
Antwerp - where is it located, in which country? History, sights and interesting facts

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Antwerp - where is it located, in which country? History, sights and interesting facts
Antwerp - where is it located, in which country? History, sights and interesting facts

Video: ✅ TOP 10: Things To Do In Antwerp 2024, July

Video: ✅ TOP 10: Things To Do In Antwerp 2024, July

Probably, not all of our readers, without hesitation, will answer the question: “What is Antwerp?”. The answer is known to travelers “with experience” and geography lovers. Today we will take a small virtual tour to the Flemish region of Belgium, where Antwerp is located - the country's second largest and most important city after Brussels and the largest city in Flanders.


City name

According to legend, the city owes its name to the mythical giant Druon Antigone, who once lived by the bridge across the Scheldt. He charged a fee to all who crossed the river. A terrible fate awaited those who refused to pay: the giant tore off unhappy hands and threw it into the water.

But the giant did not always rule. Once he was defeated by the Roman warrior Brabo, who cut off the evil Druon's hand and threw it at Scheldt. Since then, the city got its current name. Hand werpen in Dutch means "throw a hand."

Antwerp in Belgium: details

This is a large European city whose history is rooted in the distant past. In ancient Antwerp, the great Rubens created. City attractions are concentrated in the city center on the banks of the Scheldt.

In which country and where is Antwerp, you can find out by looking at the map. You can see it below.



So, we found out in which country the city of Antwerp is located. It's time to find out how it arose. The first mention of it dates back to the 7th century. In the XIII century, the city began to actively develop, becoming the center of exchange trade. In 1315, he joined the Hanseatic Trade Union.

For sixty-three years (1384-1447) the city was ruled by Burgundy, and in 1447 it became the property of the Habsburgs. In the middle of the XVI century, the city became a major economic center: about 40% of world trade was concentrated in it. Thus, Antwerp became the main European port and financial center.

In 1576, Antwerp was defeated by rebellious warriors of the king. During these events, about eight thousand people died. Part of the townspeople left Antwerp, and this ended its former greatness. After 1585, he was occupied by the Spaniards and evangelists.

The signing of the Versailles Peace Agreement worsened the situation of the city, as the Dutch cut it off the coast, located at the mouth of the Scheldt. The revival of Antwerp refers to the period when Napoleon came to power in France. He decided to make a military port out of the city. The construction of new docks began in 1803. Napoleon managed to turn the city into a French naval base.

In 1815, after the defeat of the French troops at Waterloo, Antwerp was transferred to Belgium for a bribe, which in 1834 separated from the Netherlands. Having gone through numerous trials, having experienced prosperity and decline, already at the end of the 19th century Antwerp became a prosperous city and economic center of Europe.


Knowing where Antwerp is located (in which country), one can understand that the proximity of the North Sea creates a temperate climate in this territory. In summer, the thermometer does not rise above +21 ° C, in autumn and winter it is very damp, often it rains heavily. Temperature rarely drops below 0 ° C. According to tourists, it is best to visit the city in spring or summer, when the weather allows for long walks.


In the city of Antwerp in Belgium, public transport is well developed. There are city and suburban buses, pre-subways and trams. Urban transport begins its work at 6 am and ends at midnight. On weekends (Saturday and Sunday) a night bus runs.

City districts

We hope that now you can easily answer everyone who is interested in where Antwerp is located, in which country. Now let's find out how this city works. Its center is located on the right bank of the Scheldt. The waterfront is located in the north. In the southeast is the Surenborg district. Here, instead of houses, there are castles and palaces. In the eastern part of the city is the Chinese district. In the very south is Zuid. Mehxem, Hoboken and Rasshaat are the sleeping areas of the city. Lineroever is a modern district built up with high-rise buildings. And for prestigious mansions allotted Edegem, located in the south.

Holidays in Antwerp

Tourists from Europe know perfectly well which country Antwerp is in: they are frequent visitors here. Locals are always friendly to all visitors, trying to talk about their city and its traditions.

In Antwerp they know how and love to have fun. Whether it be a festival, a city holiday or a fair, everything is held here in a big way.

Seed Festival

Travelers who know where Antwerp is located (in which country) try to come here on one of the city holidays. In the spring there is annually celebrated the festival of Seed, which is dedicated to the pagan god of plenty and youth. It is depicted above the gate of the castle of Sten. In the morning, citizens gather in front of the town hall in the square, dance and sing folk songs. On this day, bless all the lovers, whom the seed protects.

In the afternoon, everyone goes to the castle of Sten, decorate the image of the deity with flowers and bring spring bread as a gift. Then the holiday moves to the town hall square. With live music and wine, it continues until late at night.


