
Kate Gosselin biography: family, children and interesting facts

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Kate Gosselin biography: family, children and interesting facts
Kate Gosselin biography: family, children and interesting facts

Video: Kate Gosselin Boyfriends List (Dating History) 2024, July

Video: Kate Gosselin Boyfriends List (Dating History) 2024, July

I wonder if anyone on our planet now believes in the incredibly beautiful story of Cinderella, who from a simple girl turned into a beautiful queen, with almost no effort to do this? This question is, of course, addressed to the adult half of humanity, and not to little girls who believe in fairy magic and fortunate fortune. So, just such a magical story, bordering on a fairy tale, happened to one American nurse named Kate Gosselin, who not only became incredibly popular all over the world, but also earned a decent fortune of $ 10 million. How did she do it? Who caused the girl’s stunning success? All this and much more - in today's article.


Where and when was Kate Irene born?

In order not to miss a single fact from the life of Kate Gosselin, it is worth starting from the very beginning, that is, from the moment she was born. In the US state of Pennsylvania in the city of Philadelphia on March 28, 1975, a girl was born in the family of Kenton and Sherin Crider. She was named Kate Irene. In addition to the girl, the Krider family had a son named Chris and two more daughters: Riesz and Kendra. It is clear that Kate’s childhood was quite cheerful, and she did not remain without communication. Still, large families are distinguished by friendliness and cohesion. In them usually quite liberated children usually grow up who are not afraid of communication and who come to contact with great pleasure. These qualities, perhaps, became decisive for the girl, who later became famous throughout the world.

Entry into adulthood

The Kate family could not be called rich, but they did not live poorly, that is, the children had everything they needed. In general, it was an ordinary average American family. Kate Irene entered medical college after leaving school, and then got a job as a nurse in a clinic near her home. Very early, by American standards, she got married (24 years old), and at 29 years old she won universal love not only in her country, but everywhere.

Getting to know your spouse


At one of the friendly outings, when Kate was 22, she met John Gosselin. This moment can be considered the most decisive in the biography of Kate. Gosselin immediately impressed the girl. They met the next couple of years, and in 1999 the couple got married. Gosselin himself is also from a large family, which is probably why the newlyweds dreamed of a large family with a bunch of kids. But the newly minted Gosselin did not succeed, because she has polycystic ovary disease (a diagnosis in which it is impossible to get pregnant in the usual way). At first, the couple thought about the child from the orphanage, but then they decided to seek help from the family planning center and use the then-growing method of artificial insemination. The procedure was successful and already in 2000, namely, on October 8, two twin daughters appeared in the young Gosselin family: Kara Nicole and Madeleine Kate. By the way, an interesting fact about this family is that all their children have double names.


The birth of hexes

Fortunately, Kate and John Gosselin knew no bounds, but they were not going to stop there. Three years later, the couple again resorted to IVF. This time, too, everything was successful, but at the first ultrasound the doctor of the clinic offered to get rid of half of the conceived children, because there were six of them. Kate immediately refused, considering it wrong, because she and her husband so dreamed of babies, and a refusal would mean some kind of betrayal. And so, when Kate Gosselin gave birth to her hexes, her fate was already a foregone conclusion. By the way, six children of the couple were born on May 10, 2004: three boys and the same number of girls. The names that the couple came up with for their hexes are the following: Joel Kevin, Colleen Thomas, Aaden Jonathan, Leah Hole, Hannah Joy, Alexia Faith.


An offer you cannot refuse

The news that the woman managed to bear eight children in two pregnancies quickly leaked to the newspapers. The television crew immediately grabbed her, and the producers invited the pair Gosselin to participate in a reality show in which it was only necessary to lead a normal lifestyle, raising children. The bet was that many people would be happy to look at a young couple who can cope with the return and raising of eight children to their feet. Kate Gosselin signed the contract, and the producers got to the point, because a program called "John and Kate Plus 8" blew up the rating table. Millions of people around the world, and not just the people of America who love to watch various television shows, liked the idea of ​​showing the family life of a large family. Kate and John Gosselin became incredibly popular, literally in an instant.

Media pair break

The happiness of the young couple did not last long. Viewers began to notice the detachment of the children's father from the educational process and the tension of Kate herself in the frame. It was obvious that there was a break in the pair, and then the husband completely filed for divorce. Kate Gosselin was very worried about what happened, but fans supported her. The father of the children filed a lawsuit demanding to share the earned $ 10 million equally with his wife, not taking into account their children. By the way, the court has still not satisfied the plaintiff's claim. The public rebelled and put forward two theories about the separation of media characters:

  1. The first assumption was that the young man was simply absorbed in everyday life, in which it was immediately necessary to monitor 8 children.

  2. The second theory was that John, unlike Kate herself, could not cope with the popularity and he was tired of constantly being in the sight of not only television cameras, but also paparazzi lenses.

Be that as it may, the famous couple broke up, and the show was renamed "Kate Plus 8". By the way, this did not diminish the public’s interest in him, on the contrary, many fans increased in the hope of supporting his mother alone.
