
Biography of blogger Roman Milovanov

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Biography of blogger Roman Milovanov
Biography of blogger Roman Milovanov

Video: Day 1. Become a blogger in 21 days! 2024, July

Video: Day 1. Become a blogger in 21 days! 2024, July

A handsome Russian guy, Roman Milovanov, is a blogger from Russia who, by his own example, proves that healthy, proper nutrition is the basis of human life. Due to his attractiveness, charisma of nature, he easily finds a common language with people who need to adjust their diet.


In the biography of Roman Milovanov, one can primarily distinguish the period of life that was before the moment of recognition of mistakes. He was born in 1984 in the large Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod. Roma grew up a weak, sickly boy, his parents healed him as best they could, tried to instill a love of sports for Roman, giving in the wrestling and karate sections. However, despite this, the boy’s health did not improve.


Then, like many teenagers, there was an acquaintance with alcoholic beverages, tobacco products.

Periods before and after

Roman Milovanov fully realized his mistakes only when his health finally deteriorated. This was the impetus for understanding that it is necessary to radically change the lifestyle that he led. And at the age of twenty-five, he became interested in the materials of the School of the Future supporters Zhdanov, Efimov and Petrov. It was their lectures that helped Roman Milovanov pull himself together.


The topic of healthy eating aroused the interest of a young man, and he began to put it into practice in his life. He realized - until a person understands that addiction to alcohol, harmful unhealthy foods, and cigarettes is an addiction, he will not be able to stop using these products. And only when they see clearly, people will be able to get rid of this bondage.

Healthy eating

The main thesis of the program of Roman Milovanov "On healthy nutrition" is a complete transition to natural food, that is, there should not be any meat, dairy products in the diet of a healthy person. No thermally processed food, mixing various ingredients. He believes that the body is best absorbed only by raw plant foods. For about 5 years, Roman himself tested his theory.