
Biography of the leading Anastasia Onoshko

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Biography of the leading Anastasia Onoshko
Biography of the leading Anastasia Onoshko

A beautiful, effective woman, a talented TV presenter, working in tandem with the popular radio host Sergei Dorenko, Anastasia Onoshko. Not so long ago, an excellent marketer, and in her most secret fantasies, could not imagine herself on the same set with such a famous personality. However, her life turned upside down.


The biography of Anastasia Onoshko is quite curious. Her hometown is St. Petersburg. Here she was born, in this city her childhood and youth passed. At a state university, she studied at the faculty of international relations.


After graduating from university in 2000, Anastasia Onoshko continues his education in Moscow, studying for a master's degree at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. This woman, despite her youth, easily mastered four languages ​​- English, French, Italian and Korean. In studying the latter, she was greatly helped by the fact that she was offered a job in Korea, where she lived for a year.

Leading career

The girl was always very interested in the political and social structure of the state, so she often watched political talk shows. She especially liked the communication style of Sergei Dorenko, a popular radio host. When he decided to organize his own radio station and announced a contest for the best co-host, Anastasia Onoshko, for a long time doubting, sent her resume. Dorenko did not call back immediately, only seven days later, when the woman had already lost hope of victory. On the phone, Sergey immediately appreciated the pleasant timbre and competent speech of Nastya and offered her a job.