
Blogger Christina Shelest (Tyumen): age

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Blogger Christina Shelest (Tyumen): age
Blogger Christina Shelest (Tyumen): age

Many people still do not understand the need to take a selfie. Perhaps it looks ridiculous and unnatural from the outside, but Christina Shelest believes that you can make money on it. Those who do not yet know this charming blogger are asked to love and favor. Let's get acquainted.


Who, what, why, and how

With the advent of social networks, most of the time began to be spent on them. With their help, someone is looking for friends, classmates, colleagues, longing for new acquaintances. But unlike others, Christina Shelest in social networks sees only additional income. And, of course, like the others, she tries to show herself and help others.

General information about the girl

Kristina is an ordinary student from Tyumen who dreams of becoming a successful graphic designer. She lives in a hostel, attends a gym, eats properly and has already managed to fall in love.

What did you want to find in social networks?

Like many other girls, Christina Shelest (we will indicate the age of the girl below) is the owner of open pages in social networks. One of her favorites is considered Instagram. It was here that the student decided to publish her first photos.

How did it all start?

According to the heroine, it all started with the banal idea of ​​keeping an online diary. Christina was inspired by a thirty-five-year-old sister. She is married. Does she have children. Despite this, she finds time to take care of herself: she runs in the mornings, does exercises and eats properly. Moreover, she makes sure that other members of her family do the same.

An example of a sister, says Christina Shelest, inspired her. She also decided to lead an active lifestyle and eat right. But in order that every step in nutrition could be controlled, the need arose to keep a diary. In it, the blogger posted a photo of his daily diet.


The goals and objectives of the blogger

Initially, no one planned to make money on publications. According to the girl, keeping a diary helped control her diet, not break down during a diet and track her results. According to Christina Shelest, she could not even imagine that such an approach to modeling her body and losing weight would cause the interest of others.

Others began to subscribe to the girls page. They asked her for advice, praised for self-control, and shared their successes in the fight against excess weight.