
The population of the Ivanovo region: abundance, density, characteristics

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The population of the Ivanovo region: abundance, density, characteristics
The population of the Ivanovo region: abundance, density, characteristics

Video: Population: Abundance and Distribution 2024, July

Video: Population: Abundance and Distribution 2024, July

The regions of Russia differ from each other in history, culture, level of economic development, and geography. And behind this difference, people often stand. What population of the Ivanovo region today provides the development of the region? Demographic characteristics are also an indicator of how people live in the area. We will tell you about what characteristics distinguish the population of the Ivanovo region, what is its number, dynamics, and density.



In the center of the European part of the Russian Federation is one of the smallest regions of the country - Ivanovo. It is located between two Russian rivers: the Volga and Klyazma. The relief of the region is determined by its location; here the plain-lowland landscape prevails. The zone in which the population of the Ivanovo region lives belongs to the temperate continental climate, mixed forests and European taiga meet here. Ecology in the region is quite favorable, but large cities are characterized by moderate pollution. Such geographical and climatic conditions favor an influx of population, but other factors also affect the population.


Settlement history

The first settlements in these places appeared in the 2nd millennium BC. e. But documented residence on this territory of settled people was recorded in the 15th century. Then here passed the Pless border of the Moscow principality. In the future, Russian people safely lived here under the leadership of the Russian monarchs. The region developed safely, in the 17th century industry began to develop here, which leads to the fact that the urban population of the Ivanovo region is growing. However, the traditional forms of management continued to be implemented in the Ivanovo region. By the end of the 19th century, the region has significant economic potential. Here flax cultivation and processing, weaving was widely developed. After the revolution in 1929, the Ivanovo region was first formed. The modern area of ​​the region was designated in 1994.

Administrative division

After 1994, the modern division of the region into administrative entities was determined. Today, the population of the Ivanovo region lives in 21 districts and in 6 cities of regional subordination. The region has 30 cities and 93 rural settlements.


Population dynamics

For the first time, the population of the Ivanovo Region was calculated in 1926. Then almost 1.2 million people lived here. Before the start of perestroika in the country, the region was developing steadily and growing with residents. In 1987, 1.321 million people lived here. But with the beginning of social transformations, there has been a steady decline in the number of Ivanovo residents. At the beginning of 2017, only a little more than 1 million people lived in the region. Even the well-fed years of the beginning of the 21st century did not lead to a demographic breakthrough in the region. This indicates that not everything in the region is safe. Apparently, the social sphere does not meet the requirements of people, and they do not want to have many children and stay in the Ivanovo region for permanent residence.

Population settlement

The Ivanovo region is characterized by a rather high number of urban population, it is 81.3%. This is an all-Russian trend: people from villages go to cities. But for regions of central Russia this indicator is a bit high. The population density of the Ivanovo region is 47.7 people per square. km According to this indicator, the region is in 21st place, which means that people live quite closely and need additional infrastructure. The largest population center of the region is the capital Ivanovo, 400 thousand people live in it. The remaining settlements are much smaller in size, from 80 to 30 thousand people. The largest of them are Kineshma, Shuya and Vichuga.
