
Asymmetric, zygomorphic and actinomorphic flower: a brief description

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Asymmetric, zygomorphic and actinomorphic flower: a brief description
Asymmetric, zygomorphic and actinomorphic flower: a brief description

Video: Type Of Flower Based On Symmetry |Actinomorphic Flower | Zygomorphic Flower |Asymmetric Flower 2024, June

Video: Type Of Flower Based On Symmetry |Actinomorphic Flower | Zygomorphic Flower |Asymmetric Flower 2024, June

A flower is a shortened shoot of a plant with mutated leaves. This part is intended primarily for reproduction. The shape of the flowers of plants can be very different.

The main types of corollas

All currently existing decorative cultures can be divided into three large groups:

  • with symmetrical colors;

  • with asymmetric;

  • with asymmetric.

All these varieties are represented by a huge number of plants of various genera and families. The type of flower, by the way, is an important criterion for proper taxonomy.


Symmetrical Nimbuses

The first type of flower in biology is called actinomorphic. All parts of the corollas in such plants are absolutely symmetrical. An actinomorphic flower is characterized primarily by the fact that at least two planes can be drawn through its axis. Such plants look, of course, very attractive. However, it is believed that they are not very well adapted for pollination by insects.

Variety of shapes of symmetrical corollas

The correct actinomorphic flower, among other things, may have a different number of petals. Sometimes they are arranged in one row, sometimes in several. Actually, the actinomorphic corollas themselves differ in such signs as:

  • tube length;

  • limb shape;

  • the amount of limb.

Actinomorphic flower may be:

  1. Wheeled. The tube of such corollas is small or practically absent. In this case, the limb is deployed practically in the same plane.

  2. Funnel-shaped. Such flowers have a very large tube. The limb of the corolla is small.

  3. Tubular. Corollas of this group are characterized by a cylindrical tube and an erect short limb.

  4. Bell-shaped. Such an actinomorphic flower has a cup-shaped spherical tube, gradually turning into an inconspicuous limb.

  5. Kolpachkovym. In such flowers, the petals are fused to the tops.

Asymmetrical flowers

Plants with corollas of this species are quite common in nature. Biologists call such flowers zygomorphic. Only one plane can be drawn through the center of the asymmetric corolla.


Types of zygomorphic flowers

Corollas of this group have a special shape, which is often a morphological sign of a species (and sometimes even a family). Their petals are most often fused. Zygomorphic flowers are found in nature:

  1. Two-lipped. In such corollas, the limb consists of the upper and lower lips.

  2. Reed. Fused petals depart from the corolla tube.

  3. Spurry. Petals of such flowers form a full outgrowth, which is called a spur.

Asymmetric flowers

What is an actinomorphic and zygomorphic flower, we found out. Asymmetric corollas are characterized, first of all, by the fact that no symmetry plane can be drawn through their center. Similar plants are found in the wild not so often. The vast majority of ornamental crops still have symmetrical or asymmetric corollas.

Examples of actinomorphic flowers

The fact that symmetrical corollas are poorly pollinated by insects, according to biologists, is a sign of their low organization. But be that as it may, in nature it is most often found plants with actinomorphic flowers. This group includes all well-known meadow, wildflowers and forest flowers, including:

  • forget-me-nots (wheel-shaped);

  • dope, tobacco (funnel);

  • flowers of the Astrov family (tubular);

  • lilies of the valley (bell-shaped);

  • wild grapes (cap).


In gardens, the vast majority of ornamental grass and shrub crops also have symmetrical corollas. Actinomorphic flower have, for example, peonies, daffodils, sunflowers, lilies, mallow.

From shrub crops, rose hips, lilacs, and spirea belong to the same group. Actinomorphic are also flowers of garden grapes.

Examples of plants with zygomorphic corollas

We found out which plants have the correct, actinomorphic flowers. This group in nature is the most common. Zygomorphic plants in the fields and forests are found somewhat less frequently. Examples of such crops are:

  • bilobed noricaceous;

  • reed dandelion;

  • Spurious flax and catchment.

Decorative qualities in the flowers of this group are usually not too high. Therefore, to decorate streets and courtyards, as well as to make bouquets, they are rarely grown. But sometimes such flowers in gardens and flower beds can, of course, be seen. For example, a good decoration of a site can be a beetroot (garden mouse pea). This culture is often used in landscape design as a groundcover.