
Bonnie and Clyde: the cats created an alliance, and now they own Christchurch Cathedral Square

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Bonnie and Clyde: the cats created an alliance, and now they own Christchurch Cathedral Square
Bonnie and Clyde: the cats created an alliance, and now they own Christchurch Cathedral Square

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When the moon rises over Cathedral Square, two local cats, Bonnie and Clyde, living in the ruins of the ancient majestic and today ruined Christ Church Cathedral, emerge from the shadows to explore the central business district of the English city of Christchurch.

First meeting


Bonnie didn't like Clyde at first. He tried to take one of her favorite sleeping places at the police stall, so cats often clashed and even fought with each other. However, soon the cats got used to each other and began to coexist peacefully.


“It was dangerous enough, ” said Dr. Jane Newman, founder of the Redzonecats organization, which watched through a camera. “Clyde has become a pretty aggressive and angry boy.”


Bonnie is a playful tortie cat, and Clyde is the "dominant fluffy black cat." They are the only remaining cats living in an earthquake-shattered cathedral. At night, they roam the area, guarding the habitat from other cats.


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“They formed an alliance, and now they own the square, ” Newman said. “None of them have a microchip implanted, so today these cats can be considered homeless.”

The free life of two cats


“Both animals have territory that extends beyond Cathedral Square, and they both actively prevent other cats from visiting their lands.”

After seven years of staring at homeless cats, Newman said Bonnie and Clyde are “unusual.” Animals spend so much time together and created a stable pair. Local veterinarians recently sterilized Bonnie, now the problem with possible kittens is completely resolved. Also, for these two cats a special feeder was installed, which is replenished every month. Animals always have good food, and they live free. What could be better.