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Anonymous: what is anonymity and what is it for

Table of contents:

Anonymous: what is anonymity and what is it for
Anonymous: what is anonymity and what is it for

Video: What is ANONYMITY? What does ANONYMITY mean? ANONYMITY meaning, definition & explanation 2024, June

Video: What is ANONYMITY? What does ANONYMITY mean? ANONYMITY meaning, definition & explanation 2024, June

We all heard such a definition as anonymous. What is this word, where it occurs and from what language it appeared - is described in the article.

Meaning of the word


According to the dictionary of foreign words included in the everyday life of the Russian language, an anonymous person is an unnamed, unknown person who, for one reason or another, wished to remain so. Most often, such a definition is found in letters and various kinds of messages when the author or group of people wished to remain incognito. A logical question arises - if they decided to act as anonymous, what is hidden in their messages? Most often, this is a manifest or other information that can damage their status or even life if interested people find out who made it public.


Anonymous authors are quite rare in the writing world, even if the author does not want to reveal his name, then it is enough to take a pseudonym. Indeed, even the most specific of them attract less attention than the absence of such.



Another area where without anonymity is more expensive is denunciations, slander, and more. Usually this happens in tight or closed teams, where disclosure of who exactly “pawned” the rest can be severely punished - the army, school, institute, etc. Or in the case when some unpleasant facts are hidden the authorities are interested and have to complain to those who stand above them in office. So we figured out who the anonymous people are, what they do and why.

Love messages


Sometimes directly telling about your feelings for another person is completely impossible. There may be many reasons for this: fear of rejection, ordinary indecision, or the case when you are sure that, unfortunately, you will not get reciprocity. And just then often people resort to the help of anonymous love letters and other messages. Of course, they can rarely correct the situation, but they bring the author at least some relief.

This was very popular at all times, but especially in the 19th century among secular society. Even when secrecy was not particularly necessary, anonymity gave the letters a riddle and charm. And often this is exactly what the anonymous authors sought. What is love is a difficult question, but sometimes it is the illusion of the inaccessibility of the object of desire that makes it even more desirable.


Concealment of a name is also necessary during the commission of some unlawful things, be it extremist manifestos calling for violent actions, or criticism of the ruling regime. Fortunately, the latter is not prosecuted in all countries.

Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that calculating anonymous letters is sometimes not such a difficult task. It all depends on the level of his training and the type of action. It directly depends on the latter whether they will be looking for him and with what particular efforts. Or methods. Handwriting, paper, style (if we are talking about a letter or a note) can give knowledgeable people a lot of information. But nowadays, when mentioning anonymity, they often mean the Internet and everything connected with it.