
Anna Tabakova: biography and photos

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Anna Tabakova: biography and photos
Anna Tabakova: biography and photos

Despite the fact that seventeen-year-old Anna Tabakova is studying abroad, she has about 15 thousand followers on Instagram, admired by her beauty and model appearance. The girl causes additional interest in the fact that she is a representative of two creative dynasties: Tabakov and Chukhrai.



The founder of the Tabakov dynasty should rightfully be considered Oleg Pavlovich, a native of Saratov. It was he who, born in a family of physicians, went to conquer Moscow in the 50s, becoming a student at the Moscow Art Theater. Today, behind the shoulders of the 81-year-old head of two theaters - the famous "Snuffbox" and the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, more than 160 movie roles. The cat Matroskin from Prostokvashino speaks in his voice, which made him beloved and known by all generations of Russians. A magnificent actress is his wife Lyudmila Krylova, with whom the couple lived for 34 years. She is known for the films “Volunteers”, “Road to the Sea”, “Alive and Dead”. Until now, she has been playing at the Sovremennik Theater.

The granddaughter of Oleg Tabakov, Anna, is the daughter of the eldest son of the couple - Anton, who successfully began an acting career, starring in almost thirty films. For compatriots, he will forever be associated with Timur from "Timur and his team" Arkady Gaidar. He preferred the profession of an artist to the restaurant business, having achieved tremendous success. Anton’s sister, who had high hopes, left the scene after Anton Tabakov left the family for a young student - Marina Zudina, not wanting to intersect with her eminent father, whom she has not talked with to date. The dynasty continues the youngest son of Oleg Tabakov - Paul, who is predicted a great future.



On the line of Tabakova’s mother, Anna is a representative of a dynasty of famous directors, among whom Grigory Chukhrai is the author of the cult Ballad of a Soldier. A participant in the Great Patriotic War, he glorified Soviet art abroad, becoming the nominee for the Oscars and Golden Palm Branches in Cannes. His son Pavel Chukhrai - Anna's grandfather, is known for such works as “The Thief”, “Driver for Vera”, “Alien”. Grandmother Maria Zvereva is a screenwriter who has about twenty-seven films.


Aunt Elena Grigoryevna Chukhrai is a film expert, but her mother, Anastasia Pavlovna, graduated from the Faculty of Economics. She was predicted a career in cinema, but she showed character by choosing a different profession for herself. The creative beginning has triumphed, and the viewers of the 90s are known as the popular TV presenter (“Details in the morning”, “Free time”, “Nest”). On the Domashny channel, the program hosted the program “Portrait of a Man”, disappearing from the screens after marrying Alexei Reznikovich, the current head of the VimpelCom Supervisory Board. Anna Tabakova is very similar to her mother.

Parents of the secular beauty

Anton Tabakov and Anastasia Chukhrai met at a television studio. Vladislav Listyev’s “Theme” program was dedicated to the children of famous artists. The girl was only 17 years old, and Tabakov - 34. He had several marriages behind him, the son of Nikita from his common-law wife - actress Ekaterina Semenova. Anastasia's parents did not approve of the courtship of an adult gentleman, but a year later the couple got married. The girl could not resist the persistent courtship of the novice restaurateur.


The young wife showed design abilities, helping her husband in the design of the restaurant. The birth of a daughter in 1999 prompted his father to build a house in Peredelkino. Nothing seemed to portend a breakup. But after twelve years of marriage, the couple divorced. Each went his own way. Both created new families, but managed to maintain friendly relations, which Anna Tabakova was to blame. Anton Tabakov's daughter adores her father, who gives her support and a sense of security. She is the eldest of daughters: her mother has a younger sister, Maria and her father has two sisters from a marriage with an alien graduate named Angelica.


From the age of twelve, Anna receives education in England. St Mary's Calne is for girls only, amounting to three hundred people. Only a few of them are Russians. The girl is fluent in English, and also speaks French and Italian, so she has no problems in communication. The school has rather strict rules, but a wonderful atmosphere is created thanks to the centuries-old traditions. Anna Tabakova wants to continue her education in England in order to receive a diploma of a designer or PR manager.

She has not yet decided on the profession, but she is definitely not considering for herself the option of continuing the acting dynasty. The girl has an excellent relationship with the children of Oleg Tabakov. While in Moscow, she enjoys going to theaters, attending performances with the participation of Pavel Olegovich. Anton Tabakov has recently retired, placing high hopes on his eldest son Nikita. But he admits that today he is also considering the advice that his daughter gives. For example, the promotion of the restaurant business in Dubai. In the meantime, Anna has other priorities.

Debutantes Ball

In October 2014, Tatler magazine held a ball for the fourth time, in which 13 representatives of the richest families in Russia were to participate. For them, this is their debut appearance, so the girls rehearse the dance program for a long time, select the best outfits and jewelry. Among the guests Ales Kafelnikov, Monna Goldovskaya, Maria Kozakova, Polina Kutsenko. The girl’s family approached the annual event responsibly. Anton Tabakov personally accompanied his daughter to Paris, where she tried on clothes in Coco Chanel’s apartment, going down the elegant staircase decorated with mirrors. The choice was made with the help of the artistic director of the Chanel House Karl Lagerfeld.


Anna Tabakova, whose photo with the representative of the fashion house is presented in the article, is the face of Chanel. From a dozen outfits, not a traditional ball gown was chosen, but a short outfit with a long train decorated with feathers. Effectively lowered sleeves made it possible to emphasize the beauty of the shoulders decorated with camellias. Earrings and a bracelet made of white gold with diamonds complement the image of a beautiful woman who dreams of invitations to fashion shows, private parties and elite clubs of the capital.

External data

Anna has no pages on social networks, but regularly posts photos on Instagram. In the summer, her picture appeared in a bikini, literally blowing up the Internet. The main reason is the flawless figure of a seventeen-year-old beauty. A huge number of comments forced the girl to delete the photo, but it has already become the property of the Internet. Today, Anna has limited access to her page, but this further fuels interest in her. Anton Tabakov admits in an interview that he is struggling with his daughter because of proper nutrition and the need for gymnastics. But it looks like a certain guile.


Anna Tabakova, whose growth meets the most demanding requirements for a model appearance, has perfect proportions. The long-legged beauty is a cut above her father and leads an active lifestyle, keen on wakeboards. An open face with regular features complements a delightful image, as if descended from the pages of glossy magazines. The owner of blue eyes, the girl is very similar to her mother, but not only externally.


Growing up in a democratic environment, the beauty has an independent character. She receives offers to become a model to shine on the catwalks. Walking designer outfits, Anna Tabakova declares that she does not refuse offers to appear on the set as a model, but is not ready to do this with her profession. She is not ready to become an actress, using her relationship with prominent representatives of this profession. The girl believes that famous parents are both an advantage and an obstacle. All my life I will have to prove to others that you mean something as an independent unit.

Anna has a well-developed sense of kinship. Peaceful and friendly, she loves traveling with her family, maintains contacts with all relatives. She has an excellent relationship with Antonina Reznikovich, daughter of Alexei Reznikovich from her first marriage, brothers and sisters on her mother and father.
