
Barack Obama - biography. Age, personal life, photo

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Barack Obama - biography. Age, personal life, photo
Barack Obama - biography. Age, personal life, photo

Video: Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States | Biography 2024, July

Video: Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States | Biography 2024, July

Barack Obama, whose biography is closely linked to politics, is the first black president in US history. Having broken a huge number of different conventions, this person already became a true legend during his lifetime.


An outstanding politician has a cold mind and a warm heart. He is the forty-fourth president of the United States. Barack Obama in 2009 became the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Prior to his election as president, he served as Senator from the US state of Illinois. The difficult path of formation has passed in his life Barack Obama. A brief biography of the prominent politician will be of interest to many readers.


A famous politician of our time was born in 1961 in Honolulu. This sunny and warm city is the only metropolis in the Hawaiian Islands. Barack Obama's birthday is August 4.

The meeting of the boy’s parents took place at the University of Hawaii. Barack’s father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., was a black Kenyan who came to the United States to graduate from the University of Hawaii. The mother of the current president is Stanley Annie Dunham. This white American studied anthropology at the same educational institution.

When his son was still a baby, Obama Sr. left for Harvard to continue his studies. Due to financial difficulties, the family did not follow him. For a while, Barack's parents maintained a relationship. However, when his son reached the age of two, Obama Sr. left the United States alone. He moved to live in Kenya, where he was offered the post of economist in the government apparatus. He filed for divorce from his wife.

New family


Barack Obama spent almost his entire life without a father. His only support was his mother. When her son was six years old, Annie Dunham remarried. Her new partner was again a foreign student. The birthplace of her second husband, Lolo Sutoro, was Indonesia. Soon, Barack's half-sister Maya was born. After some time, the whole family went to the homeland of stepfather - in Indonesia. There were children's odes of the future president of America.

Elementary education

While in Jakarta, where the family lived, the boy attended a comprehensive school. He studied in it until the fourth grade. Then Obama Jr. returned to Hawaii. There he lived with his mother's parents. In the Hawaiian Islands, the future president continued his education at a private school. It was a prestigious institution "Panehoe". The private school is still proud of its graduates, including famous actors and athletes. Not the last place on this list is Barack Obama.

While studying at school, the boy was fond of basketball. The team in which he was a member won the state championship, which took place in 1979.

Many years later, childhood memories are reflected in a book written by Barack Obama. A brief biography and the main stages of the formation of the current president were set out in a work entitled "Dreams of my father."


Higher education

After graduating from school in 1979, the future president moved from Hawaii to Los Angeles. Here he continued his education, enrolling in Western College. However, his studies were short-lived. Soon, Obama changed Los Angeles to New York. In the largest US metropolis, the future politician decided to continue his education at Columbia University.


It was here that the career of an outstanding politician began, of which Barack Obama is now. His biography as a public figure, who later became president, has its roots in the period of work in an international business corporation. Here he received the position of editor in the financial information department.

Carier start

After receiving a diploma from Columbia University and a bachelor's degree, Barak moved to Chicago. In this metropolis, he served as a public organizer in the most disadvantaged areas. It was in this work that Barak realized the need for changes in politics and legislation, which, in his opinion, should improve the lives of ordinary people.

Legal education

In 1988, the future politician decided to continue his studies. He entered Harvard Law School. As a student, Obama worked as an editor for a university newspaper. He was the first African American to be entrusted with this post. In 1990, the New York Times mentioned it. She told in her news about the first black president at the Harvard Bar Club. The African American took this post for the first time in the one hundred and four years of the Club.

Further career

At the end of his studies, the future politician returned to Chicago. Here Barack Obama, whose biography continued in the legal field, was engaged in the defense of victims of discrimination in court. In addition, the future president taught lessons at the School of Law at the University of Chicago, worked at the headquarters of the Democratic Party.

He raised issues of suffrage and collaborated with a small law firm.


Barack Obama got the most fame as a man fighting against racial discrimination, as a liberal and a supporter of the adoption of a system that allows universal health insurance.

