association in the organization

Anonymous (hackers): what kind of organization is this?

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Anonymous (hackers): what kind of organization is this?
Anonymous (hackers): what kind of organization is this?

Video: What Happens When Hacker From Anonymous Meets FBI Agent In Interview... 2024, July

Video: What Happens When Hacker From Anonymous Meets FBI Agent In Interview... 2024, July

Anonymus (hackers) is not a group of people, as many believe, it is rather an ideology, the followers of which strive to make information publicly available. Oppose the actions of government and corporations that restrict freedom of information.

What is who?

Where does the Anonymous hackers come from and who they are, no one knows. They have no leaders or representatives. Moreover, the composition of this society is also unstable. Everyone is equal. Although, as time shows, there were and are some users with advanced features.


Anyone can become an anonymus, and for this it is not necessary to be a computer genius. To use your ideas, you need to either join an existing direction or create your own. Everyone knows that at the present time it is very easy to disseminate information. The main task of the representative is to maintain anonymity (his) and protect the secrets of others.

History of the creation of society

As you know, the participants in this movement are not at all terrorists or world criminals. Most often they do not carry any international danger. These are people who can expertly confuse any media and those who wish to reveal all the secrets of cyber peace.

The source of the appearance of "Anonymous" is the opening in 2003 of the 4chan image board. Then this site became a follower of the famous Japanese forum with completely different content. At the same time, all the information that exists on the forum was posted anonymously.


The creator and admin of 4chan was a certain moot. On the new platform, the publication of anonymous messages immediately became available, but not in Japanese, but in English, or rather slang. Everyone who decided to post information without revealing their name automatically received the pseudonym Anonymous.

Many boards with different topics appeared on the 4chan website, but the / b / section became the most exciting and popular. It is here that the deposit of popular memes spreads further spread across the world wide web. Such messages have always been published with the purpose of offending or hitting, or maybe immediately offending and hitting users. Naturally, such a post has always been anonymous.

Guy Fawkes Mask

Researchers of this trend believe that the organization of anonymous hackers is not new. The anonymous mask known to the whole world is a symbol of Guy Fawkes, a man who struggled with injustice in government in the 17th century. According to history, despite the fact that the idea of ​​a conspiracy against the king of London did not belong to Fox, it was his task to undermine the House of Lords.


Of course, with the development of the Internet, hacker steps began to appear. Already in the early 90s there were groups that hacked into projects for political revenge.

Social network

In 2010, the Anonymous community of hackers announced that it was launching its own social network. It was called AnonPlus and was developed due to the fact that many social networks such as Twitter, Google + and Facebook blocked community accounts.

On the main page was only a screensaver that contained messages about the causes and goals of the formation of the social network. At the same time, the project was to attract not only fans of ideology, but also ordinary people who did not hide under the mask. In 2011, the project was under development, forecasts for its opening were disappointing, and now the site page is not accessible at all.


Most likely, this is due to the fact that, having not had time to open and make an announcement, the social network was hacked. A statement was immediately received from two hacker groups - TURKIYE and AKINCILAR: they say, this is the work of our hands. After this hacking, another one occurred, and on the main page flaunted the porter Bashar al-Assad - the head of Syria. Under it were the signatures of those who hacked the Anonymous project.

Now it’s hard to say why such an incident happened. Is it possible to consider that the Anonymous hackers fell into their own trap, or did the guys not bother at all about protecting their “brainchild”? Perhaps admitted hackers - this is just an advertising move, because before that no one knew about them.

Anonymous activity

The main method by which "Anonymous" (hackers) act is DDOS attacks and hacks. These are now the most effective ways to prove your idea and fight for it. Thanks to these actions, the world has become known for the program for cyber attacks LOIC. It was created using the C # language.

The Anonymous group of hackers also uses a program developed back in 1988, the IRC, which allows for group communication, anonymous operation, or the transfer of PC commands that participate in the botnet. But The Onion Router became an assistant in the secure installation of an anonymous connection with wiretap protection.

Who are they?

The main task of the Anonymous is secrecy, and every intelligence agency wants to get any information about the representatives of this area. Therefore, the world is still rare, but to get acquainted with the followers of this ideology.


One of the first who fell for the bait was Dmitry Guzner, who was seen in attacks on the Church of Scientology. The guy pleaded guilty, but did not agree that he was an accomplice, but argued that he acted alone. The prosecutor tried to knock out Dmitry for 10 years, but he received only 366 days and a two-year ban on using a computer.

Christopher Doyon became known to the world, or, as he was called in Anonymous circles, Commander X. His first case was the charge of hacking the Santa Cruz website. And only then the security services discovered his connection with the organization. It later turned out that he was the coordinator of the attacks. They tried to imprison him for 15 years, but Doyon came out on bail of 35 thousand dollars and fled to Canada. Here he tried to find support from his associates, but everywhere he was refused, after which, having lost all his means, he remained a tramp with a laptop and left the Anonymous community (hackers), feeling betrayed.

Some hackers have not become real anonymous crackers. They revealed all the secrets in fear of being imprisoned for life. This story happened to Monseguru. He was charged and named with a prison term of 124 days. As a result, he handed over the other members of Anonymus and began to work with the FBI.


The most famous scandal happened in 2008. Then on the "YouTube" appeared a propaganda video of the Church of Scientology. Representatives tried to eliminate the video, which hackers Anonymus posted an appeal to Scientologists. And so began the operation of Chanology.


In January 2008, a DDOS attack was conducted. Anonymus claimed that the sect’s actions constitute a violation of freedom of speech, and that this dangerous organization exposes its participants to financial exploitation and threatens those who are trying to leave it. According to many who support this action, Scientologists have embedded the code on the page of the fund dedicated to the fight against epilepsy. This animation caused an epileptic seizure. But then many began to blame exactly the Anonymous Society.

The pirate bay

Another popular operation, which is associated with anonymous hackers, was the protection of Pirate Bay. Hackers said that they hacked the mail of the Swedish government, and that problems with the mail servers of Germany, India, Israel and other countries are also associated with their activities.

The reason for this is the seizure of servers that belong to The Pirate Bay's pirated torrent tracker. The Swedish government decided to take up this matter, and therefore the Anonymous are accusing them. Also, some files became suddenly paid, which contradicted the format of the site.



In 2012, a similar story took place, but with a Ukrainian pirate site. January 31, he abruptly stopped working. Immediately, in response to this action, an attack began on the sites of the National Bank of Ukraine, the resource of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine. Within a couple of days, a statement was received that Ukrainian computer crackers began to cooperate with the Anonymous team (hackers). A few hours later, investigators stopped blocking the site’s domain, and it began to function in a day.