
Former homeless man has become the best bus driver in London and he always smiles

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Former homeless man has become the best bus driver in London and he always smiles
Former homeless man has become the best bus driver in London and he always smiles

Video: Once-homeless man becomes London's happiest bus driver 2024, June

Video: Once-homeless man becomes London's happiest bus driver 2024, June

Patrick Lawson's childhood was far from carefree, and when he became an adult, he happened to serve a term in prison. To forget, he used forbidden substances. "A continuous vicious circle from which there will never be a way out, " he thought.


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"In my youth, if I didn’t wander around, I was in prison. Of course, I was not happy with my situation, but I still went and looked for substances to accept them and not think about tomorrow, " he said in an interview that he gave CBS News.

The decision to end the old life came suddenly

Once, once in the hospital after another burnout, he decided to ask the doctors for help. "I felt that I was dying, it was so bad for me. At that moment I thought about my minor children who lived with my mother and whom I had not seen for a very long time. And then I decided that for them I had to fix everything."

Lawson was rehabilitated and determined to find work. He learned about the SHP (Homeless Homeless Project) initiative, which helps homeless people get training in order to get a job.

He already had a driver's license, which gives the right to drive a bus, so he already knew who he would work with. "I was worried that I would not get this job because of my past, but I did not want to start a new life with a lie, so I said directly:" Listen, I'm homeless and I have a criminal record. This is problem?"

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