.
Monsoon is a phenomenon that affects the climate of entire continents.

Video: What is a monsoon? 2024, July

Video: What is a monsoon? 2024, July

For a long time, man has been observing nature. Often, sailors noticed steady winds blowing toward the continents. Monsoon - this is the very wind that changes direction twice a year. In summer, it is directed from the ocean to the mainland. It brings torrential rains and abundant moisture. This is truly a life-giving force that does not allow all the living variety of land to die.


By the onset of winter, the summer monsoon gradually changes direction, rebuilding in the opposite direction. Now, from land, streams of air rush to the sea. Such a climate is often characterized as monsoon. You can observe it in the southern hemisphere of the planet, in the Far East and coastal areas, in the south of Asia, in Australia, equatorial Africa, Brazil and the Middle East. The winter period in these areas is characterized by scarce rainfall, drought and extremely rare rains. The most favorable periods for life in areas with a monsoon climate are spring and autumn. Spring monsoon is the movement of air, which in the off-season gives a comfortable temperature and humidity. This period is unusually picturesque. One has only to look at the monsoon (pictures below) in the Persian Gulf to experience the beauty of the natural phenomenon.


The cause of the monsoon is the formation of high and low pressure zones. Considering that in the equatorial regions there are zones of low pressure, and in the subequatorial ones - high, then the monsoon is a constant movement of cyclones. In addition, the formation of the monsoon wind is affected by the temperature difference in summer and winter, as, for example, in India. In summer, hot air moves deep into the mainland. And in winter, stronger winds blow from the continent towards the ocean.

But not always the monsoon is a long-awaited joy. After all, it is known that strong winds bring disasters to entire countries. Often, the population of the continents suffers from floods and destructive rains. Residents of Vietnam, Korea, Thailand are often held hostage by the raging elements in the summer. And in winter, a severe drought can result in fires, outbreaks of epidemics. First of all, the countries of Africa suffer from these “charms”. The local population is waiting for the onset of the summer monsoon season, since life on this continent depends entirely on them.


Indeed, in the winter, entire rivers dry up, leaving behind a dried riverbed. With the advent of the rainy season, they are filled, and life returns to these places.

This phenomenon is practically not observed in European countries. On the vast territory of land, cyclones and anticyclones replace each other, not lingering for a long time in one place. Monsoons are characteristic for coastal areas and are completely atypical for Europe. But in the Far East, you can notice their impact on the climate. From June to September there is maximum rainfall. Hence it turns out that in the summer it is rainy but warm weather, and in winter it is rather dry, windy and very cold. Moreover, in the driest winter month, precipitation is 5 times less than in the wettest summer. This imbalance is characteristic of the monsoon climate.