
Barbara Broccoli - biography of the film producer

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Barbara Broccoli - biography of the film producer
Barbara Broccoli - biography of the film producer

Video: Albert R Broccoli at 100, James Bond producer - Film 2009 2024, July

Video: Albert R Broccoli at 100, James Bond producer - Film 2009 2024, July

Barbara Dana Broccoli is a famous and famous American actress and producer who has become best known for films like Crime of the Century, Die, and a series of James Bond films. This talented woman was born on June 18, 1960 in Los Angeles, California, USA.


Barbara Broccoli is considered one of the most successful women producers of the entertainment industry. She is the daughter of the legendary filmmaker Albert R. Broccoli, who loved his child very much. Shortly after the birth of his daughter, he and his new partner Harry Salzman launched an ambitious film project, which consists in creating a series of films about James Bond. Naturally, Barbara's father was inspired by a series of novels by Jan Fleming.

Thanks to this addiction of his father, young Barbara Broccoli grew up in the backstage world of James Bond, traveling with her family around the world, visiting various exotic places. As a child, she loved to play in the offices of the film company Eon Productions, Ltd., owned by her father, who, in turn, was involved in the filming and making of Bond films.


Once during one such trip, namely during the filming in Japan of the film “You Only Live Twice” in 1967, young Barbara became ill, having caught a cold due to the Japanese habit of sleeping on the floor. Sean Connery, whose stellar status obliged film studio executives to provide him with a comfortable bed, generously refused her so that Barbara could properly deal with her illness. Thanks to this step, Connery, the girl, after recovering, became friends with the famous actor. This friendship lasted quite a long time. And a year after this incident, Barbara took part in the filming of the film "60 Minutes" with Sean Connery.

The first steps in the film industry

Barbara Broccoli graduated from Loyola University in Los Angeles, California with a degree in film and television communications. Her first official work by chance or by the will of certain people, in particular, her father, was all connected with the same Bond. In 1983, after graduating from university, she became an executive assistant on the set of the movie "Octopus."


Film company management

On August 8, 1990, the weekly edition of Variety published information that aging Albert Broccoli had transferred control of the film company EON Productions Ltd. Barbara and her half-brother Michael G. Wilson (the son of Dana Broccoli, who was an invaluable assistant in creating all the films about the British secret agent, starting in the mid-1970s). Due to some unsuccessful business deals, including ownership issues, the MGM film company, which also funded the filming, suspended production of Bond films. This break lasted six years and was accompanied by many lawsuits. Barbara (American producer) all this time did not leave any hope for the continuation of the filming of Bond.

Golden Eye

When the litigation did end, it was decided to release the seventeenth film about J. Bond, which was later called the Golden Eye. Barbara Broccoli faced many difficult tasks. This is the problem of attracting viewers who for such a long period of time have already begun to forget about Bond. In addition, Barbara was under moral pressure from colleagues. However, having pulled herself together, with the help of stepbrother Broccoli was still able to solve all the problems. The released Golden Eye delighted the audience with a more interesting play by actor Pierce Brosnan, numerous special effects and many other innovations invented by Barbara.


Of course, in many ways such a talent of Barbara was helped by her father, who invested soul and strength in the education and training of his daughter. The girl lived up to her father’s expectations, having managed to create a magnificent film and becoming an excellent leader of his company.