
Biography of Ah Astakhova: the poet's creative path

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Biography of Ah Astakhova: the poet's creative path
Biography of Ah Astakhova: the poet's creative path

Ah Astakhova (real name Irina Aleksandrova Astakhova) is a popular Russian poetess among young people who writes lyric poems about love and mental torment. Recognition and popularity has earned after the release of the poem "Do they even love you there?" In the baggage of the poetess there are many more worthy poems: “Station”, “Obraztsova Tamara” and “Letter”. In these works, the author reveals the subtle and overnight strong-willed spiritual organization of a loving woman.


Ah Astakhova’s poems about love can touch the heart of any person. She is loved for sparkling truth and spiritual maturity. Anyone who has read at least a few poems by a Moscow poetess will think that the presented love story is written about him. Insightfully and deeply - these are the most correct descriptions of the work of Ah Astakhova. The biography of the Moscow poetess is presented in her own poems, however, each phrase has a veiled meaning that comes to an understanding after several readings.

How it all began?

Ah Astakhova, whose biography interests many fans, was born on November 29, 1987 in Moscow (Russia). From an early age, the girl showed creative interests: Irina studied at a music and art school. She wrote her first poem at the age of nine. The first listener was her close friend, to whom, after many years, the poetess dedicated the poem "Laughs in my face darling photo."


Irina has two creative formations: music in the class of piano and art in the class of painting. In 2007, she became a student in the Sails of Hope student tender in the Author's Reading category. In 2011, Astakhova conquers the public in the vastness of YouTube, posting a video where she reads the poem "Do they even love you there?" Video quickly began to fly through social networks and video hosting sites. In the first few weeks, the video gained over a million views. From this moment begins the story of a creative biography of Ah Astakhova. The poetess presents to the Internet her other works and over and over again acquires an army of fans and admirers. Further, she periodically organizes poetry evenings (apartment houses), where in an unobtrusive and homely atmosphere, people read verses and refrains to each other.

Ah Astakhova: biography and personal life

In the period from 2013 to 2014, the poetess gives a little more than 120 concerts in 54 cities and 8 countries. The total number of collected audience is about 40 thousand people. In 2013, the first victory took place in the creative biography of Ah Astakhova - the poetess was awarded the Golden Gargoyle Award (annual ceremony held at the 16 Ton Club) in the category "Best Poet of the Year". In 2013, she actively toured the CIS.


At these moments, the rumor is circulating among society that a certain poetess with a creative pseudonym Ah Astakhova arranges real shows at her concerts. The girl first appeared on stage in a man’s suit and read the entire first act of poems on behalf of the male half, and in the second act she dressed up as a woman and continued to read on behalf of the ladies. This manner of speaking became the visiting card of the poetess, and many spectators wanted to get to her concert for this. In the same year, the author's debut collection of poems was published, divided into two parts - “Men's lyrics” and “Women's lyrics”.

The personal life of the poetess is little known and hidden. Many argue that Irina is alone, and therefore writes about love and separation. Also in one of the interviews, the girl admitted that in her life there were several love tragedies, after which it was hard for her to trust people.

Tours of the poetess in Europe

In 2014, the creative biography of Ah Astakhova was replenished with another victory - the poetess made a wide tour of Europe with her debut collection "Women's / Men's Lyrics". Irina gathered an audience in such large cities and capitals as Paris, Berlin, Barcelona, ​​Milan and Prague. Having declared herself in Europe, Ah Astakhova also set her sights on a big tour of Russia, which subsequently ended with a final and grandiose concert in the atmospheric club “16 Tons”.
