
Beroev Vadim Borisovich: biography, wife, photo, cause of death

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Beroev Vadim Borisovich: biography, wife, photo, cause of death
Beroev Vadim Borisovich: biography, wife, photo, cause of death

The future idol of Soviet boys was born - Vadim Borisovich Beroev - on January 10, 1937 in the village of Khumalag near Beslan. But the Ossetian period of the Beroev family did not last long, in connection with the appointment of Vadim's father, Boris Bodzievich, to the city of Lviv. There, a front-line doctor continued to engage in medicine, and the mother of the future artist - Zinaida Eduardovna - took up teaching activities.

In Lviv, young Vadim becomes a regular guest in amateur theater productions, and takes his first steps on the stage. A talented guy is studying at a music school in the piano class, sings well, and after graduating from Lviv school number 35 in 1954, he no longer doubts his choice of specialty.



Despite the big competition, Vadim Beroev managed to get into the top twenty lucky ones the first time, which the selection committee of the GITIS selected from two thousand applicants. Vadim Borisovich Beroev, whose photo you see in the article, falls into the hands of great teachers - the wonderful actress Varvara Vronskaya and the directors - Nikolai Petrov and Boris Dokutovich.

A talented student is captured by a whirlpool of various theater productions, he receives interesting offers from television, the first tests of the actor on the radio begin. In the famous university, one of the main events in the artist’s life takes place - a meeting with his future wife - Elvira Brunovskaya.


Beroev Vadim Borisovich: wife, family

In 1957, immediately after Elvira graduated from GITIS, young spouses had to leave for a while. While Vadim was finishing his last year at the institute, the pregnant wife, along with her classmates, was sent to Rostov-on-Don to create a new theater on the basis of the local Comedy Theater named after the Lenin Komsomol. A few months later, the girl went on academic leave, and returned to Moscow, where she gave birth to a daughter, Elena.

The young couple wanted to serve in the same theater, but the circumstances interfered with their plans for a long time, until Vadim got a role in the Mossovet theater, the troupe of which was already crowded with brilliant performers. The spouses of the Beroevs appeared together on the “bridegroom”, and both found a place in the stellar composition of the theater, which will become their permanent place of service for life. A little later, the young couple will begin their joint career on the radio, which will combine with the main work in the theater.


Mossovet Theater

At the Mossovet Theater, the young artist did not go into the shadows and immediately took leading positions. Rostislav Plyatt, Lyubov Orlova, Nikolai Mordvinov, Georgy Slabyinyak, Vera Maretskaya and many others, real “bison” of cinema and theater art, were partners and real teachers of the beginning artist. The intelligent, beautiful, charming Beroev Vadim Borisovich fascinated the audience with his talent, and soon the Moscow audience began to go “to Beroev”.

Theaters remembered for a long time his roles in the productions of The Life of Saint Exupery, Cricket, Strange Mrs. Savage, and, of course, the best, according to experts and Beroev himself, Zvezdich’s role in Masquerade. On the film there were television plays with the participation of the actor - "Street of an Angel", "Leningradsky Prospekt", "Fleet Officer" and others, in which the artist also managed to create unique images.


In the short life of Vadim Borisovich there were different periods. His game was constantly under scrutiny, and was accompanied by all sorts of reviews and opinions of ubiquitous critics. But truly the highest appreciation for the work of the artist was given by his colleague, the shocking star of the theater and cinema - Faina Ranevskaya.

From the caustic witticisms of Faina Georgievna, many universally recognized geniuses received affection from the authorities and had a special status in Soviet art. But in young Beroev, the witty darling of the entire Soviet Union considered undeniable talent. She enjoyed playing with him in tandem, and bowed exclusively with Vadim. It was impossible to get tickets to the Strange Mrs. Savage, in which Ranevskaya and Beroev shone. But after the death of Vadim Faina Georgievna was very sad and refused to continue to participate in a successful performance, giving her role to Orlova.


Cinema and the cult "Whirlwind"

Fully devoting himself to the theater, where the artist had already achieved some success, Vadim Beroev, however, for a long time could not make friends with the cinema. The films “Telephone Operator”, “The Airplane Didn't Land”, “Our Home”, of course, played a huge role in the development of film actor Beroev, but did not bring him the desired result. Therefore, the actor accepted the invitation of Yevgeny Tashkov to the main role in the film about scouts with hope and at the same time with some fear.

The script of the film “Major Whirlwind” written by Julian Semenov seemed unlikely. But, as it turned out, the script was based on a real story about Soviet scouts who during the war really played a major role in saving Krakow from destruction. Beroev played the role of the legendary commander of the reconnaissance group - and until the end of his life he remained "Major Whirlwind."

The picture won the love of the audience, received a prize at the All-Union Festival, and the face of Vadim Beroev became one of the most recognizable in the state.

After the triumphant “Major Whirlwind” there was a tape about the civil war - “There is no ford in the fire”, in which Vadim Beroev starred in the company of magnificent actors - Inna Churikova, Mikhail Gluzsky, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Mikhail Kononov. The motion picture received the main prize in Locarno and became the last in the short life of the actor.
