the culture

"Fight like a fish on ice": the meaning of phraseology and cases of use

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"Fight like a fish on ice": the meaning of phraseology and cases of use
"Fight like a fish on ice": the meaning of phraseology and cases of use

Video: Figures of Speech Demo Video for Grade 5 2024, June

Video: Figures of Speech Demo Video for Grade 5 2024, June

In public transport, you can often hear one person complaining to another about his failures. And to embellish his speech a little, he can use the phraseology “beat like a fish on ice”. The meaning of this statement is quite interesting, and we’ll talk about it today.


Many people, using winged expressions in their speech, do not quite know their interpretation. In order not to fall into an absurd situation, let's look at the meaning of phraseology “to beat like a fish on ice”. Many believe that fish attempts will succeed. But this is not so. The fish that has fallen under the ice will no longer be able to get out of there, at least without assistance. Independent efforts are futile and more useless. Actually, the same meaning applies to life. All useless actions, which are accompanied by strenuous efforts and do not lead to any result, well explain the winged expression.

In many dictionaries, the meaning “to beat like a fish on ice” is interpreted as misery. A family or a single person who is aground can describe their situation with this idiom.

Examples of using


Usually people use their phraseology to describe their work. If the boss is not a great mind man, he can force his subordinates, as in the tale "Alice in Wonderland", paint white roses in red. The stupidity of such an occupation is astounding. A person will make unthinkable efforts, but after the first rain it will be clear that the efforts and time were wasted in vain.

The misuse of phraseology - this will be the case when a person, winning about his incredible efforts, wins. Even if the first attempts were unsuccessful, and the final actions led to a positive result, this still cannot be interpreted as “to beat like a fish on ice”.