Senator position

Already in the early 90s, the future president was a member of the Democratic Party. In 1996, Barack Obama became Senator of Illinois. His biography as a major political figure began with the unification of the work of republican and democratic parties that are in constant confrontation. How old was Barack Obama destined to be in this post? The future president was eight years old as a senator. It was the period from 1997 to 2004. It was during these years that Obama advocated the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and was opposed to the creation of the North American zone, in which it was planned to allow free trade. One of the main directions in the political doctrine of politics is the support of low-income families.

US Senate seat


In 2004, the political career of Barack Obama was further developed. He began the struggle for a seat in the US Senate from the state of Illinois. The chances of success increased significantly after his Republican opponent Jack Ryan withdrew in connection with the scandalous accusations made after his divorce proceedings.

On July 29, 2004, participating in the election race, the prominent politician delivered a speech in which he addressed the National Congress of the Democratic Party. The performance of Barack Obama was broadcast on television. It was this speech that brought the future president wide popularity in the country. In his address, Obama called on all people to the origins of American society. He expressed hope that the USA would be given the status of a country of great opportunities, which he illustrated with the examples of his father’s life and his own biography.

The performance played an important role. The victory in the Senate elections was won with a significant advantage. Obama beat Republican Alan Keyes. Senate duties began in January 2005. It is worth saying that in US history, Barack Obama became the fifth black senator. The future president was included on several committees that dealt with environmental issues, community service, veteran affairs and international relations.

As before, Obama involved Republicans in resolving a number of issues. Together with them, he worked on legislation to make government activities more transparent. During this period, the future president of the United States first visited Russia. The purpose of his trip was to discuss non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Obama's vote in the Senate was broadly consistent with the position of the liberal democratic party. During this period, the politician paid great attention to the direction in the development of alternative sources of energy.

Presidential elections


How many years did it take Barack Obama to become one of Washington’s most prominent politicians? By the fall of 2006, observers praised his chances of winning the presidential election. By early 2007, Obama was already the second in the list of favorites for the Democratic Party after Hillary Clinton. In January, he created an evaluation committee. This was the initial stage of participation in the presidential election. In February 2007, fifteen percent of the Democrats were ready to vote for Barack Obama, and forty-three for Hillary Clinton. In early June of that year, the gap narrowed significantly. Clinton was able to collect just three percent more votes.

The future president, Barack Obama, focused on political and economic issues. He, as before, promoted the idea of ​​withdrawing troops from Iraq. Obama's speeches also contained various proposals that were supposed to support the existence of the poorest segments of the American population.

These ideas of the presidential candidate soon received the response of the country's inhabitants.

A special fund was created for the election campaign, which received fifty-eight million dollars. Moreover, almost a third of this amount was donations from ordinary Americans. Such support for the common people allowed Obama to completely abandon the budget financing of his participation in the company. The result of the US presidential election was the victory of an outstanding black politician.

High post

On January 20, 2007, a liberal, a Democrat, and the first African American president in US history occupied the Oval Hall in the White House. The age of Barack Obama at that time was forty-five years.

As president, an outstanding figure has carried out a number of global reforms that have affected the US economic and political life. It was with his participation that the Senate passed the anti-crisis bill. The main provisions of this document contained a number of measures to support the country's economy. In addition, it was decided to withdraw American troops from Iraq. Obama has implemented health care reform and passed a series of critical laws.


New election

The first term of President Barack Obama expired in 2011. Prior to his termination, he announced his decision to take part in the new company for a place in the White House.

The Americans chose Obama for a second term. At the same time, he was a cut above his competitors.

For the first black president of America, the majority of the population of all states of the country voted. In his election speeches, Obama deplored the economic situation in the United States. However, he assured his voters that the bulk of the work had not yet been done.

The poor economic situation in the country was the main trump card of his rival, Romney. He called on voters to vote for real change. Observers believed that the results of the candidates would be close, and lawyers on both sides were already preparing for legal proceedings. However, this did not happen. Ohio State Determined Obama's Victory. It was his population who gave the number of votes necessary for the victory of Barak. The election results were also recognized by Romney supporters, which is important.