
Grandmother's eyes and charm: what granddaughter Audrey Hepburn looks like (new photos)

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Grandmother's eyes and charm: what granddaughter Audrey Hepburn looks like (new photos)
Grandmother's eyes and charm: what granddaughter Audrey Hepburn looks like (new photos)

Video: audrey hepburn Wikipedia 2024, July

Video: audrey hepburn Wikipedia 2024, July

Perhaps so far few people know the name of Emma Ferrer. Someone will recall that this young woman is an artist and model of UNICEF. But what else is special about the girl in question? Emma is originally from Switzerland, lives in New York, often in Italy, where she studies art history. She is also known for continuing the work of her grandmother, working at the UNICEF Children's Charity Fund.

In the footsteps of a grandmother star

You ask who Emma Ferrer’s grandmother is? Her grandmother, a 20th-century film star, is Audrey Hepburn, known for starring in the films Roman Vacations, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina.

What is hidden behind the short haircut and the heavenly dress of the granddaughter of Audrey Hepburn, who first appeared at the charity fund's ball in this unusual, somewhat outrageous style? They say that in spite of the protests, there is a lot from her star grandmother: both in character and in appearance. Emma is friendly and sociable, speaks frankly and lovingly about art and, of course, about her grandmother.


Meeting point - Florence

Emma is the daughter of the eldest son Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer. She was fond of drawing since childhood, so it is not surprising that after graduation she chose to study in Florence, at the Academy of Arts.


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According to the girl’s stories, it was in Florence for the first time that she experienced a real cultural shock and felt in the right place and at the right time. The study of the arts and culture of another country always enriches, makes it different, therefore Emme Ferrer sometimes seems that she is a little alien everywhere: in Europe - American, and in America - European.

But, of course, fashion magazines could not ignore the charming granddaughter of the great actress, and for several years Emma has signed contracts with agencies where she takes part in photo shoots.

So she appeared on the cover of Harper's Bazaar - in a women's magazine about fashion, style and beauty.


What are your plans for the future

Studying the school of drawing, Emma worked in the gallery for three years. This required a complete surrender of strength and exhausted the girl. Now she draws for herself in search of her style and studying the true art of the draftsman. She admires those who, at age 20, were able to find themselves and declare themselves.

As for Emma, ​​she is in no hurry, looking for her only way to create something she can be proud of.


Now Emma Ferrer prefers abstract works to the academic style, reads a lot, especially enjoys poetry.

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More and more convinced that the more often a person experiments and improves in his hobbies, the sooner he will develop the talent given by nature.


Real achievements

It so happened that Emma Ferrer has been associated with the UNICEF charitable foundation since childhood. She is sincerely happy when she sees positive statistics of real help to the children of the poorest countries. These are reducing child mortality, getting rid of hunger and diseases of many children, ensuring the availability of education and vital things such as water and food.

Emma often recalls the story of her grandmother, when one day she nearly died of starvation and was saved by eating Dutch bread from tulip bulbs. Forever Audrey Hepburn remembered this time and believed that there was nothing more important than human life. Her granddaughter, who supports her grandmother’s modesty and desire to help people, despite her wealth, thinks the same.
