
Biography and works of Marx. Philosopher Karl Marx: interesting facts from life

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Biography and works of Marx. Philosopher Karl Marx: interesting facts from life
Biography and works of Marx. Philosopher Karl Marx: interesting facts from life

Video: Karl Marx: Philosopher, Economist, & Social Activist - Fast Facts | History 2024, June

Video: Karl Marx: Philosopher, Economist, & Social Activist - Fast Facts | History 2024, June

The works of Marx, a well-known German political thinker and economist, remain popular to this day, despite the fact that this man lived from 1818 to 1883. Together with F. Engels, he laid the foundations of Marxism.

Interesting facts from life

The work of Karl Marx attracted the lively attention of people around the world to this person. A few interesting details about the writer:

  • He was born into the family of a lawyer, a Jew by birth.

  • The boy was baptized in the evangelical church. Father insisted on this, which for him meant giving up the faith of the family.

  • The family initially had seven children, but four of them died before they reached adulthood. The other two, except the philosopher, laid hands on themselves, so that he remained the only heir.


  • During his revolutionary activities, he was considered an “undesirable person” in Belgium, France and Germany.

  • The last 34 years of his life passed in London.

  • Considering his tombstone, one can see a call for the unification of the proletarians in all countries.

  • Karl Marx, whose biography and books are still of interest to many people, is unique if only for the fact that in 2013 alone, 1, 343 thousand objects in various cities of the country were named in his honor on the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • Although it was he who gave impetus to the development of communism, the writer himself never came to Russia.

  • His main work was Capital.

  • K. Marx's life ended on 05/14/1883. He was buried in the Khaigetsky cemetery.

Delving into the work of the philosopher, people show a desire to study his biography in more detail.

Young biography

He was born 05/05/1818 in the German city of Trier. Parents, father G. Marx and mother G. Presburg, were from rabbinical families. In 1824, they joined the Lutheran faith. The father of the writer had a good education. His worldview was largely shaped by Kant's philosophical ideas and theories that arose in the Enlightenment.

In 1835, Karl entered the law faculty of Bonn University, and then transferred to Berlin. In the school years, the young man was fond of history and regulations put forward by Fichte. He was impressed by the system formed by Hegel.

The philosopher sympathized with the ideas expressed by Feuerbach, A. Smith, D. Ricardo, Saint-Simon, Fourier, Owen, Weitling, Desame and Cape.

He completed his studies in 1841. In the spring of 1842, he received his doctorate after compiling a dissertation aimed at comparing and criticizing the natural philosophy of Epicurus and Democritus.


Life Path and Political Activities

In 1843, the marriage of Marx and Jenny von Westfalen, the daughter of a close friend of their family, took place.

After that, he worked at the Rhine newspaper as an editor. In 1843 he moved to the territory of Paris, made acquaintance with the democrats and socialists. It was then that I met Engels. Since 1845 he lived in Brussels. In 1847, he was a member of the secret "Union of the Just." Then the work of Marx, Engels, "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was written. He acted as a member of the "Union of Communists" from 1848 to 1849. Revolutionary actions turned into a defeat. Then the philosopher returned to Paris. In 1849, his last move took place - to London.

In the 50s, he began to develop his own theory of economics. The philosopher often stayed in the library complex of the British Museum, where he collected information for his work.



Friendship with Engels, which began in 1844, lasted for forty years. Marx occupied a leading position in this duet. It was he who considered history from a materialistic point of view, developed the theory of value added. However, his comrade turned out to be an excellent connoisseur of commerce.

As a friend, he supported an ally in a creative and moral sense. Most likely, if there weren’t this union of like-minded people, the work that appeared at that time would not have gained such popularity. Together they went through the revolution and emigrated to England after its defeat.

Main ideas

Companion Engels financially supported the companion, so the work of Marx continued to be published. In 1864, he organized the First International. In 1876, the first volume of Capital was published. The sequel was already published by Engels.

Over the last years of his life, the philosopher took an active part in organizing the joint work of the proletarians. 40s - The period when Karl Marx’s biography and work changed dramatically due to his transition from democratic and revolutionary ideas to communism. A theory of materialism in history was developed.

Marx's works contain an emphasis on value added. The writer studied the path of capitalism, made the assumption of an inevitable transition to a communist construction of a system of functioning of society and substantiated his point of view. The main factor stimulating such a turn was the revolution of the proletarians. At the end of XIX and XX centuries. the main works of Marx had a huge impact on the course of development of society and people's thoughts.



The most complete view of a philosopher on economics can be judged by reading the “Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts” written in 1844. In the same period, he analyzed Hegel's view of the legal system in the country. In 1845, the “Holy Family” was published, and a year later, the “German Ideology”, co-authored by Engels.

In 1847, the philosopher wrote The Poverty of Philosophy. He also studied the features of the French class struggle in the period 1848-1850, the Civil War, criticized the Gotha program.

Most of the life and work of K. Marx was devoted to political economy. In this area, he was able to most fully develop and convey his ideas to readers.

A strict and clear structure can be traced in Capital. The philosopher revised the basic ideas of Hegel and presented them in a more complex and detailed form. It describes what capital is, how it is represented in scientific thought and everyday life. The reader receives information about how its production takes place. Engels in the 2nd volume supplemented the work with data on how to enrich it, and in the 3rd he added a description of the forms of combining the circulation of finance with the creation.


Labor result

The work of Marx pushed people to decisive changes. In September 1864, he organized the 1st International, the purpose of which was to unite workers in various states.

In his “Capital”, he explained in an accessible language how capitalism developed and what factors contributed to this. "Criticism of the Gotha Program" (1875) was aimed at analyzing the mistakes of the leadership of the German democrats and socialists. The philosopher revealed two phases of communism.

When the First International was dissolved in 1876, a new task appeared for the thinker - the creation of proletarian parties in the countries of the world. These ideas were adopted by V. Lenin. He developed them in later times.