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Machine MP5: description with photos, specifications and firing range

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Machine MP5: description with photos, specifications and firing range
Machine MP5: description with photos, specifications and firing range

Video: H&K MP5 A5 Submachine Gun in Detail Pictures 2024, July

Video: H&K MP5 A5 Submachine Gun in Detail Pictures 2024, July

Probably every person who is at least a little interested in weapons, heard about the MP5 machine. Although, since he uses a pistol cartridge, it would be more correct to call him a submachine gun. MP5 has excellent characteristics and at the same time is reliable, like all German weapons. It is not surprising that professionals from around the world trust him.


In the mid-sixties of the last century, many weapons experts came to the conclusion that pistols no longer meet the requirements of special forces fighters. And the machines do not suit them because of the large weight, small stopping effect and increased breakdown ability. Yes, the last factor is a drawback when it comes to weapons used in large cities, if there are civilians nearby.


That is why in 1964, experts at the Heckler and Koch plant (by the way, the real heir to the legendary Mauser) began work on creating a completely new weapon. And in the same year, a prototype called the NK54 was exhibited. The number 5 indicated that the weapon is a submachine gun. And 4 showed that it uses a very popular 9x19 parabellum cartridge. the letters NK indicate the manufacturer - Heckler & Koch.

After two years of testing and bringing the weapon to its ideal characteristics, it was put into service. First of all, they were armed with the GSG9 - one of the units of the German special forces, which proved high efficiency in performing complex tasks. Then he got the familiar name MP5 - Maschinenpistole. So the HK MP5 assault rifle began the procession across the planet.


As mentioned above, the weapon used a 9x19 cartridge - tested over several decades of active use, including World War II. This provided a fairly high power with excellent stopping power. At the same time, the penetrative properties were not too high - exactly what both policemen and special forces soldiers needed.

However, a relatively small supply of gunpowder reduced the power of the shot. Yes, this reduced the range of the battle. But it increased accuracy and convenience of firing. A high range when shooting indoors is not at all an important plus.


When compiling a review of the MP5 machine, many experts note a small weight of 3.03 kilograms. And, more importantly, the weapon turned out to be compact, with a very well-located center of gravity. Thanks to this, experienced fighters can fire with maximum comfort, which provides excellent performance.

Modifications even with a fixed butt have a very short length - only 680 millimeters. If we consider weapons with a telescopic butt, then this figure is reduced to 550 millimeters.

A small charge of gunpowder led to the fact that the speed of the bullet is not high - only 400 meters per second. But when working in a city or buildings, this, as already mentioned, cannot be called a drawback.

But the rate of fire is very impressive - 800 rounds per minute.

For food stores with a capacity of 10 to 30 rounds can be used.

Main advantages

Now let’s see why the weapon is so popular - it’s no coincidence that the MP5 airsoft machine is one of the most popular, not to mention real weapons.


First of all, it is worth noting the high muzzle energy - about 650 joules. Thanks to this, a great damaging and stopping effect of the bullet is provided.

If necessary, weapons can be modified. Silencers, optical and collimator sights, a tactical flashlight are installed on it, which significantly increases the level of comfort during work.

The design is quite simple, so that reliability is further enhanced.

Finally, the submachine gun boasts excellent ergonomics and thoughtful design. Weight of 3 kilograms and so is not too large, but here it is also distributed correctly. In addition, the angle and shape of the handle provide the most comfortable grip. And you can remove the weapon from the fuse or switch the fire mode without even loosening the grip of the handle.

The main disadvantages

But any weapon has flaws. And the MP5 machine, a photo of which is attached to the article, is no exception.


One of the minuses is the high cost. Needless to say, quality materials and precision fit are expensive. Perhaps that is why the Bundeswehr still has not abandoned the Israeli Uzi and has not switched to its own weapons.

Also a drawback can be called whimsical conditions of detention. Even a small amount of dirt or dust falling on the moving parts of a weapon can temporarily disable it. Therefore, it is clearly not suitable for mass armament of the army.

Replacing the store takes a lot of time. Even an experienced fighter will take several seconds to do this - in conditions of fleeting urban battle this time can cost the user life.

Existing Modifications

To date, there are seventeen modifications of this legendary weapon. Some are outdated and discontinued, while others are actively produced and used around the world. The latter include six models. We will talk about each of them in more detail.


  1. MP5 A2 is a classic model, significantly lightened by an empty plastic butt. The weight of the weapon is only 2.54 kilograms.
  2. MP5 A3 - differs from the previous model only in the butt. It was made telescopic, which made it possible to make the weapon much more compact - the length is 550 mm.
  3. MP5 K - a product of the desire to minimize the size of weapons. Designed in 1976. I got a shortened forend and trunk, thanks to which the length was further reduced - only 325 millimeters with a weight of 2 kilograms.
  4. MP5KA1 - the most compact weapon in the line. Compared with the previous version, the width is reduced to 50 mm.
  5. MP5 SD1 - a very successful weapon, developed in 1974. The submachine gun received a perforated barrel and an integrated silencer.
  6. MP-5N is the most advanced option. The folding butt reduced the size, and the body, almost entirely made of plastic, reduced the weight. It has a barrel thread for installing PBS. It was from this weapon that the Galaxy G 5 MP5 PDW airsoft gun was copied.

As you can see, the list is quite large, and this is an indicator of success.

Where is used

To date, the MP5 submachine gun is actively used throughout the world. Only officially it was purchased for more than three dozen countries. Among them are Russia, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, the USA, Thailand, Japan, China, Norway, the Vatican, Georgia, India and several others.


In some cases, the weapon is in the arsenal of the army. But most often it is used only by special forces. For example, in the Vatican it is a legendary Swiss guard. In Kazakhstan, they are armed with security guards at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. In Russia, it is used by Alpha and Vympel detachments, as well as by special forces of the Airborne Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.