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Museums of Moscow: visitor reviews, list, description of expositions

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Museums of Moscow: visitor reviews, list, description of expositions
Museums of Moscow: visitor reviews, list, description of expositions

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A huge number of city residents and Muscovites visit Moscow museums throughout the year. Especially there are many who wish on weekends and holidays, when there is free time in adults, and children have legal breaks in school. According to reviews, museums in Moscow are preparing special programs for children’s holidays, fun and informative at the same time.

And the city department of culture has already compiled a list of museums that will receive visitors for free from January 2 to 8, 1919. Information about some, free and paid, Moscow museums based on visitor reviews.


Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

It is best to start museum trips with boys and curious girls from this museum. It is located on the territory of VDNH in the stylobate of the famous monument to the Conquerors of Space. A flying rocket can be seen from afar, it is impossible to get lost. The monument is made of polished titanium and has a height of 110 meters.

Entrance to the museum is free every third Sunday of the month. But, deciding to visit on such a day, keep in mind that you will have to stand in line. Those wishing to visit the Cosmonautics Museum of Moscow for free, according to visitors, are many.

Of course, the most interesting thing is to begin acquaintance with the exposition of any museum, and even more so narrating about space, as part of an excursion group. Some parents celebrate the holidays of their children. On a birthday, children and friends come here, and after an interesting story they go to feast on goodies.


The exposition is designed in the style of spaceships, as we imagine it from the movies. A lot of mysteriously shiny surfaces of stone and metal, spot lights, spacious halls. There is a small explanation about each item presented, but getting around in one visit is unrealistic. The collection of items related to space exploration is huge. The purpose of this or that equipment is not always even clear.

From the first to the last hall, one can trace the history of man's conquest of outer space: satellites, an ejection container for astronaut dogs, rockets and simulators, modern equipment, many photographs and documents. You will have to come back for details, and maybe more than once.

Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin

Called at the dawn of its existence, the “Museum of Fine Arts”, to this day it maintains this binding name with every exposition and exhibition. There are a lot of reviews about the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. Residents of the city come here more than once, and many guests of the capital consider visiting this temple of art a must. There is always a line in front of the entrance, which you do not often see in the capital now. Museum address: st. Little Wolf, 12.

Before entering the museum, pay attention to the building in which it is located. It was created in the 19th century by truly unique people of its time. Academician R.I. Klein worked on the project, philanthropist Yu.S. Nechaev-Maltsov paid for the construction, the founder of the museum, professor I.V. Tsvetaev (father of the great poetess) supervised the process. The opening took place in 1912.


Expositions are located on two floors in the 31 hall. According to reviews, the Moscow Museum gives visitors the opportunity to navigate through the layout plan of the collections in order to decide what to inspect in the first place. It is impossible to visit all the exhibitions at one time, although there are places for relaxation and a small cafe. There is an opportunity to purchase a ticket for a group tour or walk through the halls with an audio guide.

The premises are in excellent condition. Large areas, tall ceilings allow even large-scale compositions to harmoniously fit into the demonstrated collection of art objects. The distances between the sculptures and paintings are sufficient so that visitors can enjoy viewing without interference from others. In the halls of the museum are works of art of all times and different schools.

Paleontological Museum named after Yu. A. Orlov

Located on Profsoyuznaya Street, 123 and part of a specialized institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Museum of the Evolution of Organic Matter on our planet is the largest among similar museums in the world. In six showrooms, visitors get acquainted with the past of the planet Earth.

The history of the Paleozoic era with the first inhabitants and plants of the planet, the Mesozoic with collections of dinosaurs and birds, the development, modifications of the Cenozoic flora and fauna reveal the secrets of life on Earth.


Ceramic panel "tree of life", which meets members of the Paleontological Museum in Moscow, according to visitors, makes a very strong impression with its scale and content. It completely occupies one of the towers of the building. The author showed a change of eras in the development of the world: life in the seas, access to land, the existence of dinosaurs, the appearance of birds and mammals, and, finally, the appearance of the first man. At 500 square meters. meters, dozens of fauna representatives are made almost life-size.

Moscow City Museum

For those who want to get to know Moscow truly, from the moment of its formation, to trace all the significant events that it had to endure over a centuries-old period, to examine the city from different angles - there is a direct road to Zubovsky Boulevard, 2, to the Provision Warehouse complex. This is the main site of the museum, and the association includes several more branches, which also talk about changing the capital, but in their own way.

Reviews of the Museum of the History of Moscow draw the attention of citizens and visitors to the fact that the expositions telling about the modern life of the capital are constantly changing, as the city itself is changing as well. Temporary exhibitions about Moscow held within these walls are constantly being updated.


The area between the buildings is neat and tidy. For example, when you move to another building, you will be greeted by a janitor in an apron, the one that we now see only on the screen. On the layout of the collections you can choose what will be interesting for you.

