
Biography of Gennady Khazanov (photo)

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Biography of Gennady Khazanov (photo)
Biography of Gennady Khazanov (photo)

Video: Life Line. Gennady Khazanov. Kultura channel 2024, June

Video: Life Line. Gennady Khazanov. Kultura channel 2024, June

The biography of Gennady Khazanov tells that he was born in Moscow on December 1, 1945. This is the Man with a capital letter. In his life, he achieved success in acting and parody, social activities, and at this time also in the leadership of the Moscow Variety Theater. In addition to all this, he tried himself as a TV presenter and a jury of mass television projects.

Truly a great man Gennady Khazanov. Biography, personal life, children, grandchildren - all this interests his fans. Many awards and achievements have this artist. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.


Khazanov Gennady: biography, childhood

In the lower grades, Gennady was the best student, always put as an example to doubles. But over time, he decided that it was boring to devote all his time to studying, and began to study in triples and fours. However, the biography of Gennady Khazanov says that in spite of everything, he graduated from the piano school with good results. But this occupation did not appeal to him in any way. Acting was what the boy’s dreams were then.

What else was Gennady Khazanov doing in his school years? The biography says that he took an active part in the amateur circle. He really enjoyed acting as a parodist, as well as reading humorous works. Thanks to these skills, he repeatedly received prizes at various competitions. Khazanov loved to parody both famous and popular personalities, and classmates with teachers. The only taboo for the guy was a teacher of mathematics - he did not dare to parody her.

When Gennady was in the tenth grade, he began attending classes at the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art, which was involved in amateur performances, and later began to go to the pop studio "Our Land" at Moscow State University. At that time, the head of the studio was the playwright Mark Rozovsky.


Actor's family

The biography of Gennady Khazanov says that the family in which the boy was born was Jewish. She broke up when Khazanov was still very small.

Lukacher Viktor Grigorievich (the father of the actor, of whom Gennady has not known anything for a long time) is a radio communications engineer by training. When Gennady was 11 years old, he decided to find his father, but, having received the necessary address in the bureau, he decided that he still did not have the courage to do this.

Mom, Irina Moiseevna, all her life dreamed of an acting career, but, according to the instructions of her grandmother Khazanov, she received a boring education as an engineer. She worked almost all her life at the Ilyich plant. Even despite the fact that she did not receive a proper acting education, playing in the theater at the factory brought her a lot of positive emotions. Gennady respected her talent and went to all her performances. This is what later made the future actor understand who he wants to be. The actor also has a paternal sister and two brothers.


To make the dream come true soon, Khazanov went to work at the plant. This was due to the fact that, working, he switched to the evening form of training, to study on which it was necessary for a year less than full-time.

Gennady Viktorovich managed to enter the state circus and pop school only on the second attempt. It happened in 1965. Four years after the graduation of the GCEI, Khazanov was hired by an entertainer in the state pop orchestra. Leonid Utesov becomes his mentor.

Work with the spoken genre began in the first half of the seventies. This happened when he decided to go to the Moskontsert.

Khazanov felt the first notes of fame after the successful performance of a monologue about a student from a culinary college. He showed this number for the first time during his studies at IISS. Well-known satirists Yuri Volovich, Lyon Izmailov and Arkady Haight write to him sequels to the monologue they love.


Idol and mastermind of Khazanov

Arkady Raikin is an artist who has influenced the worldview and professional choice of Khazanov as much as possible. Gennady imitated him in every possible way and taught by heart all his speeches, and also tried to parody his facial expressions and movements.

When Khazanov was 14 years old, he was honored to personally meet the idol, who at that time was on tour in Moscow. He invited the guy to a free visit to all his performances. The joy of the young guy knew no bounds: Gennady understood how valuable experience he could gain by attending the performances of the one whom he considered an ideal actor.


Scene like a breath of air

The biography of Gennady Khazanov is rich and interesting. During the work on the genre of parody, he showed many famous and popular personalities at that time. When Khazanov made a parody of Vysotsky, the musician himself did not like it very much.

Despite the good work in the genre of clowning, success came to Gennady when he began to perform numbers in the spoken genre.

1974 brings the first victory in the All-Union competition. The “Prize” monologue, written by Semyon Altov, helped him in this.

1975 was a memorable year for Khazanov. After the central television was shown by his previously well-known monologue of a culinary student, fame and fame fell upon him. When the seventies were on the nose, Khazanov decided it was time to think about a solo project. For advice, he turns to Arkady Haight, and already in 1978, fans of Gennady see the play "Little Things in Life". For the performance, the brilliant work of the capital's ballet was used. The work consisted of several monologues and parody performances.

Speaking live, the artist Gennady Khazanov preferred for the most part improvisation, which was basically prohibited. This ultimately became the reason for the ban on performances. But how could this interfere with the talent of Gennady Khazanov? Of course not. Thanks to the love and appreciation of a large number of spectators, he was invited to concerts and private parties. Posters for these events did not apply.


Movie roles played

What films did the actor Gennady Khazanov star in? The biography says that he received his first experience as a movie actor in 1976. Together with Soviet stars, Gennady starred in the film “The Magic Lantern”, which was a musical parody of paintings from abroad. Khazanov played Commissioner Juve.

In the film “The Little Giant of Great Sex”, Khazanov got the main role. Two thousandth gave the opportunity to play Joseph Stalin.

Some domestic soap operas have not spared the parodist. In such series as “My Fair Nanny”, “Happy Together”, “Who is the Boss in the House?” Gennady participated in several episodes. Khazanov also repeatedly participated in the filming of "Jumble".

Contribution to the animation

Gennady Khazanov, a biography, personal life, the work of which is considered in this article, made a great contribution to the animation. Many Soviet cartoons were successfully voiced by him. The most famous character he voiced was the Kesha Parrot. In all three parts of the cartoon, the "prodigal" parrot spoke in the voice of a parody. Gennady also voiced one of the characters "in the Cat Leopold and the Golden Fish", as well as "Well, wait a minute" and "Dunno and Barrabass".


Gennady Khazanov: biography, wife, children

Khazanov and his wife Zlata Iosifovna met through the theater. Zlata in the theater studio "Our Home" helped the director Mark Rozovsky, and thereby attracted the attention of Gennady. Her mother was clearly against such an alliance. Raising her daughter alone, she could not just give her child to some actor.

Fortunately, the couple nevertheless played a wedding and a few years later gave the world a child. Although they were waiting for a boy, baby Alice was born. The girl was endowed with an extraordinary talent associated with choreography, therefore, having received the proper education, she found her place in the Bolshoi Theater. Unfortunately Alice injured her ligaments and was forced to leave the scene. She currently has two beautiful daughters. In May 2015, having received an offer from Dmitry Shokhin, Alice and her fiancé played a gorgeous wedding. Dmitry made a proposal to the woman right on the stage of the theater after the next performance.

The year 1987 left an unpleasant trace in the memory of the Khazanov family. Departing from Washington after another tour, the plane aboard which Zlata and Gennady were on board proved to be malfunctioning. If he took off, then his chances of landing in Moscow were zero.

In the nineties, the parodist family received Israeli citizenship. This allowed them to buy a house near Tel Aviv, in which the family periodically flies to rest.