Sinxenfort Holiday

This summer annual holiday came from Holy Trinity Day. It is held in the Zuyd area near the river port, on the waterfront. The celebrations began before Pentecost on Saturday and lasted more than five weeks. These days, a hundred of the most diverse attractions appear on the embankment: a catapult, a Ferris wheel, a carousel and a roller coaster. Tents are also set up here, where you can enjoy traditional national treats and drinks. The fair is open daily from 3 p.m. to midnight.


Circus, cinema and theater lovers are advised to visit the Antwerp Summer Festival. At this time, there are performances with the participation of the best creative teams of the country in open areas.

In August, lovers of jazz and old music come to the city. At this time, several festivals are held here. On the last Sunday of June, the Bierpassie Weekend festival takes place in Antwerp, which gathers beer lovers from all over the world.

Restaurants in Antwerp

Tourists coming to Antwerp do not have problems with the choice of cafes or restaurants: there are a great many of them. Belgian cuisine has incorporated French and German culinary traditions. In the Grotto Market area you can visit restaurants serving traditional Flemish cuisine.


The restaurant is famous for light snacks and delicious Mediterranean and Oriental dishes. Nice interior, calm music and friendly staff will help you to relax.



In a small room, a cozy atmosphere is created in which it is especially pleasant to taste delicious dishes. Depending on the season, the menu changes, but guests receive surprises from the chef every day.

Things to do in Antwerp

For adults and children every day from ten in the morning the oldest zoo in Europe opens. Today, about five thousand animals feel comfortable here.


Fans of classical art are advised to visit the Royal Ballet and the Flemish Opera. Disco and clubs open at night, the best parties in the city in the clubs D-club, Red & Blue, Noxx, Pure are always happy to meet lovers of nightly entertainment.

Sights and interesting places

The magnificent sights of Antwerp, the environs of the city attract many tourists here, mainly from European countries. We will tell you about some of them.

Castle Wall

The construction of one of the most beautiful medieval fortresses in Europe was completed in 1200. Inspired by legends and legends, every year he meets tens of thousands of tourists from different countries. The castle is located in the center of the old town. This is the oldest building in Antwerp and the first stone building erected on the site of the current city.


The severe Romanesque style of this building, despite numerous later perestroika, recalls the ancient times when Europe waged war almost continuously, and castles played the role of fortresses in which the population took refuge during the siege. In 1520, Charles V of Habsburg reconstructed the castle. And today you can see the difference between the dark gray medieval masonry from the light, dating back to the 16th century.

Grote Markt

A triangular ancient fortress, whose name translates as "Big Market". It is located in the city center surrounded by the Town Hall (1561) and the Cathedral (1521). Street cafes located on the square are always occupied by city guests. In the center of the square is a beautiful fountain and a statue of the warrior Silvius Brabo.

Town Hall

The city hall was built during the Renaissance in the Flemish and Italian styles. The mixture of Renaissance and Gothic gives the building a magnificent appearance. The building has many luxurious rooms with paintings and ancient frescoes.


The Gothic Cathedral of Virgin Mary is luxuriously decorated with numerous architectural elements. The temple was built over a hundred and fifty years and various architectural styles intertwined in it. On one side of it stands a huge tower, 123 meters high. A staircase leads to it.


The temple has a unique wooden altar, a marble statue of the Madonna, the painting "Death of Mary", unique window stained-glass windows. After the fire (1533) and robbery (1566) during the Protestant uprising, the interior was irretrievably lost.

Today, the pride of the cathedral are paintings by Rubens, according to biblical subjects:

  • “Descent from the Cross” (1609).

  • The Exaltation of the Cross.

  • The Ascension of Mary (1626).

  • The Resurrection of Christ (1612).

Butchers House

The original house has been adorned in Antwerp since 1504. In its facade, rows of white stone with red brick alternate. From afar, it resembles an appetizing piece of bacon. Today in this building you can visit the harp exhibition, see a collection of old coins, objects of applied art, weapons. The house has a large collection of paintings.



In ancient times, there was a cemetery at this place, later a flower market was opened, on the site of which a parking lot was located a few years later. Now not only tourists, but also townspeople like to relax here. Citizens call this square an oasis: there are many cozy bars and cafes, buried in flowers.


Rubens House

In Antwerp, a lot is connected with the name of the great artist and diplomat. Canvas Rubens stored in many museums and churches. The house in which the master lived became a museum. It preserved furniture (XVII century), unique works of art from a private collection. The house retained the atmosphere of the heyday of Baroque.



Antwerp cannot be called a very green city. But beyond its limits there are several parks that occupy large territories. They compensate for the lack of urban flora. Here you can take a walk and have a picnic, go in for sports and read or watch vacationers.


This name unites three parks at once, each of which has its own peculiarity and style. Previously, until 1910, the parks belonged to the aristocratic families of the city.