Enthusiastic reviews about the Museum of Moscow are caused by the workshops of Masterslavl. In this building are located "Communication Center", "Prodmag", "Mashbyuro" and others. For those unfamiliar with this direction, I’ll explain that, for example, “Communication Center” will introduce children to the past profession of manual switchboard telephony, show equipment for transmitting messages in Morse code, talk about shorthand and cursive writing, and so on. Great attention is paid to working with children, clubs and master classes are being organized. During the New Year holidays, a beautiful performance for children and adults will be shown on the squares of the Museum of Moscow. Andersen's Tales, reviews of which will appear a little later, will begin to gather viewers from December 22.

New Year's performance “Tales of Andersen”

It is infrequently met so that it is not a theatrical miniature, but a full-fledged performance took place within the walls of the city museum. This year, the guys will meet with their old friends: the Snow Queen, Kai and Gerda. By the will of the creator of the play A. Moroz, the heroes of another fairy tale G. H. Andersen, the persistent tin soldier and his beloved ballerina, will also meet with them in the New Year’s performance. Of course, the New Year's fairy tale will tell about the new adventures of the heroes, and about the struggle between good and evil, and that friendship always wins.


A magic performance will also create such a miracle: the children will suddenly become participants in the performance. The border between the stage and the auditorium will disappear, and the guys will get inside the scenery. And a gift to every lover of fairy tales is an old lantern, which will give the opportunity to participate in the performance in full creative force. Reviews about the "Tales of Andersen" in the Museum of Moscow will surely please the organizers of the holiday.

State Museum of Defense of Moscow

On the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, on the people who defended their homeland, their home in every Russian city has signs of memory: memorials, museums, steles. In 1979, such a museum was created in the capital. It tells visitors about the largest and most significant battle of the 40s of the last century near Moscow. Collections of personal items of soldiers who did not spare their lives went under the bullets, threw themselves under the tanks. Household items and labor of those who did everything in the rear so that the front-line soldiers had what to eat and dress, than to shoot. The victory, so important near Moscow, is the sacrificial feat of the entire Soviet people.


Visitors to the Moscow Defense Museum in reviews write about their feelings when they walked through the halls, listening to the guide’s stories about women digging trenches in frozen ground, purged freight wagons in which children were taken to the front, bombing and frightened children, shelters at metro stations. Although the end of this story is known to every resident of our country, at the end of the tour you experience great relief: “That's it! Victory!".

Recommendations of museum visitors to Muscovites and guests of the capital

In the reviews of the Moscow Museum on the defense of the city there are a lot of similar wishes addressed to our fellow citizens. They are intended for those who are entangled in historical events, and sees them through a crooked mirror. The tips are simple: go with your family to the City Defense Museum, and let nothing like this happen to you and your loved ones.

Darwin Museum

Located at: st. Vavilova, 57, and organizing free visits for all comers every third Sunday of the month, deservedly receives the most flattering reviews from the Darwin Museum in Moscow.

He will tell a lot of new things for both adults and children. And to make it even more interesting for your child to go to exhibitions, you can buy a brochure called “Cheerful Museum” below, which will help you to examine the most important exhibits with your questions.


The premises of the museum are located in two buildings: exposition and exhibition. The number of exhibitions is huge, the subjects are very different, they are located on seven floors. Three floors are occupied in the exhibition building for the collection. This is also very much, but in order to be able to navigate in space, room diagrams, signs (or kind staff) are installed.

The first room is the preamble. Here is a story about the founders of the museum, about the first director A.F. Kots, about his like-minded people. An exhibition of personal belongings, an office and books complement the images of the best representatives of the intelligentsia of that time.

And then begins an interesting story about the habitat and about the representatives of the fauna of all continents of the earth.

Museum of the East

He is the largest owner of collections in the East, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. In addition, the collection contains many art objects of the peoples of the North, paintings of N. K. Roerich and S. N. Roerich. His address: 12A Nikitsky Boulevard.


Opened in 1918, it only once stopped working. These were the years of the war, and exhibits were evacuated from the city. Upon returning to the capital, in 1944, the museum reopened its doors.

This collection is for those who love and appreciate oriental art objects, who enjoy looking at a product made with high skill, who simply prefer manual work to factory stamping.

Tea ceremony

In reviews of the Museum of the East of Moscow, the classical tea ceremony held within these walls is necessarily noted. This is not just tea drinking after a walk through the halls of the museum. This is a journey that is carried out by a person deeply immersed in the topic. Not only the variety, the time of collection and drying, the processing and transportation of the tea leaf are important. The temperature of its brewing, the time of contact with water before use, the additives to the sheet are important.

Soft relaxing music, unhurried story of the master, Chinese traditions and signs - go well with bowls of various teas.

Gem Museum

The museum, located on 42 People’s Militia Street, has deep historical roots. His exposition did not appear suddenly, it was formed for many decades and was replenished with the results of expeditionary research of more than one generation of specialists.


The incredible beauty of the ornamental stones and gems laid out on the windows and professionally highlighted cause delight and surprise. According to visitors' reviews, the treasures of the museum in Moscow resemble the magical possessions of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Crystals of 40-50 kilograms, placers of crystal, pyrites, amethysts and other stones are located on five floors of the exhibition rooms.