
Dedyushko: family and biography

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Dedyushko: family and biography
Dedyushko: family and biography

Video: Black Russians: The Red Experience, project presentation, 2015 2024, July

Video: Black Russians: The Red Experience, project presentation, 2015 2024, July

Each year, theater and film actors die. They were loved and continue to be loved by millions of viewers. It happens that the life of a beloved artist is interrupted suddenly, most often tragically. Today I want to remember Alexander Dedyushko and his family, whose life was cut short so unexpectedly and tragically. Despite the fact that more than 10 years have passed since the day of their death, the memory of them is still alive.


Artist Biography

Alexander Dedyushko was born on May 20, 1962 in the small town of Volkovysk, Grodno region of the Republic of Belarus. It is known that his father was an engineer. In addition to him, there was another child in the Dedyushko family - the son Anatoly. Immediately say about the fate of the parents of Alexander. His father died in 2001. Mom will leave a few years after the death of her son. After his death, she was sick for a long time, the daughter of Anatoly took care of her. They lived in Belarus.


Since childhood, Sasha visited the sambo section, played football, boxing, was passionate about horse riding. But he was especially attracted by amateur performances: he danced well, participated in all school skits, excellently recited poems. After leaving school, in 1979, he decides to enter a theater university in Moscow. Parents supported him.


Army and study

Arriving in the capital, Alexander learns that the entrance exams have already ended. In order not to lose a year, he got a job at a service station as a car mechanic. From here he was drafted into the army. Alexander served in the Baltic Fleet for three years. After the service, he returns to Moscow. But again, she does not have time for entrance examinations in theatrical universities. Sasha gets a fizorg in the ZIL workshop.

The next year, Alexander enters the theater school of Nizhny Novgorod, which was famous for its strong theater school. After 3.5 years, he is finishing his studies. He leaves for Belarus and works in the theater of Minsk for six months. Then he moves to Russia, to the city of Vladimir. In 1989, he joined the Vladimir Regional Theater, where he worked until 1995. It is worth noting that most of the roles played here were the main ones.

Family Dedyushko: photo, children

Alexander Dedyushko was twice married. In two marriages, he had two children - daughter Ksenia and son Dmitry.


First marriage

Alexander creates the first family in 1986, having married Lyudmila Tomilina. She was a graduate of the theater school. There was no work in one theater for them, so after graduating, Lyuda ended up in Yaroslavl, and Sasha in Vladimir. In January 1991, they had a daughter, Ksenia. Young actors worked in different cities, and soon the Dedyushko family broke up. Daughters at that time was not a year. For a long time, father and daughter did not communicate.

Second marriage

In December 1996, Sasha met twenty-year-old Svetlana Chernyshkova, an aspiring actress of the Vladimir Theater. Three months later, the couple began to live together. In March 1997, Alexander takes the girl to his place in Moscow. On June 3, 1999, Sasha and Sveta were married, and on September 21, the son of Dima appeared in the Dedyushko family. The couple lived in marriage for eight happy years, they built their house in the suburbs, raised a child.


Moscow, career

At the end of 1995, at the age of 33, Alexander came to conquer Moscow. He comes to work at the Moscow Art Theater to Oleg Efremov, but receives only small roles. At the end of the 90s, special forces TV shows became popular. In 2003, the finest hour came for Alexander, he was invited to play a major role in the television series Operational Pseudonym. His career begins to develop successfully, he starred in such famous films:

  • "Steel Boys."

  • "Sarmat."

  • "Alias" Albanian ".

For his roles in these films, he was awarded the FSB Prize for 2007 (posthumous), in the nomination "Actor's Work".



The actor played more than 40 roles in the movie. Imagine the most famous paintings with his participation:

  • "Directory of death."

  • "I'm a detective."

  • "Operational alias."

  • "Taras Bulba."

  • "Evening Tale."

  • "Real dad."

  • "Officers."

  • "Sarmat."

  • "If you hear me."

Many roles were played by him on the stage.

Alexander took part in popular television projects. He conducted the TV show “Street of Your Fate” on the TV Center channel. He participated in the show “Dancing with the Stars”, where he took fourth place with his partner.

Dmitry Dedyushko

The son of Alexander and Svetlana, despite his young age, managed to star in 6 films. In the film "Evening Tale" Dedyushko family played in full force. In addition, Dima starred in the following films: “Real Dad”, “Platinum”, “Sarmat”. In the juice commercial, he played the role of Tomato. The boy studied at school, where he studied foreign languages ​​in depth, was fond of sports and played the accordion well.

Svetlana Chernyshkova

Svetlana was born in the city of Chita on December 27, 1976. Graduate of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Culture. After the birth of her son Dmitry Svetlana devoted several years only to his education. After some time, she began acting in television series and commercials. I managed to play very few roles. Let's introduce some of the films:

  • "Make God laugh."

  • "Servant of the Sovereigns."

  • "Evening Tale."

  • "I'm a detective."

  • "Platinum".


We learn what happened to Alexander Dedyushko and his family in 2007. At eleven o’clock on the evening of November 3 on the highway Moscow - Ufa (109 km), near Petushki, near the village of Novye Omutishchi, Alexander Dedyushko died in a car accident. The actor could not cope with the management and was in the oncoming lane, where there was a collision with the Scania truck. Alexander drove the Toyota Picnic. His wife and son were in the car with him. The death of his wife also occurred instantly, and Dmitry, according to eyewitnesses, was still alive for some time. The family stayed with a friend in the Vladimir region and from there returned home. There was heavy traffic on the highway, lanes to Moscow were completely filled. In addition, bad weather conditions were observed. The culprit of this accident was recognized by Alexander.