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The architecture of the Moscow Kremlin. History and description of the Moscow Kremlin

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The architecture of the Moscow Kremlin. History and description of the Moscow Kremlin
The architecture of the Moscow Kremlin. History and description of the Moscow Kremlin

Video: Moscow: The Kremlin and the Red Square ?? Moscow Video Guide 2024, July

Video: Moscow: The Kremlin and the Red Square ?? Moscow Video Guide 2024, July

The architecture of the Moscow Kremlin allows you to get a complete picture of how the center of the Russian capital was originally built. The architectural ensemble includes temples, squares, chambers, buildings. Today, these are all sights to see for which guests and tourists come from all over Russia and from abroad.

Kremlin construction


The architecture of the Moscow Kremlin was formed at the end of the 15th century. The main towers and walls were built in the years 1485-1495. Red brick and white stone in lime mortar were used. It is worth noting that the local craftsmen were not qualified enough for such work. Therefore, foreign experts were invited. Ivan III hired architects from Italy to build the Moscow Kremlin.

However, some towers were erected nevertheless by Russian masters. The fact is that their shape resembles characteristic wooden structures. As you know, at that time, carpentry art in Russia reached its perfection, which was facilitated by the universal material itself, and work was constantly required, since periodically large fires destroyed all buildings. To avoid this, stone was used in the construction of the Moscow Kremlin.

Assumption Cathedral


One of the main buildings of this architectural ensemble is the Assumption Cathedral. It was erected on the site of the first stone cathedral in Moscow, built by Ivan Kalita in the first half of the XIV century. The architecture of the Moscow Kremlin is largely determined by this structure.

The cathedral began to be erected in 1475. A similar religious building in Vladimir of the 12th century was taken as a sample. Thus, the succession of Moscow with respect to Vladimir, who was previously considered one of the main cities of Russia, was once again emphasized.

Over the next 400 years, it was the main temple in Russia. It was here that crowned the kingdom of all the rulers. The main entrance is located on the side of Cathedral Square. The entrance to this main temple of the Moscow Kremlin is, as it were, guarded by the archangel Michael, whose figure is depicted above the arch. Even higher is the Virgin and Child.

The iconostasis, which we can see today in the Assumption Cathedral, was completed by the icon painters of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the middle of the 17th century.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the buildings of the Moscow Kremlin were looted and devastated. This cathedral was no exception. Part of the loot from the French was then recaptured by the Russian Cossacks.

Blagoveshchensky cathedral


The architecture of the Moscow Kremlin cannot be imagined without the Annunciation Cathedral. It is located in the southwestern part of Cathedral Square. It was built at the end of the 15th century. The work was carried out by Pskov masters.

During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, a porch with a high porch of white stone was added.

This temple of the Moscow Kremlin was built in the traditions of early Moscow architecture. Today, the wall painting of the cathedral, which appeared at the beginning of the 16th century, is of great interest. The main merit belongs to the artists' artel, which was led by Theodosius and his son Dionysius. Many stories on the theme of the Apocalypse. You can also meet secular motifs. For example, Russian princes and Byzantine emperors.

The floor of this cathedral is unique. It was laid out with special tiles from precious agate jasper.

Cathedral of the Archangel

This cathedral within the walls of the Moscow Kremlin appeared at the beginning of the 16th century. It was erected by the invited Italian architect Aleviz Novy. At the same time, he followed the traditions of Russian architecture. Features of the Italian Renaissance can be seen only in the rich decoration of the temple.

Its construction was carried out on the site of the ancient Arkhangelsk Cathedral, which was built by Ivan Kalita in the XIV century, in memory of the deliverance of the capital from mass famine. It was dismantled due to cramped space, making way for a more spacious temple.

The Cathedral is crowned with five domes. The central one is gilded, and the side ones are simply painted with silver paint. Carved white stone portals are made in the style of the Italian Renaissance.

During the capture of the capital by Napoleon, a wine warehouse was located here. On the altar, the French made a kitchen, and all the values ​​were spoiled.

Church of the Deposition


Noteworthy is the small church built by domestic masters at the end of the 15th century. She appeared on the site of the old wooden church of the Deposition of the Robe, which was built after the Tatars retreated from Moscow.

In 1451, they came close to the city, but did not storm it, but retreated, abandoning all the loot. The Orthodox Church attached religious significance to this, considering it a miracle. In reality, the Tatars retreated due to political differences between the military leaders.

The new church was severely damaged by a fire in 1737. It was restored by the architect Michurin.



The chambers of the Moscow Kremlin today are of great interest to tourists. The first mention of the values ​​that are today in the Armory can be found in 1339. Even in the time of Ivan Kalita, the formation of princely treasures began. Among them were jewelry, dishes, church vessels, expensive clothes and weapons.

At the end of the 15th century, one of the centers of Russian art crafts was located here. In addition, gifts from foreign embassies were brought here. Pearls, silver goblets, ceremonial horse harness.

By 1485, the treasury had grown so much that it was decided to build a separate two-story stone building between the Annunciation and the Archangel Cathedrals. It was called the state courtyard.

Faceted Chamber


The faceted chamber of the Moscow Kremlin is one of the few parts of the palace that have survived from the time of Ivan III. It was his ceremonial throne room. This is the oldest civil stone building in Moscow.

It was built in 4 years by Russian masters with the help of invited Italians - Pietro Solari and Marco Ruffo.

The chamber is a square hall in which the cross vaults are supported by a pillar in the center of the room. A hall 9 meters high is illuminated by 18 well-placed windows, as well as four massive chandeliers. The total area of ​​the Faceted Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin is almost 500 square meters.

At the end of the XVI century its walls were painted with church and biblical subjects. For centuries, the most important events in the history of the Russian state have been celebrated here. Here foreign embassies and delegations were received, the Zemsky Sobor met. Regularly in the Faceted Chamber celebrated the victory of Russian weapons. For example, Ivan the Terrible celebrated the capture of Kazan, and Peter I defeated the Swedes at Poltava.

the Red Square


The Red Square of the Moscow Kremlin appeared in the 15th century. Today it is one of the symbols of not only the capital, but also the country, its business card.

It was laid by Ivan III, who ordered to demolish all the wooden buildings around the Kremlin. Since they seriously threatened him with a fire. This place, according to his order, was reserved for trade. Therefore, originally Red Square was called Bargaining. True, this did not last long.

Already in the XVI century it was renamed Troitskaya. Because of the nearby Holy Trinity Church. Later, St. Basil's Cathedral appeared in its place. Judging by the documents, in the XVII century the square was called Fire. At the same time, one should not forget the interesting toponymic feature of Ancient Russia. At that time, the same object at the same time could have several official names.

Red Square officially became so called only in the 19th century. Although in some documents this name is found in the XVII century. The meaning of this name, according to the dictionary of Vladimir Dahl, is that among our ancestors the word "red" meant beautiful, excellent.

For centuries, the example of Red Square can be traced to how the Moscow Kremlin has changed. In the XV century, the Kremlin wall appeared here with the famous towers - Senate, Spasskaya and Nikolskaya. In the XVI century the temple of St. Basil and the Frontal place. In the XIX century - the Historical Museum, the Upper Trading Rows, which are now called GUM, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. XX century brought to Red Square the Mausoleum and the necropolis near the Kremlin wall.