
Anna Romantseva: biography and photos

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Anna Romantseva: biography and photos
Anna Romantseva: biography and photos

Always and everywhere it was believed that unequal marriages did not exist for a long time, did not have strength, were concluded without love and for convenience. Many condemn such partners, not believing that you can live well, and quite happily and enjoy a young husband or wife next to you, and on the other hand, respect the wisdom and maturity of your chosen one.

World history knows many such cases, for example, Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who left his first wife for the sake of the young stenographer Anna Snitkina, or Alexander Vertinsky, captivated by the incredible charm and beauty of the young 19-year-old Lydia Tsirgvava. The world of show business also boasts of such pairs: the Hollywood union of Katherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas, as well as the marriage of Russian pop diva Alla Borisovna Pugacheva with Maxim Galkin.

Today we would like to tell the reader about Anna Romantseva, whose family union can also be called unequal. However, it will not only be about her romantic relationship, but also about the facts from the life of a young girl and some well-known moments of her biography.


In the shadow of a talented husband

Of course, the biographical information about the girl in question in the material is extremely small. All that is known is that Anna Romantseva is a Russian actress who was born in 1985. She is currently 33 years old. At the beginning of the two thousandths she was lucky enough to work in the famous series “Soldiers” as a voice coordinator. By the way, it was on the set of the next season of the film project about the soldier's life of Romantsev and met her future husband Alexei Maklakov, who played one of the main roles in the same series - an ensign by the name of Shmatko.

The actor was pretty young Anna Romantseva from the very beginning, so this interest did not go unnoticed. Maklakov, having examined the timid glances of sympathy for himself on the part of young Anna, decided to take matters into his own hands, and after a while the whole crew realized that a warm and reverent relationship was established between the actor and the voice coordinator.

One day, a girl admitted in one of her interviews: “The entire crew was afraid of the actor, including myself. But he is an amazingly talented person with enormous charisma, it is difficult to ignore him. My first thought was that his wife was very lucky. Then I still "I didn’t know that he was single and would soon be lucky for me."


Happy children of parents in love

In February 2009, Anna Romantseva gave birth to actor Maklakov a wonderful daughter, Irina. Then the most eventful time of filming the aforementioned series fell, and happy parents were forced to take their eleven-month-old daughter with them to work. Sometimes the flight of a married couple lasted for 6-7 hours, and little Irina was constantly with them.

However, the newly formed family was engaged not only in making money, but also in spending it. So, Alexey Maklakov and Anna Romantseva often went on vacation in Europe and traveled a lot. By the way, after a lot of time spent in marriage, the couple did not forget about romantic travels and a pleasant vacation abroad. We can say that this is a favorite pastime of young Anna and her husband.


Life before meeting the present

Alexey Maklakov Irina is not the first child. A man was fortunate enough to be a father twice before her birth. From a joint marriage with Olga Belokobylskaya, he has a son, Ilya, and a daughter named Nicole was born to the actor from a second family union with Maria Karhotkina.

In 2012, Maklakov and Anna Romantseva again became parents. Their family was replenished with another daughter, Sofia. During their second pregnancy, Anna and their first daughter Ira and Alexei lived in a resort in the Costa Blanca, which is located in Spain, occasionally coming to Moscow with her husband. By the way, as for children, the couple is not going to stop there. Famous and beloved by many, the artist wants his young wife to give him a son as well.


Personal life caught in the gaze of millions of fans

The press and the Internet are actively discussing the personal life of Anna Romantseva, whose biography we are discussing today in the context of the article. Of course, this situation is largely due to the popularity of her chosen one, Alexei Maklakov, and also because the age difference between the couple is about 23 years.

Marriage of Maklakov to Romantseva was a surprise for many, because no one seriously took this hobby of the actor, considering their relationship a passing affair of the famous womanizer and conqueror of ladies' hearts. Nevertheless, the Romantsev / Maklakov family union is still valid. As the actor himself said: "In Moscow there is a place for any marriage."

According to Alexei, everything takes place in the modern world. Anna Romantseva, whose photo is presented in the material, helps her beloved actor look at everything around in a completely different way and on the other hand: it is easier to relate to things, be cheerful, change and eradicate old prejudices, throw them out.


Reasoning on Family Values

According to Maklakov, every woman at absolutely any age needs a strong, reliable and strong shoulder, which can only be substituted by a mature and experienced man who has lived in the world and has seen much in this world. He, in turn, during this period lacks warmth, sincerity, the ability to rejoice childishly, which a young energetic girl can give.

The key to a successful relationship, according to the couple, is mutual understanding and respect for each other. In their family, everyone tries to listen to the opinion of the other, but most importantly, the last word always remains with the man.

Came, saw, won


Maklakov can not be called a lover of long courtship. One fine day, he simply took Romantseva with him to a creative meeting in Kiev. By the way, since that time their union can be considered valid. It was in Kiev that actress Anna Romantseva became pregnant with her first child. Between filming and flights from city to city, the couple got married: the ceremony lasted less than 5 minutes, but no one is upset, because Maklakov’s plans are to organize a gorgeous celebration, where he finally sees his wife in a chic white dress.

Together in life

Anna Romantseva is a muse for her husband, a good companion and the main adviser in choosing roles. After the birth, the newlyweds had a deal: for 3 years, Anna regains her strength and only then begins to build her own career. In the end, her plans were not destined to be fulfilled. The woman became the personal assistant of her husband both at home and at work. She conducts all his affairs: arranges meetings, interviews, visits to various events and other things.

Spouses always try to consult in difficult situations, for example, they discuss the material side of issues together. But, of course, the last word still remains with the “ensign Shmatko, ” who can rightfully be considered the head of their family.
