
Anastasia Chernova is an actress who became the wife of Oleg Menshikov. Biography, photo

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Anastasia Chernova is an actress who became the wife of Oleg Menshikov. Biography, photo
Anastasia Chernova is an actress who became the wife of Oleg Menshikov. Biography, photo

Anastasia Chernova is an actress whom the public knows primarily as a girl who managed to marry one of the most coveted bachelors of Russia. Before meeting with Nastya Oleg Menshikov never entered into a legal marriage. A significant age difference did not bother the lovers; the wedding took place in 2005. What is known about the chosen one of the famous actor?

Biography of actress Anastasia Chernova: childhood

The future wife of Menshikov was born on the Taimyr Peninsula, it happened in 1983. Anastasia Chernova is an actress whose childhood passed in the small town of Talnakh. If you believe the memories of her school teachers, as a child, Nastya had a hot temper, with difficulty found a common language with her peers. Her dream was a successful career as an actress, this desire is recorded even in school essays.


The biography of actress Anastasia Chernova suggests that she studied well at school. Of course, classmates were jealous of an excellent student, who called her a dumbass. In addition to the lessons, Nastya found time to visit a variety of circles. She played in amateur performances, was engaged in dancing and music. She then did not use the success of the male representatives, which was due to overweight and complex character.

Nastia Chernova’s childhood was not cloudless due to family problems. She was a child when her parents divorced. The resentment of his father was so strong that the actress still refuses to communicate with him.

Student years

Anastasia Chernova is an actress who graduated from one of the most famous universities in the country. Having received a certificate, she immediately submitted documents to GITIS, she entered on the first attempt. Surprisingly, the girl had excellent relations with classmates, they speak of her as a responsive and gentle nature.


Such a problem as extra pounds also disappeared from the life of a novice actress when she became a student. True, she had to adhere to a strict diet for some time. Nastya studied with pleasure, she liked to comprehend the secrets of acting. In her student years, Chernova had her first fans, but none of them managed to become her first love.

Fateful meeting

Anastasia Chernova is an actress who owes her stellar status to her famous husband. Acquaintance with Menshikov, according to the girl, was the most romantic event in her life. The meeting of the future spouses took place on February 14, when the aspiring actress was invited to the performance of Zhvanetsky. To her surprise, Menshikov and Basharov joined the company in which she spent time.


Oleg conquered 22-year-old Nastya with self-confidence and extravagant behavior, later she laughed to reporters about how her future husband tried to eat the flowers presented to her. On the day they met, they exchanged phone numbers, but they started dating only a few months later. For some time Menshikov and Chernova lived together, the wedding took place in the year when Anastasia received a diploma of graduation. Interestingly, there was no magnificent ceremony, even Nastya's friends found out about the marriage from the newspapers. The couple spent their honeymoon in Switzerland.