
Big Azish cave: description, history and interesting facts

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Big Azish cave: description, history and interesting facts
Big Azish cave: description, history and interesting facts



The Republic of Adygea is completely surrounded by the Krasnodar Territory. The capital is the city of Maykop. The republic is dominated by mixed tourism. People come here to hunt and admire the beauties of the North Caucasus region. On the territory of the republic there is a huge biosphere reserve and a national natural park, unique natural monuments. Hiking, horse riding and mountain trails are very popular.

One of the most popular places is the Lago-Naki plateau, located at an altitude of 2 thousand meters above sea level. The territory of the plateau mostly belongs to the Caucasus Nature Reserve. And these are ecological routes and ski slopes, alpine fields. Relict forests and unique caves, grottoes, especially the mysterious Azish cave.

The plateau itself is located between Mount Messo and the Stone Sea. This is predominantly a limestone stratum of the Jurassic period, cut by streams and small rivers. In some places there are deep, but very narrow canyons with coastal heights of up to 10 meters.


A bit of history

The Azish cave was found and explored only in 1910. The pioneers were local residents, about which they even published an article in a local newspaper. They managed to get inside the cave thanks to the failure, the discoverers created a ladder and went down. According to another version, the pioneers fell into the cave, going down the log.

In 1973, the cave was already included in the list of natural sites that have special value. But the first visitors appeared here only in 1987. This year, researchers have tried to go further. But not a single attempt was successful. Until 1987, everyone came into the cave for free, but against the backdrop of this, many karst deposits were destroyed or damaged, mostly indecent inscriptions. After calculating the damage, it turned out that about 4 thousand stalactites were lost.

Today, the Big Azish cave is fully equipped with convenient descents with fences, albeit steep, and lighting was carried out around the perimeter.



According to the most conservative estimates, the cave is 600 meters long. However, tourists can walk only along the route of 200 meters. This may seem like a short distance, but the whole route consists of multi-level descents (up to 37 meters) with many stalactites and stalagmites.


How is everything going

At first, tourists enter the opening, very reminiscent of a well, which is hidden between fir and beech groves. The descent into the cave is very steep. After that, a view of the huge Entrance Hall or the "Royal" opens. Natural columns here are of unusual size. And the whole hall has chemogenic deposits of karst rock, that is, strewn with stalactites and stalagmites.

Next is the corridor and the next room, where mainly stalagmites are located and it seems that these are majestic statues created by an unknown sculptor, but very similar to those that are installed in Catholic churches. There are also stalactites on the ceiling and walls. This room got its name from the very first visitors - "Altar".

On the lowest floor there is another room - "Bogatyrsky". The shape of the room resembles a cube. The floor in this room resembles catacombs, and the corridor leading to the river narrows significantly. At the very bottom of the Big Azish cave is a small stream Lozovushka. It is believed that its waters have healing properties. Further, only a waterfall ledge disappears in the narrow passages of the cave.

You can get to the last, third, level only for a fee. The price includes uniforms in special clothes, the issuance of a helmet and a flashlight. This is a rocket hall. The room has a domed ceiling with rings of white and pink limestone. The main attraction of this room is the stalagmit "Palm of Desires". Local residents and guides say that if you make the most cherished desire and touch the stone, it will certainly come true.


Small cave

Not far from the Azish cave is Malaya. According to speleologists, it is 66 meters long and 14 meters high. There are much fewer arches in it than in the Bolshoi, but this is a whole complex. Inside found two rooms and calcite dams, stalactites. However, this place is not equipped for tourists.



The Big Azish cave is the underworld of Adygea, for this reason many tourists come here. This natural site will surprise even the most sophisticated tourist with its landscapes. Karst formations several meters in size are majestic and formed mainly in the form of a chain. On the walls - unique relief nateki. It is believed that they formed when the cave was completely flooded, and the water at these sources was rich in calcium carbonate. Over time, under the influence of certain factors, the carbonate turned into a dense crust - flows. Those plates that broke away from the wall formed stalagmites.

Azish cave Lago-Naki is among the top five largest caves in the European continent. And the air in it is healing, it is rich in the content of ions of calcium, sodium and magnesium salts. Inhaling this air is good for people with lung disease. It is clear that in order to achieve a positive therapeutic effect, it will take not one procedure, but many hours of daily walks.


Ambient infrastructure and mode of operation

Today Azish cave is a whole complex located on a vast territory. In front of the cave there are numerous shops with souvenirs, cafes and small catering facilities. In the warmer months, travelers are offered additional entertainment: ATV rides, trails on the ropes between the trees. Within walking distance is an observation deck with a magnificent view of the Caucasus Range.

However, for vacationers who want to enjoy the beauty of the cave in almost complete silence, it is better to come in the spring, that is, out of season. You can get to the object at any time of the year from 9 a.m. to 17:15 p.m. On average, an excursion lasts about 45 minutes. However, it should be remembered that no matter what time of year you come, the inside is always + 6.3 degrees Celsius, so you should take care of warm clothing. Shoes should be comfortable and flat so that the inside is slippery enough. Humidity inside the cave is very high, at the level of 97-98%.

The price of entry to the cave is 400 rubles. Category of difficulty - 2A.


How to get there

Find this place is elementary, Azish cave is located just 500 meters from the highway (Maykop Lagonaki). There are signs everywhere, so driving by fails. The object is located between two equally unique and interesting: the Kurdzhips and Belaya rivers.

If you leave Maykop, then you need to go in the direction of Guzeripl. As soon as the territory of the village of Dakhovskaya ends, you should turn right and drive about 1.5 kilometers. In the place where the rope park will be visible, the entrance to the cave is also located. The road is paved. However, just before the entrance to the cave will have to leave the car, as the road is closed to cars.

You can also get from Maykop by public transport, you should go towards Hamyshek (regular bus service is established in this direction). Drive about 2 hours. An electric train also comes here, go to the Hadzhokh stop, and then transfer to the bus again.

The coordinates of the Azish cave: N 44.1213, E 40.0288.
