
Artamonov Anatoly Dmitrievich, Governor of the Kaluga Region: biography, personal life

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Artamonov Anatoly Dmitrievich, Governor of the Kaluga Region: biography, personal life
Artamonov Anatoly Dmitrievich, Governor of the Kaluga Region: biography, personal life

Artamonov Anatoly Dmitrievich is a governor of the Kaluga region with many years of experience, who has established himself as a competent and successful leader. This official is assigned leadership in the ranking of the most effective governors, and it is tipped to the prime minister and even the presidents of the Russian Federation in the near future.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Anatoly Artamonov began on May 5, 1952 in a small village called Krasnoye (Khvastovichi district, Kaluga region). His parents were ordinary people - his father worked as a veterinarian and periodically carpentered; Mom took care of children and home. Anatoly was the firstborn, after which five more children appeared in the family. From the youngest nails he worked on an equal footing with adults, grew up a responsible and serious boy - his parents did not even have to teach him to do this, because he had a whole “brood” of younger ones, and he wasn’t supposed to be the oldest one.


Having successfully graduated from high school, Anatoly Artamonov went to conquer Moscow and the first time entered the Institute of Agricultural Engineers. In his student years, he proved to be an active and proactive youth, with pleasure participating in the public life of the university. He received a specialist diploma in the field of "mechanization of agriculture" in 1974.

Labor path to governorship

After graduating from the institute, Anatoly Anatoly did not stay in Moscow, but returned to his native Khvastovichi district, where he was taken to the local state farm as the head of repair shops.

A little later, already being married and having a son, the young specialist moved to Mosalsky district, becoming the chief engineer of the Shakhovsky state farm. At that time he was only twenty-three years old! He worked up a sweat, huddled with his family in a dormitory for thirteen beds.


The zeal of Artamonov had a beneficial effect on the development of the enterprise, and the talented leader was transferred to another state farm - Gruzdovsky. Here at the age of twenty-six he had already become chairman.

And then the career of a native of a simple peasant family developed even more rapidly: 1985 - head of the district agricultural department and first secretary of the Mosalsky district committee of the CPSU; 1991 - Deputy Head of the Construction Department in Obninsk; a little later - the head of a large company engaged in the implementation of the “Home” program; and, finally, 1996 - the vice-governor of the Kaluga region. Having become the second person in the region, Artamonov actively dealt with the issue of rural gasification, construction, attracted investors to the region.


Anatoly Artamonov - Governor of the Kaluga Region: activities at an official post

He headed the Kaluga region Artamonov in the fall of 2000. More than once during the election campaign and later, he emphasized that he was a native and a great patriot of this region. Anatoly Dmitrievich’s high-ranking career was successful, and in 2004 he was re-elected for a second term.

A year later, when the order of formation of the executive branch in Russia changed and the governors were elected by deputies of the legislative assemblies, Artamonov’s candidacy was considered and approved by local deputies.

In 2010, deputies again approved him as governor, and in the fifteenth, he resigned, but was appointed by President Putin as Acting Governor of the Kaluga Region until the next election. They took place in 2016. And Anatoly Artamonov again became the head of the region, only already without the prefix "interim."


The results of the work of Anatoly Dmitrievich, as they say, are evident. The economy in the region has stabilized, the Kaluga region has become a leader in terms of development among other regions of the Central Federal District, and Artamonov is called one of the best Russian governors of our time and even predicted a career in the central government.


But in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. No matter how effective the governor's activities of Artamonov, several scandals are connected with his name.

So, for example, the Russian public for a long time and vigorously discussed the case when Anatoly Dmitrievich moved around Moscow accompanied by a patrol car with Kaluga license plates, which is prohibited.

And once, Anatoly Artamonov offended a businessman named Oleg Deripaska, calling him a public swindler. The court sided with the plaintiff, and the governor was found guilty. Compensation for moral damage amounted to … one ruble.

They criticized the head of the Kaluga region for the punctures committed during the election campaign, as well as for the fact that in 2014 he forbade Kaluga residents to pronounce the word “crisis” aloud.

A family

Anatoly Artamonov is married, his wife's name is Zoya Iosifovna. She is a medical doctor by training, and today heads the Kaluga Social Security Administration. The couple has two children. The daughter of Anatoly Artamonov and his son gave the happy grandfather four grandchildren.
