
Architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser: biography, work, photo

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Architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser: biography, work, photo
Architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser: biography, work, photo

Video: Hundertwasser and his Dreamscapes | Euromaxx 2024, July

Video: Hundertwasser and his Dreamscapes | Euromaxx 2024, July

The Viennese architect, who left behind fabulous and unusual houses, said that they did not consist of walls. The main thing, in his opinion, is the windows. The master who breaks stereotypes in architecture has always had opponents who claim that his vibrant buildings, like dwelling houses for dwarves, were not built for people.

The ingenious provocateur and cosmopolitan became famous throughout the world with a special look at art. The Austrian artist, known for his environmental self-awareness, planted trees for thousands, claiming that it is the duty of every person.

Traveling instead of studying

Friedensreich Hundertwasser was born in Vienna in 1928. Researchers of his work are convinced that studying at the Montessori school influenced his passion for bright colors and instilled such a tender love for nature. After three months of study at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, he, under the influence of modern expressionists, thinks about his own work.


Considering that it is best to study the world in practice, and not from textbooks, the young man begins to travel, trying to find his style in art. Envious people discussed a family that didn’t suffer in the war, but only increased their fortune, which allowed the young man to travel around Europe comfortably.

Changing countries and cities, the artist was horrified by the same box houses. In his opinion, everyone has the right to color his window and the space next to him.

Symbol of unity and harmony

Friedensreich Hundertwasser, whose biography was full of bright moments during an amazing journey of a lifetime, chose as his symbol and visiting card a snail crawling on leaves of grapes, bearing its spiral-shaped house. He emphasized the unity of the inhabitants and their ecological dwelling.


And the spiral lines symbolized the infinity of the universe, unstable and changing over time. This image of the harmony of the world, in which man coexists with nature, the artist projected onto his architectural objects. Being engaged in graphics, an abstractionist and a surrealist enthusiastically painted colorful psychedelic spirals that became the object of study for researchers of his work.

Safe Housing Manifesto

He even developed a manifesto where he described his ideal home. The architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser, whose photo of the designed buildings surprises with the unusual lines and bright colors, believed that a person should live in a safe and comfortable hole with a large number of windows, covered with green vegetation on top.

By the way, he realized his dream in New Zealand, having built a unique building with a roof that smoothly turns into a hill, and local sheep come to pluck grass on it.

Friedensreich Hundertwasser and his fabulous homes

The most famous house in Vienna, whose images often appear on the pages of architectural publications, was built for several years. As soon as the object recognized as a local attraction was commissioned, all the living quarters were filled, although the cost of an apartment in a colorful building resembling a gingerbread house from a fairy tale was high.


The unique building, as if descended from the picture of the album, which was painted by an unsteady hand of a child, gave shelter not only to people. The architect’s developed ecological concept of harmony with nature found expression here: not only the walls, but also the roof are twined with greenery, and the outlines of the house resemble a hilly landscape.

“An uneven floor is a melody for our legs, which tone the body of a person. He returns the lost dignity of people, taken away in the usual construction, ”Friedensreich Hundertwasser spoke of his Viennese creation. The houses created according to his designs followed this principle, and no surfaces were even in any of his eccentric buildings.

The principle of personality

Another important Hundertwasser principle has been brought to life here. Considering that there should not be identical buildings, he gave individuality to each apartment, painting the facade in different colors, Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Photos of the fabulous house are now taken as a keepsake by all guests of Vienna. The artist did not forbid the tenants to change the palette of the walls of the facade if they wanted, but not one of them took advantage of his permission, and the house appears in its original form.

In an unusual building, in addition to 50 residential apartments, there are parking, a cafe, and children's rooms. And on the site near the house and inside it (in apartments) about 250 trees were planted. The eminent author, who refused the fee due, considered his brainchild to be a truly free house in which his dream came true, and was glad that there was no more ugly structure on this site.

Architect or designer?

Expressing magical beauty in irregular, broken lines, the Austrian architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser was criticized. He was accused of the absence of any ideas about architecture, and the principle of individuality was perceived as an attempt to increase the cost of apartments. Many considered the shocking artist a good decorator and designer who did not know the modern level of construction.


I must say that there was some truth in this: Friedensreich always had professional architects who embodied his original ideas.

Winery in the USA

It is generally accepted that the winery in the Napa Valley is considered a landmark work of the enemy of classical forms in art. The building erected outside the homeland was designed and built for more than ten years. This is a typical building for the architect’s building without right angles with broken lines.


Trees are planted on the roof-hill, and when viewed from a height, the building merges with the green valley of America. On the facade of the winery, called "Don Quixote", you will not be able to find the same doors and windows, which is why the finishing work lasted several years.

Architectural Doctor

“The facades of houses with straight lines look like concentration camps, and each individual window has the right to life, ” Friedensreich Hundertwasser emphasized in the manifesto. The architect tried to realize his “wrong” architectural structures, which were not always reliable and required constant repair, as in the case of the winery.


He called the erected houses in the classical style boring and sick, indignant at the fact that the public suffers their insensibility and sterility. And he declared the need for the introduction of a new profession - an architectural doctor. Straight lines considered the "instrument of the devil" Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The works of the author struggling for freedom of expression differed from the recognized canons of architecture. According to the projects of the creator creating his own style, amazing houses were built around the world. And he himself lived on a ship on which he traveled his whole life. The Regentag floating ship became his only home.

Doubtful statements

For sane people, some of the postulates of the architect caused a grin. Dreaming of natural harmony Friedensreich Hundertwasser believed that everyone has the right to design and build what he wants. And if these days there is no such freedom, then classical architecture is not considered a real art.


True, after criticism came down, the rebel admitted the fallacy of his views. But he believed that all architects must be technical consultants who must obey the will of the future tenant.